FAPESP project on solar type stars and planets

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Mimha pesquisa sobre a "Influência da formação de planetas na composição química de estrelas do tipo solar" é apoiada pela FAPESP, Auxilio Regular 2010/17510-3, de 01/04/2011 a 31/03/2013.

My research on the "Influence of planet formation in the chemical composition of solar type stars" is being funded by FAPESP, project 2010/17510-3, from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2013.

  Seminars (Seminarios):

18/7/2011, 14h, Sala A305
- Alan Alves-Brito, on Chemical Evolution from Giant Stars
29/6/2011, 14h, Auditorio 2, IAG/USP
- Luca Casagrande, on revision of GCS and implications for Galactic Archeology
- L

  Visitors (Visitantes):

10/7/2011 - 26/7/2011
- Alan Alves-Brito (PUC, Chile)
26/6/2011 - 3/7/2011
- Luca Casagrande, Patrick Baummann (MPA, Germany)

E-mail: NO_SPAM_jorge AT astro.iag.usp.br

Last updated: 18-07-2011