publicados pelos pesquisadores do INCT de Astrofísica no período de Janeiro a
Agosto de 2009
- Abdalla, Elcio; Abramo, L. Raul;
Sodré, Laerte;
Wang, Bin
Signature of the interaction between dark energy and dark matter in galaxy
clusters 2009PhLB..673..107A
- Abramo, L. R.;
Batista, R. C.; Liberato, L.;
Rosenfeld, R.
Physical approximations for the nonlinear evolution of perturbations in
inhomogeneous dark energy scenarios 2009PhRvD..79b3516A
- Abramo, L. R.;
Batista, R. C.; Rosenfeld, R.
The signature of dark energy perturbations in galaxy cluster surveys 2009JCAP...07..040A
- Alves-Brito, Alan;
Forbes, Duncan A.; Mendel, Jon T.; Hau, George K. T.;
Murphy, Michael T.
The outer halo globular clusters of M31 2009MNRAS.395L..34A
- Asari, N. Vale;
Stasińska, G.; Cid Fernandes, R.; Gomes, J. M.; Schlickmann, M.; Mateus, A.;
Schoenell, W.
The evolution of the
mass-metallicity relation in SDSS galaxies
uncovered by astropaleontology 2009MNRAS.396L..71A
- Balbinot, E.;
Santiago, B. X.;
Bica, E.; Bonatto, C.
The globular cluster NGC
6642: evidence for a depleted mass function in a very old cluster 2009MNRAS.396.1596B
- Barbosa, F. K. B.;
Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Fernandes, R. Cid;
Winge, C.; Schmitt, H.
Gemini/GMOS IFU gas velocity `tomography' of the narrow line region of
nearby active galaxies 2009MNRAS.396....2B
- Barbuy, B.;
Cayrel, R.
Chemical composition and
kinematics of Galactic disk stars. Commentary on: Edvardsson
B., Andersen J., Gustafsson B., et al., 1993,
A&A, 275, 101 2009A&A...500..443B
- Bonatto, C.;
Bica, E.
Investigating the age and
structure of the infrared old open clusters LK1, LK10, FSR1521 and FSR1555
- Bonatto, C.;
Bica, E.
Probing the age and
structure of the nearby very young open clusters NGC2244 and 2239 2009MNRAS.394.2127B
- Bonatto, C.;
Bica, E.
The nature of the young and low-mass open clusters Pismis5, vdB80, NGC1931
and BDSB96 2009MNRAS.397.1915B
- Bonatto, C.;
Bica, E.; Ortolani, S.;
Barbuy, B.
Further probing the
nature of FSR17672009MNRAS.397.1032B
- Bonifacio, P.;
Spite, M.; Cayrel, R.; Hill, V.;
Spite, F.; François, P.; Plez, B.;
Ludwig, H.-G.; Caffau, E.; Molaro, P.; and 6 coauthors
First stars XII. Abundances in extremely metal-poor turnoff stars, and
comparison with the giants 2009A&A...501..519B
- Bordalo, Vinicius; Plana, Henri;
Telles, Eduardo
The Internal Kinematics
of the H II Galaxy II Zw 40
- Burkhart, Blakesley; Falceta-Gonçalves, D.;
Kowal, G.; Lazarian, A.
Density Studies of MHD
Interstellar Turbulence: Statistical Moments, Correlations and Bispectrum 2009ApJ...693..250B
- Carruba, V.
The (not so) peculiar case of the Padua family 2009MNRAS.395..358C
- Carruba, V.;
Michtchenko, T. A.
A frequency approach to
identifying asteroid families. II. Families interacting with nonlinear
secular resonances and low-order mean-motion resonances 2009A&A...493..267C
- Castanheira, B. G.;
Kepler, S. O.
Seismological studies of ZZ Ceti stars - II.
Application to the ZZ Ceti class 2009MNRAS.396.1709C
- Chiappini, C.;
Górny, S. K.; Stasińska, G.;
Barbuy, B.
Abundances in the Galactic bulge: results from planetary nebulae and giant
stars 2009A&A...494..591C
- Clark, Beth Ellen;
Ockert-Bell, Maureen E.; Cloutis, Ed A.; Nesvorny, David;
Mothé-Diniz, Thais; Bus, Schelte J.
Spectroscopy of K-complex
asteroids: Parent bodies of carbonaceous meteorites? 2009Icar..202..119C
- Coelho, P.;
Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Fernandes, R. Cid
An analysis of the
composite stellar population in M32 2009MNRAS.396..624C
- Córsico, A. H.;
Althaus, L. G.; Miller Bertolami, M. M.; González Pérez, J. M.; Kepler, S. O.
On the Possible Existence
of Short-Period g-Mode Instabilities Powered by Nuclear-Burning Shells in
Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch H-Deficient (PG1159-Type) Stars 2009ApJ...701.1008C
- Costa, J. E. R.;
Rodrigues, C. V.
Stokes imaging of AM Her
systems using 3D inhomogeneous models - I. Description of the code and an
application to V834 Cen 2009MNRAS.398..240C
- Cunha, J. V.
Kinematic constraints to the transition redshift from supernovae type Ia
union data 2009PhRvD..79d7301C
- de Almeida, A. A.;
Boczko, R.; Sanzovo, G. C.;
Trevisan Sanzovo, D.
Analysis of total visual and CCD V-broadband observations of Comet C/1995
O1 (Hale-Bopp): 1995–2001 2009AdSpR..44..335D
- de Almeida, A. A.;
Trevisan Sanzovo, D.;
Sanzovo, G. C.; Boczko, R.;
Miguel Torres, R.
Comparative study of
productivity of the Rosetta target Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 2009AdSpR..43.1993D
- de Araujo, José Carlos N.;
Marranghello, Guilherme F.
Gravitational wave background from neutron star phase transition 2009GReGr..41.1389D
- de Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena; Cabette, Regina Elaine Santos;
Zanardi, Maria Cecília;
Stuchi, Teresinha J.;
Formiga, Jorge Kennety
Attitude stability of artificial satellites subject to gravity gradient
torque 2009CeMDA.104..337D
- Dias, Alex G.;
Lugones, G.
Probing light pseudoscalar particles using synchrotron light 2009PhLB..673..101D
- Diaz, M. P.;
Cieslinski, D.
Multiline Doppler Imaging of MR Ser in High State 2009AJ....137..296D
- Duffard, R.;
Roig, F.
Two new V-type asteroids in the outer Main Belt? 2009P&SS...57..229D
- Evans, R. M.;
Opher, M.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.;
Gombosi, T. I.
Surface Alfvén Wave Damping in a Three-Dimensional Simulation
of the Solar Wind 2009ApJ...703..179E
- Fabris, Julio C.;
Shapiro, Ilya L.; Sobreira, Flávia
DM particles: how warm they can be? 2009JCAP...02..001F
- Faúndez-Abans, M.;
Reshetnikov, V. P.; de Oliveira-Abans, M.;
Fernandes, I. F.
UGC 7388: A galaxy with two tidal loops 2009AstL...35...25F
- Frolov, Valeri P.; Shapiro, Ilya L.
Black holes in higher dimensional gravity theory with corrections
quadratic in curvature 2009PhRvD..80d4034F
- Gal, R. R.;
Lopes, P. A. A.; de Carvalho, R. R.;
Kohl-Moreira, J. L.; Capelato, H. V.; Djorgovski, S. G.
The Northern Sky Optical
Cluster Survey. III. A Cluster Catalog Covering PI Steradians
- Girardi, Léo; Rubele, Stefano; Kerber, Leandro
Discovery of two distinct
red clumps in NGC 419: a rare snapshot of a cluster at the onset of
degeneracy 2009MNRAS.394L..74G
- Giuppone, C. A.;
Tadeu dos Santos, M.; Beaugé, C.; Ferraz-Mello, S.;
Michtchenko, T. A.
Detectability and Error Estimation in Orbital Fits of
Resonant Extrasolar Planets 2009ApJ...699.1321G
- González Delgado, R. M.;
Muñoz Marín, V. M.;
Pérez, E.; Schmitt, H. R.;
Cid Fernandes, R.
The starburst-AGN
connection: the role of stellar clusters in AGNs
- Górny, S. K.;
Chiappini, C.; Stasińska, G.;
Cuisinier, F.
Planetary nebulae in the
direction of the Galactic bulge: on nebulae with emission-line central
stars 2009A&A...500.1089G
- Groh, J. H.;
Hillier, D. J.; Damineli, A.; Whitelock, P. A.; Marang, F.;
Rossi, C.
On the Nature of the
Prototype Luminous Blue Variable Ag Carinae. I.
Fundamental Parameters During Visual Minimum Phases and Changes in the
Bolometric Luminosity During the S-Dor Cycle 2009ApJ...698.1698G
- Grosbøl, P.;
Dottori, H.
Pattern speed of main
spiral arms in NGC 2997. Estimate based on very young stellar complexes 2009A&A...499L..21G
- Guerrero, Gustavo;
Dikpati, Mausumi;
de Gouveia Dal Pino, Elisabete M.
The Role of Diffusivity
Quenching in Flux-transport Dynamo Models 2009ApJ...701..725G
- Huélamo, N.;
Vaz, L. P. R.;
Torres, C. A. O.; Bergeron, P.; Melo, C. H. F.;
Quast, G. R.; Navascués, D. Barrado Y.; Sterzik, M. F.;
Chauvin, G.; Bouy, H.; Landin, N. R.
The triple system HIP
96515: a low-mass eclipsing binary with a DB white dwarf companion 2009A&A...503..873H
- James, B. L.;
Tsamis, Y. G.;
Barlow, M. J.; Westmoquette, M. S.;
Walsh, J. R.; Cuisinier, F.; Exter, K. M.
A VLT VIMOS study of the
anomalous BCD Mrk996: mapping the ionized gas kinematics and abundances
- Jorás, S. E.;
Marozzi, G.
physics from a nonlinear dispersion relation 2009PhRvD..79b3514J
- Kaufmann, Pierre;
Giménez de Castro, C. Guillermo; Correia, Emilia;
Costa, Joaquim E. R.; Raulin, Jean-Pierre;
Válio, Adriana Silva
Rapid Pulsations in Sub-THz Solar Bursts 2009ApJ...697..420K
- Kerber, L. O.;
Girardi, L.; Rubele, S.;
Cioni, M.-R.
Recovery of the star formation
history of the LMC from the VISTA
survey of the Magellanic system 2009A&A...499..697K
- La Barbera, F.; de Carvalho, R. R.
The Origin of Color
Gradients in Early-Type Systems and their Compactness at High-z 2009ApJ...699L..76L
- La Barbera, F.; de Carvalho, R. R.;
de la Rosa, I. G.; Sorrentino, G.;
Gal, R. R.; Kohl-Moreira, J. L.
The Nature of Fossil
Galaxy Groups: Are They Really Fossils? 2009AJ....137.3942L
- Laganá, T. F.;
Dupke, R. A.; Sodré, L., Jr.;
Lima Neto, G. B.; Durret, F.
The optical/X-ray
connection: intra-cluster medium iron content and galaxy optical
luminosity in 20 galaxy clusters 2009MNRAS.394..357L
- Lagos, Patricio;
Telles, Eduardo; Muñoz-Tuñón, Casiana; Carrasco, Eleazar R.;
Cuisinier, François; Tenorio-Tagle, Guillermo
On the Compact H II
Galaxy UM 408 as Seen by GMOS-IFU: Physical Conditions 2009AJ....137.5068L
- Landin, N. R.;
Mendes, L. T. S.; Vaz, L. P. R.
Combined effects of tidal
and rotational distortions on the equilibrium configuration of low-mass,
pre-main sequence stars 2009A&A...494..209L
- Leão, M. R. M.;
de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M.; Falceta-Gonçalves, D.;
Melioli, C.; Geraissate, F. G.
Local star formation
triggered by supernova shocks in magnetized diffuse neutral clouds 2009MNRAS.394..157L
- Lee, Hyun-chul; Worthey, Guy;
Dotter, Aaron; Chaboyer, Brian; Jevremović, Darko;
Baron, E.; Briley, Michael M.;
Ferguson, Jason W.; Coelho, Paula; Trager, Scott C.
Stellar Population Models
and Individual Element Abundances. II. Stellar Spectra and Integrated
Light Models 2009ApJ...694..902L
- Lima, J. A. S.;
Cunha, J. V.; Alcaniz, J. S.
Simplified quartessence cosmology 2009APh....31..233L
- Lima, J. A. S.;
Jesus, J. F.; Cunha, J. V.
Can Old Galaxies at High Redshifts and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Constrain H
0? 2009ApJ...690L..85L
- Lopes, P. A. A.;
de Carvalho, R. R.; Kohl-Moreira, J. L.; Jones, C.
NoSOCS in SDSS - I. Sample definition and
comparison of mass estimates 2009MNRAS.392..135L
- Lugones, G.;
Grunfeld, A. G.; Scoccola, N. N.;
Villavicencio, C.
Deconfinement of neutron star matter within the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model 2009PhRvD..80d5017L
- Magrini, Laura;
Gonçalves, Denise R.
IC10: the history of the
nearest starburst galaxy through its Planetary Nebula and HII region
populations 2009MNRAS.398..280M
- Maier, R.;
Soares, I. Damião; Tonini, E. V.
Bouncing braneworld cosmologies and initial conditions to
inflation 2009PhRvD..79b3522M
- Marsteller, Brian;
Beers, Timothy C.; Thirupathi, Sivarani; Rossi, Silvia; Placco, Vinicius; Knapp, Gillian R.;
Johnson, Jennifer A.; Lucatello, Sara
Automated Determination
of [Fe/H] and [C/Fe] from Low-Resolution Spectroscopy 2009AJ....138..533M
- Meléndez, J.;
Barbuy, B.
Both accurate and precise
gf-values for Fe II lines 2009A&A...497..611M
- Mendes de Oliveira, Claudia L.;
Cypriano, Eduardo S.; Dupke, Renato A.; Sodré, Laerte
An Optical and X-Ray
Study of the Fossil Group RX J1340.6+4018 2009AJ....138..502M
- Mészárosová, H.;
Sawant, H. S.; Cecatto, J. R.;
Rybák, J.; Karlický, M.;
Fernandes, F. C. R.;
de Andrade, M. C.; Jiřička, K.
Coronal fast wave trains
of the decimetric type IV radio event observed
during the decay phase of the June 6, 2000 flare 2009AdSpR..43.1479M
- Micheletti, Sandro; Abdalla, Elcio; Wang, Bin
Field theory model for
dark matter and dark energy in interaction 2009PhRvD..79l3506M
- Miranda, Vinícius; Jorás, Sergio E.;
Waga, Ioav; Quartin, Miguel
Viable Singularity-Free
f(R) Gravity without a Cosmological Constant 2009PhRvL.102v1101M
- Miroshnichenko, A. S.;
Chentsov, E. L.; Klochkova, V. G.;
Zharikov, S. V.; Grankin, K. N.;
Kusakin, A. V.; Gandet, T. L.;
Klingenberg, G.; Kildahl, S.; Rudy, R. J.; and 12 coauthors
Toward Understanding the B[e] Phenomenon. III. Properties of the Optical
Counterpart of IRAS 00470+6429 2009ApJ...700..209M
- Nitta, A.;
Kleinman, S. J.; Krzesinski, J.;
Kepler, S. O.;
Metcalfe, T. S.; Mukadam, Anjum S.; Mullally, Fergal;
Nather, R. E.;
Sullivan, Denis J.; Thompson, Susan E.; Winget, D. E.
New Pulsating DB White
Dwarf Stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2009ApJ...690..560N
- Ortolani, S.;
Bonatto, C.; Bica, E.;
Barbuy, B.
Pfleiderer 2: Identification of A New
Globular Cluster in the Galaxy 2009AJ....138..889O
- Pereira, C. B.;
Roig, F.
High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations of Four Yellow-Type Symbiotic
Stars: CD-43°14304, Hen 3-1213, Hen 3-863, and StHα 176 2009AJ....137..118P
- Peres, Clovis B.;
Dottori, Horácio A.
MOND and neutrinos: The
dark matter density–temperature diagram for X-ray clusters 2009NewA...14..503P
- Pereyra, A.;
Girart, J. M.; Magalhães, A. M.;
Rodrigues, C. V.; de Araújo, F. X.
Near infrared polarimetry of a sample of YSOs
- Pereyra, A.;
Magalhães, A. M.; de Araújo, F. X.
Hα spectropolarimetry of RY Tauri and PX
- Provencal, J. L.;
Montgomery, M. H.; Kanaan, A.;
Shipman, H. L.; Childers, D.; Baran, A.;
Kepler, S. O.; Reed, M.;
Zhou, A.; Eggen, J.; and 45 coauthors
2006 Whole Earth Telescope Observations of GD358: A New Look at the
Prototype DBV 2009ApJ...693..564P
- Raga, A. C.;
Henney, W.; Vasconcelos, J.;
Cerqueira, A.; Esquivel, A.; Rodríguez-González, A.
Multiple clump structures
within photoionized regions 2009MNRAS.392..964R
- Ribeiro, A. L. B.
Probing clustering
features around Cl 0024+17 2009NewA...14..666R
- Ribeiro, A. L. B.;
Andrade, A. P. A.; Letelier, P. S.
Stochastic contribution
to the growth factor in the ΛCDM model 2009PhRvD..79b7302R
- Ribeiro, A. L. B.;
Schilling, A. C.
Dark energy and flatness
from observational H(z)+WMAP constraint 2009Ap&SS.321...43R
- Ribeiro, F. M. A.;
Diaz, M. P.
A Time-Series Analysis of
the Hα Emission Line in V3885 Sagitarii 2009PASJ...61..137R
- Riffel, Rogemar A.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; Dors, Oli L.; Winge, Cláudia
AGN-starburst connection
in NGC7582: Gemini near-infrared spectrograph integral field unit
observations 2009MNRAS.393..783R
- Riffel, Rogemar A.; Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa; McGregor, Peter J.
The Dusty Nuclear Torus in NGC 4151: Constraints from Gemini
Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph Observations 2009ApJ...698.1767R
- Rodrigues, Cláudia V.; Sartori, Marília J.; Gregorio-Hetem, Jane;
Magalhães, A. Mário
The Alignment of the
Polarization of Herbig Ae/Be
Stars with the Interstellar Magnetic Field 2009ApJ...698.2031R
- Rodrigues, Irapuan; Dottori, Horacio; Díaz, Rubén J.;
Agüero, María P.;
Mast, Damián
Kinematics and Modeling
of the Inner Region of M 83 2009AJ....137.4083R
- Roman-Lopes, A.;
Abraham, Z.; Ortiz, R.; Rodriguez-Ardila, A.
GEMINI near-infrared
spectroscopic observations of young massive stars embedded in molecular
clouds 2009MNRAS.394..467R
- Rosa, Reinaldo R.; Ramos, Fernando M.; Caretta, Cesar A.; Velho, Haroldo F. Campos
Extreme event dynamics in
the formation of galaxy-sized dark matter structures 2009CoPhC.180..621R
- Saito, R. K.;
Baptista, R.
Spin-Cycle Eclipse
Mapping of the 71 s Oscillations in DQ Herculis:
Reprocessing Sites and the True White Dwarf Spin Period 2009ApJ...693L..16S
- Salerno, G. M.;
Bica, E.; Bonatto, C.;
Rodrigues, I.
On the possible
generation of the young massive open clusters Stephenson 2 and BDSB 122 by
Centauri 2009A&A...498..419S
- Santos, J. S.;
Rosati, P.; Gobat, R.;
Lidman, C.; Dawson, K.; Perlmutter, S.; Böhringer, H.;
Balestra, I.; Mullis, C. R.; Fassbender, R.; and 5 coauthors
Multiwavelength observations of a rich galaxy
cluster at z ˜ 1. The HST/ACS colour-magnitude
diagram 2009A&A...501...49S
- Sawant, H. S.;
Cecatto, J. R.; Mészárosová, H.;
Faria, C.; Fernandes, F. C. R.;
Karlický, M.;
de Andrade, M. C.
Highlights of the
Brazilian Solar Spectroscope 2009AdSpR..44...54S
- Skinner, Stephen L.;
Sokal, Kimberly R.; Megeath, S. Thomas; Güdel, Manuel;
Audard, Marc; Flaherty, Kevin M.;
Meyer, Michael R.; Damineli, Augusto
Chandra and Spitzer
Imaging of the Infrared Cluster in NGC 2071 2009ApJ...701..710S
- Smiljanic, R.;
Gauderon, R.; North, P.; Barbuy, B.; Charbonnel, C.;
Mowlavi, N.
CNONa and 12C/13C in
giant stars of 10 open clusters 2009A&A...502..267S
- Smiljanic, R.;
Pasquini, L.; Bonifacio, P.;
Galli, D.; Gratton, R. G.;
Randich, S.; Wolff, B.
Beryllium abundances and
star formation in the halo and in the thick disk 2009A&A...499..103S
- Steigman, G.;
Santos, R. C.;
Lima, J. A. S.
An accelerating cosmology
without dark energy 2009JCAP...06..033S
- Steiner, J. E.;
Menezes, R. B.;
Ricci, T. V.; Oliveira, A. S.
Mapping low- and
high-density clouds in astrophysical nebulae by imaging forbidden line
emission 2009MNRAS.396..788S
- Steiner, J. E.;
Menezes, R. B.;
Ricci, T. V.; Oliveira, A. S.
PCA Tomography: how to
extract information from data cubes 2009MNRAS.395...64S
- Storchi-Bergmann, T.;
McGregor, P. J.; Riffel, Rogemar A.; Simões Lopes, R.;
Beck, T.; Dopita, M.
Feeding versus feedback
in NGC4151 probed with Gemini NIFS - I. Excitation 2009MNRAS.394.1148S
- Teixeira, R.;
Ducourant, C.; Chauvin, G.; Krone-Martins, A.; Bonnefoy, M.;
Song, I.
Kinematic analysis and membership status of TWA22
AB 2009A&A...503..281T
- Ulmer, M. P.;
Adami, C.; Lima Neto, G. B.;
Durret, F.; Covone, G.;
Ilbert, O.; Cypriano, E. S.;
Allam, S. S.; Kron, R. G.;
Mahoney, W. A.; Gavazzi, R.
Cluster and cluster
galaxy evolution history from IR to X-ray observations of the young
cluster RX J1257.2+4738 at z = 0.866 2009A&A...503..399U
- Vega, L. R.;
Asari, N. V.; Cid Fernandes, R.; Garcia-Rissmann, A.;
Storchi-Bergmann, T.; González Delgado, R. M.;
Schmitt, H.
The CaT strength in Seyfert
nuclei revisited: analysing young stars and
non-stellar light contributions to the spectra 2009MNRAS.393..846V
- Vidotto, A. A.;
Opher, M.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.;
Gombosi, T. I.
Three-dimensional Numerical Simulations of Magnetized Winds of Solar-like
Stars 2009ApJ...699..441V
- Walcher, C. J.;
Coelho, P.; Gallazzi, A.; Charlot, S.
Differential stellar
population models: how to reliably measure [Fe/H] and [α/Fe] in
galaxies 2009MNRAS.398L..44W
- Winget, D. E.;
Kepler, S. O.; Campos, Fabíola; Montgomery, M. H.; Girardi, Leo; Bergeron, P.; Williams, Kurtis
The Physics of Crystallization From Globular Cluster White Dwarf Stars in
NGC 6397 2009ApJ...693L...6W
Distribuição dos
artigos publicados pelos pesquisadores do INCT de Astrofísica no período
Janeiro-Agosto de 2009, por revista
New Astron
Ph RvC
Ast L
84% Qualis A
11% Qualis B
5% Outros