
FAPESP participation in multiple large projects in the area of ​​astrophysics led to the creation of SPANet: São Paulo Astronomy Network. One of its main objectives is "to bring scientific-technological and economic contributions through a vigorous program of scientific instrumentation". 

Such a goal requires solid planning. Major scientific projects deal with cutting-edge technologies from specific areas. The small presence of industrial activities in the state involving such technologies means that the constant learning and retention of this knowledge in research institutions is a permanent challenge. This meeting seeks to:

i) to approach the teams of astronomical instrumentation projects in the state of São Paulo, through the exhibition of the on-going work under the technical perspective; 

ii) promote good practices in the management of technical-scientific projects through guest speakers; 

iii) to promote discussions to improve the activities of astronomical and scientific instrumentation in the state of São Paulo. In this first meeting, we seek that the technical teams know each other and can exchange experiences among themselves. The discussions promoted at the event will serve to define the format and periodicity of new instrumentation initiatives in SPANet.

Keynote speakers:

  • Chris Evans (UK Astronomy Technology Centre);
  • Christiano José Santiago de Matos (Mackgraphe/Mackenzie);
  • Lucas Sanfelici (Sirius/CNPEM/MCTIC).

Update on 21/11 - All presentations are available!

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