High Energy and Plasma Astrophysics Group of IAG/USP (GAPAE)

Most of the visible matter in the Universe is in a plasma state, or more specifically is composed of ionized or partially ionized gas permeated by magnetic fields. 
My group develops several correlated studies employing theoretical and numerical magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) description to investigate astrophysical plasmas and high energy phenomena. Our multi-dimensional MHD numerical simulations employ high performance computing (HPC) with sophisticated codes on studies of:
My group is also involved in the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) , an international collaboration aiming at the construction of a new generation of  gamma ray telescopes - an array of 120 Cherenkov telescopes - which will provide the deepest insight into the non-thermal high-energy Universe ever reached with significant contributions to cosmology, astrophysics, astroparticle physics, and physics beyond the standard model. 
My group has obtained funding from FAPESP for the construction of the ASTRI - a Mini-Array of 9 Cherenkov telescopes - in partnership with the Italian and South African teams of the CTA. The MINI-ARRAY will be the CTA PRECURSOR, to be deployed by the end of 2017, around which the big array will grow later.


Cherenkov Telescope Array
 Luis Kadowaki, PhD student, IAG-USP, (CNPq) 2011-
 William Eduardo Clavijo Bohórquez, Master student IFUSP (CNPq) 2016-

 Tania Medina Torrejon, PhD student IFUSP,  2016-
 Claudio Melioli, IAG-USP, Postdoctoral Fellow (FAPESP) 2012-2016 (concluded)
 Chandra Singh, IAG-USP, Postdoctoral Fellow, FAPESP, 2013-
 Pankaj Kushwaha, IAG-USP, Postdoctoral Fellow, FAPESP, 2016-


 Behrouz Khiali (CNPq)  Universidade de São Paulo 2015. Currently postdoc at CERN, Switzerland 

Gustavo Rocha da Silva (co-advisoring CNPq) Universidade de São Paulo 2014. Postdoc at Princeton University (2015); Currently Professor at Universidade Mackenzie
Reinaldo Santos de Lima (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2013. Postdoc at University of Postdam and at DESY, Germany 
MARIA VICTORIA DEL VALLE (co-advisoring CNPq-TWAS) Universidade de São Paulo and Universidad de la Plata, Argentina, 2014. Currently  postdoc at University of Postdam, Germany 
Marcia Regina Moreira Leão (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2012; postdoc at UniCamp
GUSTAVO ANDRES GUERRERO (CNPq) Universidade de São Paulo 2009. Postdoc at NORDITA, Sweden; CalTech, USA. Currently professor at Universidade de Minas Gerais
Cristian Giovani Bernal (co-advisoring CNPq) Universidade de São Paulo and Universidad Autonoma de Mexico)  2009. Postdoc at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
CLAUDIO MELIOLI (CNPq) Universidade de São Paulo 2006. Postodoc at University of Bologna, Italy; IAG-Universidade de São Paulo
Cristian R. Ghezzi (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2002. Professor at Universidade Nacional del Sur, Argentina
ADRIANO HOTH CERQUEIRA (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2001. Professor at Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), Bahia



Luis Henrique Sinki Kadowaki (CNPq) Universidade de São Paulo 2011
 Fernanda Gadeia Geraissate (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2010 
 Pamela de Paula Piovezan (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo  2008 
 Márcia Regina Moreira Leão (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2007
 Marcelle Soares Santos (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 2006. Research Associate at FERMILAB Center for Particle Astrophysics, USA
 Adriano Hoth Cerqueira (FAPESP) Universidade de São Paulo 1996. Professor at Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), Bahia

 Reinaldo Santos de Lima (FAPESP) 2015. Currently postdoc at University of Postdam and DESY, Germany

 Gustavo Andres Guerrero (FAPESP) 2014. Currently professor at Universidade de Minas Gerais
 CLAUDIO MELIOLI (FAPESP)  2016. Currently Researcher at University of Bologna
 Maria Soledad Nakwacki (FAPESP)  2013. Currently Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Grzegorz Kowal (FAPESP)  2013. Currently Professor at UniCSul, São Paulo
 Ericson Lopez (CNPq) 2003. Currently Director of Observatorio de Quito, Equador
 Ricardo Dominguez Gonzalez (FAPESP) 2005. Currently Professor at Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)