Scientific Program

The School Program can be downloaded here as a PDF file.


Mini-Course Lectures

The school SPSAS-HighAstro will firstly contain Mini-Courses (Lectures) of 3 hours each that will cover six fundamental topics.

Key Talks

SPSAS-HighAstro will secondly include Review Lectures (Key Talks) of 1.30 hours each, to complement the fundamental topics discussed in the mini-course lectures.

Invited Talks

SPSAS-HighAstro will thirdly include Invited Talks, each lasting from 45 min to 1 hour. These will focus on the CTA project and the science that will be developed for the CTA, as well as other aspects of high-energy astrophysics, non-thermal processes, and multi-messengers in the Universe.

Hands-On Activities

Finally, there will be Hands-On Activities during the afternoon sessions for providing the participants with practical training. Students will perform theoretical exercises, and simulations of the detection and treatment of gamma-ray data using the tools employed in the FERMI and CTA collaborations, as well as numerical simulations of MHD processes in high-energy astrophysical sources. The coordinators of these hands-on activities will be:

Two of the Hands-On activities: II and V, will take place in the same Lecture Hall - Auditorium G.

The other four Hands-On activities: I, III, IV and VI, will take place in 4 computer laboratories after an introduction in the Lecture Hall. The participants will be divided into 4 groups, each assigned to one of the computer room. The following persons will be present as monitors in the computer rooms to invigilate the activities:


SPSAS-HighAstro will include poster sessions with the presentation of the works of the participating students. Poster abstracts can be submitted during Registration.


There will be technical visits on Saturday (27 May 2017) to the laboratories LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratoy) and INPE (National Institute of Space Research). Further details will be posted soon.


Participants will receive a certificate from the Universidade de São Paulo/IAG-USP acknowledging their participation in the SPSAS-HighAstro School, provided that they attend all the sessions of the program described above through all the days.