Exemplo: Modo Iterativo (padrões, objetos individuais)


Lista típica de parâmetros neste modo:



Tomar cuidado que intera = "yes" e reimag = "no", neste modo.


Rodando a rotina:


pc> quick

sub-directory to create for temporary files (pad):  Confirmação de diretório onde será gravada a informação criada


Running DISPLAY ...  Rodando display na imagem de referencia


image to be displayed (../hd110cv0001.fits):

z1=13.22716 z2=38.79844


Running DAOEDIT ...  Rodando daoedit para marcar iterativamente o(s) objeto(s) de interés (imagem inferior seguida de image superior)


1. put the cursor on the bottom image of a object

2. type <r> to see the profile (in a tek window) and check the position

3. type <a> to save the position

4. put the cursor on the top image of a object and repeat 2 and 3

5. repeat 1 to 4 for another object, if you wish

6. type <q> to quit of daoedit



   514.78  530.15 32.0     3.22 3.44 130739.0 -12.791



   518.82  566.72 31.0     3.16 3.45 134358.0 -12.821


Running TVMARK ... Rodando tvmark para confirmar seleção feita (ver)


z1=13.22716 z2=38.79844


is it correct (yes|no)?  Confirmação de posições corretas




   514.78  530.15 32.0     3.22 3.44 130739.0 -12.79

   518.82  566.72 31.0     3.16 3.45 134358.0 -12.82


# filecalc6748c.ord 3

# nrows           mean        stddev       median       min       max

    2             31.5      0.707107         31.5        31.      32.

# filecalc6748c.ord 4

# nrows           mean        stddev       median       min       max

    2             3.19     0.0424264         3.19      3.16      3.22

# filecalc6748c.ord 5

# nrows           mean        stddev       median       min       max

    2            3.445    0.00707107        3.445      3.44      3.45


Mean values       Valores médios de valor de céu, erro no céu e fwhm para o(s) objeto(s) selecionado(s)

sky      : 31.5

skysigma : 3.19

fwhm     : 3.445



Running IMALIGN ...  Rodando o imalign para alinhar imagens


Warning: bigbox must be odd, using 41

#Coords       Image X-center   Err  Y-center   Err Num

../hd110cv0001.fits 514.716 (0.023) 530.137 (0.023) 1

../hd110cv0001.fits 518.677 (0.024) 566.609 (0.022) 2


../hd110cv0002.fits 514.374 (0.021) 531.527 (0.022) 1

../hd110cv0002.fits 518.330 (0.023) 567.999 (0.022) 2


../hd110cv0003.fits 514.134 (0.025) 530.993 (0.025) 1

../hd110cv0003.fits 518.080 (0.026) 567.470 (0.024) 2


../hd110cv0004.fits 514.000 (0.022) 531.565 (0.023) 1

../hd110cv0004.fits 517.949 (0.022) 568.042 (0.020) 2


../hd110cv0005.fits 513.317 (0.022) 530.268 (0.023) 1

../hd110cv0005.fits 517.277 (0.023) 566.737 (0.022) 2


../hd110cv0006.fits 512.936 (0.027) 531.477 (0.027) 1

../hd110cv0006.fits 516.901 (0.029) 567.951 (0.027) 2


../hd110cv0007.fits 514.054 (0.023) 529.467 (0.022) 1

../hd110cv0007.fits 518.008 (0.024) 565.935 (0.022) 2


../hd110cv0008.fits 514.307 (0.022) 531.162 (0.022) 1

../hd110cv0008.fits 518.265 (0.022) 567.622 (0.021) 2


#Refcoords Reference X-center   Err Y-center    Err Num

../hd110cv0001.fits  514.716 (0.023) 530.137 (0.023) 1

../hd110cv0001.fits  518.677 (0.024) 566.609 (0.022) 2


#Shifts       Image X-shift  Err Y-shift  Err  N  Internal

../hd110cv0001.fits   0.00 (0.02)  0.00 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.00)

../hd110cv0002.fits   0.34 (0.02) -1.39 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.00)

../hd110cv0003.fits   0.59 (0.02) -0.86 (0.02) 2 (0.01,0.00)

../hd110cv0004.fits   0.72 (0.02) -1.43 (0.02) 2 (0.01,0.00)

../hd110cv0005.fits   1.40 (0.02) -0.13 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.00)

../hd110cv0006.fits   1.78 (0.03) -1.34 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.00)

../hd110cv0007.fits   0.67 (0.02)  0.67 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.00)

../hd110cv0008.fits   0.41 (0.02) -1.02 (0.02) 2 (0.00,0.01)


#Trim_Section = [3:1050,2:1048]


continue (yes|no)?

y                 Confirmar alinhamento correto


Running COORSHIFT ...  Rodando o coorshift para calcular deslocamentos


Analyzing file...

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0001.fits xshift 0. yshift 0.

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0002.fits xshift 0.34 yshift -1.39

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0003.fits xshift 0.59 yshift -0.86

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0004.fits xshift 0.72 yshift -1.43

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0005.fits xshift 1.4 yshift -0.13

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0006.fits xshift 1.78 yshift -1.34

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0007.fits xshift 0.67 yshift 0.67

creating coordinate file for ../hd110cv0008.fits xshift 0.41 yshift -1.02

Warning: Attempt to delete a nonexistent file (inord)




Running PHOT ... Rodando o phot para fazer a fotometria


FWHM of the PSF in scale units: 2.5 

is it correct (yes|no)?              Pede confirmar valor default do fwhm

n                                    Colocar "n" = "no"

FWHM of the PSF in scale units:     

3.4                                  Colocar valor medio calculado acima


Standard deviation of background in counts: INDEF 

is it correct (yes|no)?              Pede confirmar valor default do sigma

n                                    Colocar "n" = "no"

Standard deviation of background in counts:

3.2                                  Colocar valor medio calculado acima


Centering algorithm (centroid) (CR or value): none Indicar algoritmo para calculo do centroide

        New centering algorithm: none              Neste caso none não voltará a fazer o centroide

Sky fitting algorithm (mode) (CR or value):        Indicar algoritmo para calculo de céu

        Sky fitting algorithm: mode                Deixar valor default: mode

Inner radius of sky annulus in scale units (10.) (CR or value): 20   Indicar raio interno do anel do céu

        New inner radius of sky annulus: 20. scale units 20. pixels  Neste caso 20 ~ 6*fwhm

Width of the sky annulus in scale units (10.) (CR or value):         Indicar largura do anel de céu

        New width of the sky annulus: 10. scale units 10. pixels     Neste caso 10 ~ 2.5*fwhm

File/list of aperture radii in scale units (3:12:1) (CR or value):   Confirmar aperturas usadas

        Aperture radius 1: 3. scale units 3. pixels

        Aperture radius 2: 4. scale units 4. pixels

        Aperture radius 3: 5. scale units 5. pixels

        Aperture radius 4: 6. scale units 6. pixels

        Aperture radius 5: 7. scale units 7. pixels

        Aperture radius 6: 8. scale units 8. pixels

        Aperture radius 7: 9. scale units 9. pixels

        Aperture radius 8: 10. scale units 10. pixels

        Aperture radius 9: 11. scale units 11. pixels

        Aperture radius 10: 12. scale units 12. pixels

Minimum good data value (INDEF) (CR or value):      Valor mínimo de contagens para fazer fotometria  

        New minimum good data value: INDEF counts   Manter valor default: INDEF

Maximum good data value (INDEF) (CR or value):      Valor máximo de contagens para fazer fotometria

        New maximum good data value: INDEF counts   Manter valor default: INDEF



Running TXDUMP ...  Rodando txdump para obter a fotometria


  textfiles = "*.mag.1"       Input apphot/daophot text database(s)

     fields = "image,msky,nsky,rapert[1-10],sum[1-10],area[1-10]" Fields to be extracted

       expr = "yes"           Boolean expression for record selection

   (headers = no)             Print the field headers ?

(parameters = yes)            Print the parameters if headers is yes ?

      (mode = "ql")           Mode of task


Running PCCD ...    Rodando pccd para calcular informação polarimétrica


   filename = "txdump6748j"   input file (.dat)

    (nstars = 1)              number of stars (maximum 2000)

       (nhw = 8)              number of postions of wave-plate (maximum 16)

       (nap = 10)             number of apertures (maximum 10)

      (calc = "c")            analyser: calcite (c) / polaroid (p)

 (readnoise = 0.82)           CCD readnoise (adu)

     (ganho = 5.)             CCD gain (e/adu)

(deltatheta = 0.)             correction in polarization angle (degrees)

   (fileout = "pccd6748k")    output file (.log)

   (fileexe = "/iraf/extern/pccdpack/pccd/pccd2000.exe") pccd execute file (.exe)

      (mode = "ql")



Running MACROL ...  Rodando macrol para obter apertura que minimiza o erro polarimétrico


Warning: Attempt to delete a nonexistent file (macrol6748m.out)

File : pccd6748k

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 1. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 2. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 3. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 4. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 5. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 6. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 7. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 8. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 9. of 10.

Evaluating...star 1 of 1 , aperture 10. of 10.



    Q        U       SIGMA   P     THETA  SIGMAtheor. APERTURE STAR

  0.01053  0.05631 0.00056  0.05729 39.7    0.00039        7.    1


Running SELECT ... Rodando select (ver)



   518.820   566.720 0.05729   39.7   0.00056   31       7     1

