A Springer  International
Journal of Space Dynamics


The impact factor of CeMDA published in the Journal Citation Reports, edition 2012 was 2.319.

Know more about the journal impact!

The half-life of the papers, measured by their citation records, is > 10.0 years
This journal is one of the only 12 journals (out of 56) in the Astronomy list of the Journal of Citation Reports with half-life larger than 10.0 years

Old Latex style files
"Short Notes", "Progress Reports" and "Extended Abstracts" are not accepted for publication.
Papers whose contents are reviews of recent publications should not be submitted without the previous agreement of the editors.

Electronic Supplementary Material
The journal accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other supplementary files to be published online along with an article (see the journal web site for instructions.)

CM&DA publishes thematic collections with selected papers as far as they are complete and do not duplicate papers published elsewhere.

The electronic edition of CM&DA is available to investigators in 7,000+ institutions.
CM&DA is indexed in Astronomical and Mathematical bibliographical bases and is available to investigators from both communities.
It often publish mathematical details not accepted in journals interested only in publishing results and phenomenological aspects.