Samuel Rocha de Oliveira




Samuel Rocha de Oliveira*

Depto. de Matemática Aplicada, UNICAMP


Abstract: We use a specific 3+1 decomposition of Einstein equations for numerical implementation. The decomposition keeps the volume element under control, allows analytical extraction of some singularities and the imposition of the boundary conditions can be consistent with the constraints. The coordinates does not avoid singularities though. So we have to extract them either analytically or numerically with the assumption that an event horizon hide both the singularities and the procedure to deal with them. The resulting equations are numerically solved in the following way: I) The initial data is constructed solving the nonlinear constraint equations using analytical exact solutions superpositions as initial guess and relaxation of the elliptical equations using finite difference algebraic equations. The constraints are not solved further more. They are used as measure of accuracy during the evolution. The outer boundary conditions for the initial data are exact solutions of supposed configurations. II) For the lapse function we chose a few variations of "1+log" slice. III) For the shift vectors we use minimal distortion conditions on the factored metric. This expensive choice results in 3 more elliptical equations which have to be solved in every time step but it keeps the codes running longer. Steps II and III fix a set of observers along the evolution. IV) With respect to those observers the evolution equations are solved using second order (quasi) implicit finite difference/volume methods or adaptive method of lines. We use Richardson's extrapolations methods to show the second order of our code and to improve the accuracy. At the outer boundaries we have a combination of standard Newman or radiation conditions and up to four of the Einstein equations as constraints on the conditions -- for simplicity we either use an analytical exact solution or "tangential" linearized Einstein equations. For inner boundary conditions (at the holes) we damp and freeze the functions close to the "singularities". We apply these methods for the grazing black holes problem. Let m the the total ADM like mass of the isolated system. Our code, nowadays, is running up to about 14m with the constraints L2 violations below 1% for a grid size of the order of m/8 in each spatial direction and a time step equivalent to m/32. After that time spurious mode prevails. An estimate of the amount of gravitational wave energy emitted between the time 4m and 10m is below 10-4m. The horizons are not localized in our simulations yet. The dimensions of our grid for a typical run is 20 ´ 20 ´ 10 ´ m3.


1. Introduction

Let the space-time metric be

where the factored spatial metric is

We further decompose the bi-dimensional metric sIJ as follows:

Thus, we have the following 13 metric functions: N, A, B, C, W, Y, S, bi, cJ, d.

This decomposition allows, the control of

where the usual coordinates singularities appears. Thus, one of the roles of the extra functions is to control the volume element of the space and time. Above and below, we use the indices as follows: Greek indices, like m ranges the spacetime dimensions (0..3), lower case latin indices, like i, ranges the space dimensions (1..3) and the upper case latin indices like I ranges the surface indices (2, 3).

Note also that

Thus, none of the "covectors" bi, cJ, d affect the volume element. Let us remark that these covectors are defined in the natural cotangent space of the manifolds (M3, g), (M2, s) and (M1, 1) respectively. Therefore there are some topological restrictions on our hierarchical decomposition.

The "scale" functions N, A, B, C of the "principal" directions have to be positive definite and bounded. The other functions may vanish but have to be bounded as well. These choices imply the 4-vectors along each direction 1,2,3 be space-like and it cannot change the behavior to become null or time-like. Similarly the 4-vector along the direction 0 is always time-like and infinite red-shifts are avoided. Of course, some of the observers will hit the curvature singularities in a finite time and have to be discarded. The coordinates and naked singularities are eliminated from either the computational grid or from the equations themselves, as much as possible, with the aid of the extra functions.

Let us call dynamical functions those which the Einstein equations give second order derivative in time. There are only six of them.

So the initial boundary value problem for General Relativity requires the solution for the constraints equations Gtm = kTtm for the dynamic functions and their time derivatives. Then the evolution equations Gij = k. At the outer boundary we have to solve the constraints Gnormal = k for some of the functions and their normal derivatives.

Our general boundary value problem can be cast as the following set of second order quasi-linear coupled equations (gBV2oqlpdes):

for a list of functions Ue[x] and the boundary equations:

where (nUe) is the normal derivative of Ue[x]. We use the standard summation on repeated indexes for the appropriate ranges. The non singular arrays A and V are given functions of the position x; F and B are, in general, non-linear functions of their arguments.

The algebraic equations come from the differential equations through a second order accuracy estimate of the integral in a adjustable finite volume around every grid point of X and X. The

non-linear algebraic equations are then transformed to linear algebraic equations to be iterated starting from known approximate exact solutions. For each iteration the linear algebraic equations are solved by Gauss-Seidel method with 2 term Conjugate Gradient acceleration for the convergence

(NSPCG and ITPACK packages). For very simple configurations (up to two functions in 2-d) we use public available elliptic solvers because they are faster than our present gBV2oqlpdes implementation.

The initial value boundary problem can be written as the set of second order quasi-linear coupled equations (gIBV2oqlpdes):

, for a list of functions Ue[x, t] having the initial conditions:

and the boundary equations:

Similarly to the previous setting, the non singular arrays A and V are given functions of x and t; F and B are, in general, non-linear functions of their arguments and the index b allows both time and space differentiation.

At the moment our numerical scheme for the initial value boundary problem is a fully implicit, second order in time and space, finite difference method (Crank Nicholson like schemes). For non stiff problems we allow semi-implicit schemes with two iterations for each time step, otherwise the tri-diagonal linear problem is combined with a Newton linearization of the non-linear terms with a Gauss-Seidel solver. The parameter space is considerably large and no attempts of automatic choices were made.


2. Grazing Black Holes

The iteration process of the boundary value problem starts with the exact solution for two black holes (with conical singularities) in Weyl coordinates. See figures. So we prescribe, as free initial data, all the metric functions but cJ and tcJ. These four functions are the unknowns of the constraint equations.




Figure 1: Front, top and side view of the computational grid


3. Computational Details

Most of our code contains Fortran 77 standard subroutines, specially for linear algebra and ordinary differential equations. Several pieces of the code now are in Fortran 95 (Lahey compiler) and in C++ (gcc compiler). For several tasks we use Maple 7: (symbolic manipulation, code generation, grtensor, parameters manipulation etc.). No parallel implementation yet. Our codes are directly linked to simple graphics software (gnu-plot and octave) but we intend to use the recent Open DX (based on IBM's Visualization Data Explorer) which can be linked to Fortran/Linux/X11 software.



Figure 2: Color map of the Hamiltonian constraint violation




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