Precision Spectroscopy 2018
10-11 September 2018, São Paulo, Brazil


The Worshop will be held in Auditório 2
September 10, 2018 - Monday

12:00 - 14:00: Registration
14:00 - 14:20: Opening

Session 1: Chair André Milone
14:20 - 14:55: Diego Lorenzo de Oliveira (IAG-USP | Brazil)
From minutes to millennia: The solar-stellar magnetic variability
14:55 - 15:15: MatÍas R. DÍaz (Universidad de Chile | Chile)
Deriving Iodine-free spectra for high-resolution spectrographs
15:15 - 15:22: Eduardo Machado Pereira (OV-UFRJ | Brazil)
New Chromospherically Young and Kinematically Old objects CYKOs candidates
15:22 - 15:57: Felipe de Almeida Fernandes (OV-UFRJ | Brazil)
Stellar ages: combination between isochronal and kinematical method for improved precision
16:00 - 16:30: Coffee Break

Session 2: Chair Marilia Carlos
16:30 - 16:50: Patricia Cruz (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Low-mass eclipsing binaries from the WTS in a radius inflation scenario
16:50 - 17:10: Fabian Marcel Menezes (CRAAM | Brazil)
The Subterahertz Sun: Equatorial and Polar Radii from SST and ALMA
17:10 - 17:45: Jhon Yana Galarza (IAG-USP | Brazil)
The effect of stellar activity on the stellar parameters of the young solar twin HIP36515
17:45 - 17:52: Micheli Trindade Moura (IFPR | Brazil)
Determinação de parâmetros espectrais para estrelas FGK: HARPS GTO
17:52 - 17:59: Vinicius Branco Silva (IAG-USP | Brazil)
An analysis of CH molecular lists for the Sun and Arcturus spectra
17:59 - 18:19: Geisa Ponte (OV-UFRJ | Brazil)
Mapping biases in spectroscopic analyses and atmospheric parameters in solar twin stars
18:30: Welcome Cocktail

September 11, 2018 - Tuesday

Session 3:Chair Jorge Meléndez
10:00 - 10:35: Henrique Reggiani (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Galactic Chemical Evolution: Models and observations
10:35 - 11:10: Marilia Carlos (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Galactic Chemical Evolution and the Mg isotopic abundances
11:10 - 11:30: Lorenzo Spina (Monash University | Australia)
The outer disk: a distinct component in our Galaxy?
11:30 - 12:05: André Milone (INPE | Brazil)
Thorium in solar twins: implications for habitability in rocky planets
12:05 - 14:00: Almoço

Session 4: Chair Henrique Reggiani
14:00 - 14:20: Rafael Botelho (INPE | Brazil)
Extracting abundance of thorium in solar twins from a multi-species blend in high resolution
14:20 - 14:40: Raphael Augusto Pereira de Oliveira (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Multiple Populations Analysis of Six Bulge Globular Clusters using the HST UV Legacy Survey
14:40 - 15:00: Marilia Carlos (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Review: Lithium depletion in solar twins
15:00 - 15:20: Thayse Adineia Pacheco (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Characterization of solar twin blue straggler candidates
15:20 - 15:27: Geisa Ponte (OV-UFRJ | Brazil)
Searching for solar twin candidates in distant open clusters with Gemini/GMOS
15:27 - 16:02: Jorge Meléndez (IAG-USP | Brazil)
Towards Earth 2.0: a pilot project with ESPRESSO at the VLT/ESO
16:02 - 16:30: Coffee Break

Session 5: Chair Diego Lorenzo de Oliveira
16:30 - 17:05: Adriana Valio (CRAAM | Brazil)
Stellar activity and its impact on orbiting planets
17:05 - 17:12: Pedro Henrique Nogueira (ON | Brazil)
Detecting a population of planets around Kepler's faintest stars
17:12 - 17:32: Walter Silva Martins-Filho (ON | Brazil)
Independent Component Analysis applied to Ground-based Observations of Exoplanets
17:32 - 17:39: Laerte Andrade (UEPG | Brazil)
The discovery of exoplanet candidates using CoRoT chromatic light curves
17:39 - 17:59: Lorenzo Spina (Monash University | Australia)
Do stars swallow their planets?
17:59 - 18:19: Aline Ramos Ribeiro (OV-UFRJ | Brazil)
Formation and Destruction of Molecules in the Atmosphere of Titan
18:04 - 18:15: Closure

We are on Twitter: @PrecisionSpec