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Abundances in a large sample of stars in the LMC disk: constraints on the chemical evolution of the LMC

Luciana Pompeia1
Hill, Vanessa2; Spite, Monique2

(1) IAG/USP (2) Observatoire de Meudon

The advent of the new class 8 meters telescopes allows for the first time the detailed study of stars of the outer galaxies. The Large Magellanic Cloud constitutes one of the most interesting targets due to the low distance and the perspective, with a relatively faced-on disk, permitting to separate different populations pertaining to the different structures of the galaxy. In the present work we investigate the chemical abundances of O, Mg, Ca, Si, Ti, V, Ni, La and Zr for a sample of red giant stars from a field of the Inner Disk of the LMC. Spectra are from FLAMES spectrograph at the VLT. Metallicities of the sample stars range [Fe/H] = -1.8 to-0.3. The abundance ratios and chemical distributions of this population help to shed light on the star formation history and the chemical evolution of the LMC and of different environments other than our own Galaxy, and to constrain the picture of nucleosynthesis of elements in stars.