SPAnet Workshop on Clusters of Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

March 22, 2018

Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, São Paulo

Registration open until March 15

Register here


The study of groups, clusters and the large scale structure of the universe has been the focus of attention of many researchers in the state of São Paulo. Aiming to promote the interaction among them and considering that several ongoing projects are funded by FAPESP, we are pleased to announce the SPAnet Workshop on Clusters of Galaxies and the Large Scale Structure.

This workshop has three main goals:

  • Improve the networking among researchers in the field, especially younger researchers
  • Disseminate the work that have been done in the field.
  • Discuss possible actions to boost the development and visibility of the field.

Download our poster here!

Reinaldo de Carvalho (INPE) Alberto Molino (IAG-USP)
Hugo Capelato (Unicsul) Antonio Montero Dorta (IFUSP)
Eduardo Cypriano (IAG-USP) Carlos Eduardo Barbosa (IAG-USP)
Flávia Sobreira (UNICAMP) Marcus Costa Duarte (IAG-USP)
Laerte Sodré Jr. (IAG-USP)


For any further clarifications, please send us a message:



Rua do Matão, 1226

Cidade Universitária São Paulo-SP - Brasil

CEP: 05508-090


Time Slot Description
9h00 Registration -
9h30 Laerte Sodre IAG/USP Introduction
9h40 Paramita Barai IAG/USP Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Feedback in Dwarf Galaxiesh a View from Cosmological Simulations
10h00 Carlos Eduardo Barbosa IAG/USP MUSE kinematics of the cD galaxy NGC 3311 in the Hydra I cluster
10h20 Laerte Sodré IAG/USP The filamentary structure of the central galaxy of RXC J1504-0428
10h40 Coffee-break -
11h00 Rogerio Rosenfeld IFT-UNESP & LIneA Baryon Acoustic Oscillation in the Dark Energy Survey
11h20 Hugo Camacho IFUSP Measurement of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale at z=1 with Dark Energy Survey Year 1 data
11h40 Rafael Ruggiero IAG/USP Clumps, contamination and luminosity changesh aftermaths of the intracluster--interstellar interaction
12h00 Poster Session -
12h30 Lunch -
14h00 Hugo Vicente Capelato UNICSUL The origin of metals found in the X-ray gas of the Fornax cluster
14h20 Eduardo Serra Cypriano IAG/USP Dark Matter properties in Galaxy Clusters through Gravitational Lensing
14h40 Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho INPE How Does the Gaussianity of the Velocity Distribution of Groups and Clusters Relate to the Galaxian Properties?
15h00 Coffee-break -
15h20 Alberto Molino IAG/USP Accurate Photometric Redshifts in Clusters of Galaxies
15h40 Antonio D. Montero Dorta IFUSP The halo-galaxy connection in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
16h00 Open discussion -


Name (institution)
Alberto Molino (IAG/USP)
André Zamorano Vitorelli (IAG/USP)
Antonio D. Montero Dorta (IFUSP)
Arley Gabriel Silva Corrêa (IFUSP)
Carlos Alexandre Wuensche (INPE)
Carlos Eduardo Barbosa (IAG/USP)
Carolina Martins Idelfonço de Souza (UNICAMP)
Davi Dias Barbosa (Unicsul)
Eduardo Serra Cypriano (IAG/USP)
Flávia Sobreira (UNICAMP)
Gabriel Sampaio Neder (IFUSP)
Gastão B. Lima Neto (IAG/USP)
Gilvan dos Santos Souza (Unicsul)
Henrique Xavier (IAG/USP)
Hugo Camacho (IFUSP)
Hugo Vicente (Unicsul)
Johnny H. Esteves (IAG/USP)
Jose Hernandez Jimenez (IAG/USP)
Laerte Sodré (IAG/USP)
Leonardo Duarte (IFUSP)
Lia Doubrawa (UTFPR)
Lilianne Mariko Izuti Nakazono (IAG/USP)
Marcus Vinicius Duarte (IAG/USP)
Matheus Zaghi de Oliveira (IAG/USP)
Michel Aguena (LIneA)
Mirian Castejon (IAG/USP)
Natália Crepaldi Del Coco (IAG/USP)
Natália Rodrigues (IFUSP)
Nilo Sérgio Souza de Almeida (IAG/USP)
Paramita Barai (IAG/USP)
Pedro Mariano Marques Mendes (IFUSP)
Rafael Ruggiero (IAG/USP)
Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho (INPE)
Rodrigo Voivodic (IFUSP)
Rogerio Rosenfeld (IFT/UNESP & LIneA)
Rose Clívia Santos (UNIFESP)
Sofia Petra Steffen Cruz (IFUSP)
Stela Adduci Faria (IFUSP)
Tatiana Ferraz Laganá (UCS/NAT)
Vinicius Busti (IFUSP)
Vinícius Padovani (IFUSP)
Zulema Abraham (IAG/USP)
