Chapter 6. Viewing Reports

This chapter describes how to generate and view the following reports:

About Reports

ESP generates reports based on parameters that you specify through the Web-based interface or command line interface.

In single system manager mode, ESP generates reports from the data that is stored in the ESP database on the local system. In system group manager mode, ESP generates reports from the information that is stored in the ESP database on the group manager system.

Figure 6-1 shows an example report generated by the Web-based interface. Figure 6-2 shows an example report generated by the Web-based interface in printable format.

Figure 6-1. Example Report (Web-based Interface)

Figure 6-1 Example Report (Web-based Interface)

Figure 6-2. Example Report (Web-based Interface Printable Format)

Figure 6-2 Example Report (Web-based Interface Printable Format)

If you use the Web-based interface to generate and view reports, there are several controls that you can use to navigate the reports. (Refer to Table 6-1.)

Table 6-1. Report Navigation Controls




Select the number of report entries (records) to show on a page


Select the software application to view in a software inventory report

Activate the selected menu options.

Display the report in the printable format that shows an ASCII table with all report entries

Expand all rows in the table to show subcomponents of each row

Contract all rows in the table to show only the top-level components

Contract the current row

Expand the current row to show all subcomponents of the component shown in the row

Go to the last page of report

Go to the next page of the report

Go to the previous page of the report

Go to the first page of the report

Sort by this column ascending.

Sort by this column descending.

Figure 6-3 shows an example report generated by the command line interface.

Figure 6-3. Example Report (Command Line Interface)

Figure 6-3 Example Report (Command Line Interface)

Events Registered Reports

Event registered reports show all events that ESP has registered within a specific time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate an events registered report in single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Events button.

    The interface displays the Event Reports window. (Refer to Figure 6-4.)

    Figure 6-4. Event Reports Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-4 Event Reports Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Select the event classes that the report should include.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-5 shows an example event report.

    Figure 6-5. Example Events Registered Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-5 Example Events Registered Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-2 describes the information that the report contains.

Table 6-2. Events Registered Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number within the table


The class that contains the event

Tip: Click on an event class to view a report of all occurrences of events in that class.

Event Description

Brief description of the event

Tip: Click on an event description to view a report of all occurrences of that event.

First Occurrence

Date and time at which the event was first registered

Tip: Click on the occurrence date to view the logbook entry for that date.

Last Occurrence

Date and time at which the event was last registered

Tip: Click on the occurrence date to view the logbook entry for that date.

Event Count

Number of times that the event occurred

Syslog message

Message from SYSLOG that generated the event

[a] This column appears only if a report shows events from more than one class.

To “drill down” a report that contains events from multiple classes to find specific information about an event, perform the following procedure:

  1. Click on the Class name.

    The interface displays information about events from the class that were registered. (Refer to Figure 6-6.)

    Figure 6-6. Events Registered in a Specific Class (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-6 Events Registered in a Specific Class (Single System Manager Mode)

  2. Click on the Event Description for the event.

    The interface displays all occurrences of the event. (Refer to Figure 6-7.)

    Figure 6-7. All Occurrences of a Specific Event (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-7 All Occurrences of a Specific Event (Single System Manager Mode)

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate an events registered report in system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Events button.

    The interface displays the Event Reports For System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-8.)

    Figure 6-8. Event Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-8 Event Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Select the systems to include in the report.

  5. Click on the Continue button.

    The interface displays the list of classes. (Refer to Figure 6-9.)

    Figure 6-9. Event Reports Window with List of Classes (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-9 Event Reports Window with List of Classes (System Group Manager Mode)

  6. Select the event classes to include in the report.

  7. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-10 shows an example events registered report.

    Figure 6-10. Example Events Registered Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-10 Example Events Registered Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-3 describes the information that the report contains.

Table 6-3. Events Registered Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number within the table

Class [a]

The class that contains the event

Tip: Click on an event class to view a report of all occurrences of events in that class.

Event Description

Brief description of the event

Tip: Click on an event description to view a report of all occurrences of that event.

First Occurrence

Date and time at which the event was first registered

Tip: Click on the occurrence date to view the logbook entry for that date.

Last Occurrence

Date and time at which the event was last registered

Tip: Click on the occurrence date to view the logbook entry for that date.

Event Count

Number of times that the event occurred

System Name [b]

Client system on which the event occurred

[a] This column appears only when reports contain more than one event class.

[b] This column appears only on SGM systems when reports contain more than one system.

To “drill down” a report to find specific information about an event, perform the following procedure:

  1. Click on the Class name.

    The interface displays information about events from the class that were registered. (Refer to Figure 6-11.)

    Figure 6-11. Events Registered in a Specify Class (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-11 Events Registered in a Specify Class (System Group Manager Mode)

  2. Click on the Event Description for the event.

    The interface displays all occurrences of the event. (Refer to Figure 6-12.)

    Figure 6-12. All Occurrences of a Specific Event (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-12 All Occurrences of a Specific Event (System Group Manager Mode)

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view an events registered report:

/usr/sbin/espreport events  [-sysid <system id>| -host <hostname>]
                            [-from mm/dd/yyyy] [-to mm/dd/yyyy]
                            [-tid <type id>  | -td <type desc>]
                            [-cid <class id>  | -cd <class desc>]

On group manager systems, use the -sysid or -host options to select a specific system to include in the report. If you do not specify a system, the report contains events from the local host.

Note: Enter /usr/sbin/esreport sysinfo all to determine the <system id> value.

Use the -from and -to options to select the range of dates for the report. If you do not specify a range of dates, the report, the report contains all events that have been registered.

Use the -tid and -td options to select a specific event type. If you do not specify an event type, the report includes all events.

Actions Taken Reports

Actions taken reports show all actions that ESP performed within a specific time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate an actions taken report in single system manager mode.

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Actions button.

    The interface displays the Action Reports window. (Refer to Figure 6-13.)

    Figure 6-13. Action Reports Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-13 Action Reports Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-14 shows an example actions taken report.

    Figure 6-14. Example Actions Taken Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-14 Example Actions Taken Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-4 describes the information that the report contains.

Table 6-4. Actions Taken Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)




Index number in the table


Class of the event to which the action is assigned

Event Description

Description of the event to which the action is assigned


Time and date at that the action was taken

Action Taken

Description of the command that the action performed

Tip: Click on an action to view the parameter settings for the action.

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate an actions taken report in system group manager mode.

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Actions button.

    The interface displays the Actions Report For System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-15.)

    Figure 6-15. Actions Report for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-15 Actions Report for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Select the systems to include in the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-16 shows an example actions taken report.

    Figure 6-16. Example Actions Taken Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-16 Example Actions Taken Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-5 describes the information that the report contains.

Table 6-5. Actions Taken Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)




Index number in the table


Class of the event to which the action is assigned

Event Description

Description of the event to which the action is assigned


Time and date at that the action was taken

Action Taken

Description of the command that the action performed

Tip: Click on an action to view the parameter settings for the action.

System Name[b]

Client system on which the event occurred

[a] This column appears only when reports contain more than one event class.

[b] This column appears only on SGM systems when reports contain more than one system.

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view an actions taken report:

/usr/sbin/espreport action_taken 
                    [-sysid <system id> | -host <hostname>]
                    [-from mm/dd/yyyy] [-to mm/dd/yyyy]

Use the -sysid or -host options to select a specific system to include in the report. If you do not specify a system, the report contains actions from the local host.

Note: Enter /usr/sbin/esreport sysinfo all to determine the <system id> value.

Use the -from and -to options to select the range of dates for the report. If you do not specify a range of dates, the report displays all actions that have been taken.

Availability Reports

Availability reports provide statistics about system availability from a specified time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate availability reports in single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Availability button.

    The interface displays the Availability Reports window. (Refer to Figure 6-17.)

    Figure 6-17. Availability Reports Window (Single System Mode)

    Figure 6-17 Availability Reports Window (Single System Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-18 shows an example availability report.

    Figure 6-18. Example Availability Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-18 Example Availability Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-6 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-6. Single System Availability Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)




Information about any unscheduled downtime events: count, downtime due to the event (in minutes), mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage


Information about scheduled downtime events: count, downtime caused by the service action (in minutes), mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage

Tip: Click on the link to view a report of all scheduled availability events that ESP registered during the time period.

Scheduled and Unscheduled

Information about the total downtime for scheduled and unscheduled downtime: count, downtime (in minutes) caused by the action, mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage

Tip: Click on the link to view a report of all scheduled and unscheduled availability events that ESP registered during the time period.

Average uptime

Average uptime between availability events

Least uptime

Shortest uptime between availability events

Most uptime

Longest uptime between availability events

Average downtime

Average downtime

Least downtime

Shortest downtime

Most downtime

Longest downtime

Logging started at

Date and time that ESP began monitoring availability events

Last boot at

Date and time of last system boot

System has been up for

Length of time that system has been powered up since last system boot

All registered availability events

Link to a table of all availability events that ESP registered during the specified time period

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate availability reports in system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Availability button.

    The interface displays the Availability Reports For System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-19.)

    Figure 6-19. Availability Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-19 Availability Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Select the systems to include in the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-20 shows an example availability report for a specific host.

    Figure 6-20. Example Availability Report for a Specific Host (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-20 Example Availability Report for a Specific Host (System Group Manager Mode)

    Table 6-7 describes the contents of the report.

    Table 6-7. Single System Availability Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)




    Information about any unscheduled downtime events: count, downtime due to the event (in minutes), mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage


    Information about scheduled downtime events: count, downtime caused by the service action (in minutes), mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage

    Tip: Click on the link to view a report of all scheduled availability events that ESP registered during the time period.

    Scheduled and Unscheduled

    Information about the total downtime for scheduled and unscheduled downtime: count, downtime (in minutes) caused by the action, mean time between interrupts (in minutes), and availability percentage

    Tip: Click on the link to view a report of all scheduled and unscheduled availability events that ESP registered during the time period.

    Average uptime

    Average uptime between availability events

    Least uptime

    Shortest uptime between availability events

    Most uptime

    Longest uptime between availability events

    Average downtime

    Average downtime

    Least downtime

    Shortest downtime

    Most downtime

    Longest downtime

    Logging started at

    Date and time that ESP began monitoring availability events

    Last boot at

    Date and time of last system boot

    System has been up for

    Length of time that system has been powered up since last system boot

    All registered availability events

    Link to a table of all availability events that ESP registered during the specified time period

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view an availability report:

/usr/sbin/espreport availability 
                       [-sysid <system id>|-host <hostname>]
                       [-from mm/dd/yyyy] [-to mm/dd/yyyy]

Use the -sysid or -host options to select a specific system to include in the report. If you do not specify a system, the report contains availability information from the local host.

Use the -from and -to options to select the range of dates for the report. If you do not specify a range of dates, the report contains all information up to the current date.

Diagnostic Result Reports

If you use the diagnostics that are included in the Internal Support Tools 2.0 or later releases, ESP generates diagnostic results reports.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a diagnostic results report in single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Diagnostics button.

    The interface displays the Diagnostic Results window. (Refer to Figure 6-21.)

    Figure 6-21. Diagnostic Results Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-21 Diagnostic Results Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. If you are using system group manager mode, select the systems to include in the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-22 shows an example diagnostic results report.

    Figure 6-22. Example Diagnostic Results Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-22 Example Diagnostic Results Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-8 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-8. Diagnostic Results Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number within the table

Diagnostic Name

Name of the diagnostic

When one or more tests run as a group under one program (for example, SVP), the total number of tests run is shown in parentheses next to the diagnostic name; for example:

SVP (86) indicates that 86 tests ran under SVP

Diagnostic Result

Result of the diagnostic: PASS, FAIL, or COMPLETE

PASS indicates that the diagnostic completed successfully

FAIL indicates that the diagnostic failed

COMPLETE indicates that multiple tests ran and one or more of them failed and the others passed

Diagnostic Result Time

Time at which the diagnostic completed testing

When multiple tests run under one diagnostic (for example, SVP), this column indicates the time at which all tests completed

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a diagnostic results report in system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Diagnostics button.

    The interface displays the Diagnostic Results window. (Refer to Figure 6-23.)

    Figure 6-23. Diagnostic Results Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-23 Diagnostic Results Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  4. Specify the systems to include in the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-24 shows an example diagnostic results report.

    Figure 6-24. Example Diagnostic Results Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-24 Example Diagnostic Results Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-9 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-9. Diagnostic Results Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number within the table

Diagnostic Name

Name of the diagnostic

When one or more tests run as a group under one program (for example, SVP), the total number of tests run is shown in parentheses next to the diagnostic name; for example:

SVP (86) indicates that 86 tests ran under SVP

Diagnostic Result

Result of the diagnostic: PASS, FAIL, or COMPLETE

PASS indicates that the diagnostic completed successfully

FAIL indicates that the diagnostic failed

COMPLETE indicates that multiple tests ran and one or more of them failed and the others passed

Diagnostic Result Time

Time at which the diagnostic completed testing

When multiple tests run under one diagnostic (for example, SVP), this column indicates the time at which all tests completed

System Name

Client system on which the action was taken

Using the Command Line Interface

Diagnostic reports are not available from the command line interface.

Hardware Reports

There are two types of hardware reports:

  • Hardware inventory reports

  • Hardware changes reports

Hardware Inventory Reports

Hardware inventory reports show all hardware installed in a system at a specific date and time.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a hardware inventory report in single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Hardware button.

    The interface displays the Hardware Inventory Report window. (Refer to Figure 6-25.)

    Figure 6-25. Hardware Inventory Report Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-25 Hardware Inventory Report Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the date and time of the hardware inventory that you want to view.

  4. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-26 shows an example hardware inventory report.

    Figure 6-26. Example Hardware Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-26 Example Hardware Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-10 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-10. Hardware Inventory Report Contents

Column Heading



Index number within the table

Part Name

Name of the part


Location where the part is installed

Part Number

Part number for the part

Serial Number

Serial number of the part


Revision level of the part

Installation Date

Date that the part was installed

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a hardware inventory report in system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Hardware button.

    The interface displays the Hardware Inventory Reports for System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-27.)

    Figure 6-27. Hardware Inventory Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-27 Hardware Inventory Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  3. Specify the date and time of the hardware inventory that you want to view.

  4. Specify the system for the hardware inventory that you want to view.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-28 shows an example hardware inventory report.

    Figure 6-28. Example Hardware Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-28 Example Hardware Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-11 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-11. Hardware Inventory Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number within the table

Part Name

Name of the part


Location where the part is installed

Part Number

Part number for the part

Serial Number

Serial number of the part


Revision level of the part

Installation Date

Date that the part was installed

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following command to view a hardware inventory report:

configmon -h

Hardware Changes Reports

Hardware changes reports show all hardware that has been installed or deinstalled with a specified time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a hardware changes report from single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Hardware button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the History of Hardware window. (Refer to Figure 6-29.)

    Figure 6-29. History of Hardware Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-29 History of Hardware Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-30 shows an example hardware changes report.

    Figure 6-30. Example Hardware Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-30 Example Hardware Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-12 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-12. Hardware Changes Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number in the table

Part Name

Name of the part


Location of the part

Serial Number

Serial number of the part

Part Number

Part number of the part


Revision level of the part

Install Date/Time

Date and time that the part was installed in the location

Removal Date/Time

Date and time that the part was removed from the location

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a hardware changes report from system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Hardware button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the Hardware Changes Report For System window. (Refer to Figure 6-31.)

    Figure 6-31. Hardware Changes Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-31 Hardware Changes Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-32 shows an example hardware changes report.

    Figure 6-32. Example Hardware Changes Report (Single Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-32 Example Hardware Changes Report (Single Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-13 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-13. Hardware Changes Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number in the table

Part Name

Name of the part


Location of the part

Serial Number

Serial number of the part

Part Number

Part number of the part


Revision level of the part

System Name

System on which the part is located

Install Date/Time

Date and time that the part was installed in the location

Remove Date/Time

Date and time the part was removed from the location

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view a hardware changes report:

/usr/sbin/espreport hwchanges    
                         [-sysid <system id> | -host <host name>]
                         [-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]

Use the -from and -to options to specify a range of dates. If you do not use these options, the report includes all available data.

Software Reports

There are two types of software reports:

  • System inventory reports

  • System changes reports

Software Inventory Reports

Software inventory reports show all software installed on a system at a specific date and time.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a software inventory report from single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Software button.

  3. Click on the Inventory button.

    The interface displays the Software Inventory Report window. (Refer to Figure 6-33.)

    Figure 6-33. Software Inventory Report Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-33 Software Inventory Report Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the date and time of the software inventory that you want to view.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-34 shows an example software inventory report.

    Figure 6-34. Example Software Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-34 Example Software Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Table 6-14 describes the contents of the report.

    Table 6-14. Software Inventory Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

    Column Heading



    Index number within the table

    Software Name

    Name of the software application


    Version number of the software application

    Installation Date

    Date on which the software application was installed

    Software Description

    Brief description of the software

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a software inventory report from system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Software button.

  3. Click on the Inventory button.

    The interface displays the Software Inventory Reports for System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-35.)

    Figure 6-35. Software Inventory Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-35 Software Inventory Reports for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the date and time of the software inventory that you want to view.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-36 shows an example software inventory report.

    Figure 6-36. Example Software Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-36 Example Software Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Table 6-15 describes the contents of the report.

    Table 6-15. Software Inventory Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

    Column Heading



    Index number within the table

    Software Name

    Name of the software application


    Version number of the software application

    Installation Date

    Date on which the software application was installed

    Software Description

    Brief description of the software

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following command to view a software inventory report:

configmon -s

Software Changes Reports

Software changes reports show all software that has been added to or removed from a system within a specific time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a software changes report from single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Software button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the History of Software Changes window. (Refer to Figure 6-37.)

    Figure 6-37. History of Software Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-37 History of Software Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-38 shows an example software changes report.

    Figure 6-38. Example Software Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-38 Example Software Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-16 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-16. Software Changes Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number in the table

Software Name

Name of the software application

Software Version

Version number of the software application

Installation Date

Date that the software application was installed on the system

Removal Date/Time

Date that the software application was removed from the system


Description of the software application

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a software changes report from system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Software button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the History of Software Changes For System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-39.)

    Figure 6-39. Software Changes for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-39 Software Changes for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Select the system to include in the report.

  6. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-40 shows an example software changes report.

    Figure 6-40. Example Software Changes Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-40 Example Software Changes Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-17 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-17. Software Changes Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Heading



Index number in the table

Software Name

Name of the software application

Software Version

Version number of the software application

Installation Date

Date that the software application was installed on the system

Removal Date/Time

Date that the software application was removed from the system


Description of the software application

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view a software changes report:

/usr/sbin/espreport swchanges    
                     [-sysid <system id> | -host <host name>]
                     [-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]

Use the -from and -to options to specify a range of dates. If you do not use these options, the report includes all available data.

System Reports

There are two types of system reports:

  • System inventory reports

  • System changes reports

System Inventory Reports

System inventory reports show the current system and ESP information.

Using the Web-based Interface

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a system inventory report:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the System button.

  3. Click on the Inventory button.

    The interface displays the System window. (Figure 6-41 shows an example system inventory report in single system manager mode. Figure 6-42 shows an example system inventory report in system group manager mode.)

    Figure 6-41. Example System Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-41 Example System Inventory Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-42. Example System Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-42 Example System Inventory Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Using the Command Line Interface

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to generate a system information report:

/usr/sbin/espreport sysinfo
                     [-sysid <system id> | -host <host name>]

If you specify the all option, the command displays the system name, serial number, type, IP address, and system ID. If you do not specify the all option, this command displays only the system serial number.

Use the following syntax of the espreport command to view a summary report that includes system information, events, hardware and software changes, logbook information, availability overview, and local system disk usage:

/usr/sbin/espreport summary 
                     [-sysid <system id> | -host <host name>]
                     [-from <mm/dd/yyyy>] [-to <mm/dd/yyyy>]

Use the -from and -to options to specify a range of dates. If you do not use these options, the report includes all available data.

System Changes Reports

System change reports show any system changes (system name, IP address, etc.) that occur within a specific time period.

Using the Web-based Interface (Single System Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a system inventory report from single system manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the System button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the History of System Changes window. (Refer to Figure 6-43.)

    Figure 6-43. History of System Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-43 History of System Changes Window (Single System Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-44 shows an example system changes report.

    Figure 6-44. Example System Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-44 Example System Changes Report (Single System Manager Mode)

Table 6-18 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-18. System Changes Report Contents (Single System Manager Mode)

Column Name



System identification number

System type

Processor that the system uses

System serial number

Serial number of the system


Hostname of the system

IP address

IP address of the system


Date and time of the change

Using the Web-based Interface (System Group Manager Mode)

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a system inventory report from system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the System button.

  3. Click on the Changes button.

    The interface displays the System Changes For System Group window. (Refer to Figure 6-45.)

    Figure 6-45. System Changes for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-45 System Changes for System Group Window (System Group Manager Mode)

  4. Specify the range of dates for the report.

  5. Specify the systems to include in the report.

  6. Click on the Generate Report button.

    Figure 6-46 shows an example system changes report.

    Figure 6-46. Example System Changes Report (System Group Manager Mode)

    Figure 6-46 Example System Changes Report (System Group Manager Mode)

Table 6-19 describes the contents of the report.

Table 6-19. System Changes Report Contents (System Group Manager Mode)

Column Name



System identification number

System type

Processor that the system uses

System serial number

Serial number of the system


Hostname of the system

IP address

IP address of the system


Date and time of the change

Using the Command Line Interface

System change reports are not available from the command line interface.

Site Reports (System Group Manager Mode Only)

Site reports show information for various combinations of systems at a site. ESP limits site reports to include only systems that meet specific criteria, including:

  • Systems that are in a specific group

  • Systems that run a specific operating system version

  • Systems that have a specific processor type

Site reports can contain system information, all available events, or specific events by class for the selected systems. Site reports are available only from SGM servers.

Perform the following procedure to use the Web-based interface to generate a site inventory report from system group manager mode:

  1. Click on the Reports button.

  2. Click on the Site button.

    The interface displays the Site Reports window. (Refer to Figure 6-47.)

    Figure 6-47. Site Reports Window

    Figure 6-47 Site Reports Window

  3. Select the items to include in the report:

    • Choose the groups that you want to include in the report. The pulldown menu includes the names of all groups that are available. When you choose a group name from the menu, the report contains only the systems in the group that you select. Choose All groups to include all systems in the report.

    • Choose the operating system that you want to include in the report. The pulldown menu includes the name of all operating systems that ESP detected on the systems. When you choose an operating system from the menu, the report contains only systems that are running that operating system.

    • Choose a processor type. The pulldown menu includes all processor types that ESP detected in the systems. When you choose a processor type from the menu, the report contains only systems that contain that type of processor.

    • Choose the type of site report to generate. The following options are available:

      The System information option generates a site information report, which includes the following information: system name, IP type (if applicable), processor type, OS version, the group that includes the system, the system activation date (the date when system was added to the group for the first time), and system deactivation date (the date when system was unsubscribed).

      The All events option generates a report of all available events.

      The Events by class generates a report of events from specific classes.

  4. Click on the Generate Report button.

The interface displays the report. (Figure 6-48 shows an example of a site information report.)

Figure 6-48. Site Information Report

Figure 6-48 Site Information Report

Using the Command Line Interface

Site reports are not available from the command line interface.