Jorge Melendez (Peruvian Astronomy - Chemical Abundances - Solar Twins) Português: | Pesquisa | Orientação | Projeto FAPESP | Astronomia USP | Links | Astro Peru | Fotos |

Research / Pesquisa

Sou Professor Doutor do Departamento de Astronomia da USP desde Julho de 2010. Atualmente estou estudando as propriedades físicas de estrelas frias (tipo F, G, K, M) e a sua composição química, para entender melhor a evolução de elementos químicos no Universo. Também estudo estrelas gêmeas do Sol e estrelas com planetas. Interessado em fazer iniciação científica ou pós-graduação? Consulte aqui.

I am a Professor at the Astronomy Department of the Univ. São Paulo since July 2010. I'm currently working on the physical properties and chemical abundances of cool (FGKM) stars, to better understand the evolution of the Chemical Elements in the Universe. I'm also studying solar twins and stars with planets. Would you like to join our group as a student or postdoc? Check here.


61 refereed journal papers / 61 artigos em revistas arbitradas
1817 citations to refereed journals / 1817 citações a artigos arbitrados
30 citations per paper / 30 citações por artigo arbitrado
h-index = 26

·   Here is my CV

·  Meu C.V. (Português)


Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Chemical Composition of Stars, Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Parameters, Metal-Poor Stars, Stars with Planets, Solar Twins, Habitability, Stellar populations, Stellar evolution.

Martin Asplund (Chemical Abundances, 3D models, NLTE), Ivan Ramirez (Fundamental Stellar Parameters, Solar Twins, Planetary signatures), Alan Alves Brito (Abundances in Giant Stars, GCs), David Yong (Fluorine, isotopes, cool dwarfs, halo), Luca Casagrande (Fundamental Stellar Parameters, solar twins, M dwarfs), Michael Bazot (Solar twins, Seismic Analysis of 18 Sco), Bengt Gustafsson (Solar twins), Beatriz Barbuy (Chemical Abundances in Bulge GCs), Judy Cohen (Globular Clusters, Mg isotopes, Fluorine), Paula Coelho (Spectral synthesis); William Schuster (Solar twins), Giancarlo Pace (Chromospheric activity), Bruno Castilho (Observations), Maria Bergemann (NLTE), Amanda Karakas (Nucleosynthesis), Damian Fabbian (Phosphorus),

Saskia Hekker (Red giants), Nataliya Shchukina (NLTE Oxygen and Iron Abundances), Jose Robles, Katie Dodds-Eden (Solar twins), Hanumant Sawant and ''Guga'' Fernandes (Solar Bursts), Matthieu Castro (Models), José-Dias do Nascimento (Solar Twins).


·  The Effective Temperature Scale of FGK Stars. I. Determination of Temperatures and Angular Diameters with the Infrared Flux Method, I. Ramírez & J. Meléndez 2005, ApJ, 626, 446 (Outdated for dwarfs, check now Casagrande et al. 2010, A&A, 512, A54)

·  The Effective Temperature Scale of FGK Stars. II. Teff/color/[Fe/H] calibrations, I. Ramírez & J. Meléndez 2005, ApJ, 626, 465  (Outdated for dwarfs, check now Casagrande et al. 2010, A&A, 512, A54)

·  BC for Solar Metallicity Dwarfs: (Melendez, Dodds-Eden & Robles 2006, ApJ, 641, L133)


·  Line list of atomic lines in the near infrared J and H bands (Melendez & Barbuy 1999)

·  gf-values for Fe II lines (Melendez et al. 2006, ApJ 642, 1082; complete list in Melendez & Barbuy 2009, A&A, 497, 611)


·  HIP 56948 (HD 101364) : A Solar Twin with a Low Lithium Abundance (Melendez & Ramirez 2007, ApJ, 669, L89)

·  HD 98618: A Star Closely Resembling the Sun (Melendez, Dodds-Eden & Robles 2006, ApJ, 641, L133)

·  Potential chemical signatures of terrestrial planets: Melendez et al. 2009, ApJ Letters, 704, L66; Ramirez et al. 2009, A&A Letters, 508, L17; Ramirez et al. 2010, A&A, 521, A33

·  Photometry of solar twins in the uvby-beta system: Melendez et al. 2010, A&A, in press



· Stellar parameters of 6000 stars (Melendez 2011)

· Fluorine abundances (Yong, Melendez, et al. 2011)

· A new record on chemical abundance accuracy (Melendez et al. 2011)

· Li-6 in halo stars (Asplund & Melendez 2008; Asplund & Melendez 2011?)

· Seismic modelling of the solar twin 18 Sco (Bazot et al. 2011)

· Infrared spectroscopy of GCs (Alves-Brito, Melendez, et al. 2011)

· Mg isotopes in halo dwarfs (2012?)


·  Arcturus Infrared Atlas (1-2 um), (2-2.5um)

·  Solar Infrared Atlas (Wallace et al.) (1.1-2.5 um)

    NaI D lines

·  5889.950 (stronger) and 5895.924 Å : delta = 5.97 Å

·  5892.87 (Ni+Fe) Å : delta = 2.92 Å


E-mail: NO_SPAM_jorge AT

Last updated: 8-4-2011