Sexta-feira, 24/03/2006 – 14h – Auditório Principal, Bloco G – IAG/USP

Andrea Richichi

ESO – Garching bei München/Alemanha

Título/Title: The giant with 8 eyes: latest news from the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer


The ESO VLTI is arguably the most powerful optical interferometer currently in operation. It is based on the four 8.2 meter telescopes of the VLT, as well as four movable 1.8 meter telescopes of which three are currently in operation. Equipped with two facility instruments for the near- and mid-infrared which are available to the international community, the VLTI can be used in visitor or service mode in a user-friendly approach not dissimilar from any other instrument offered by ESO.

I will give an overview of the current status of the VLTI and its near-future developments, and present some of the main scientific highlights which span subjects as diverse as stellar astrophysics, AGNs, stellar physics and star formation.


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