Título              : ,Duas ou três coisas sobre objetos com linhas de emissão  
Conferencista: Grazyna Stasinska, Observatoire de Meudon  
Data                : 15H 30M, Quarta-Feira 07/02/01  
Local               : Auditório L.B.F. Clauzet - Água Funda  
Sumário         :
I will briefly present some of my recent work, which deals with emission line nebulae in various astrophysical contexts.
1- Discovery of an extremely oxygen-poor planetary nebulae in the Galactic Halo
2- The evolution of emission lines in HII galaxies
3- If times permits, and the subject is sufficiently advanced, I will report on the work I am doing here with Laerte Sodre on the reddening and metallicity sequence in spiral galaxies from their integrated spectra.