Chapter 10. Default Event Classes and Types

This chapter lists the default event classes and events that ESP includes.

ESP for the Linux OS

Default Event Classes

The following output from the espconfig command shows the default event classes that ESP includes on a system running the Linux OS:

linux# espconfig -list evclass
ClassId  Class description
-------  ------------------
   4000  "Availability"
   4001  "Performance"
   4002  "System Configuration"
   4005  "Diagnostic"
   7100  "Kernel Messages"
   7110  "User Messages"
   7130  "Daemon Messages"

Default Event Types

The following output from the espconfig command shows the default event types that ESP includes on a system running the Linux OS:

linux# espconfig -list evtype
Event types for 8006913E029:
| Class Id |  Type Id  |        Type Description       | Enabled | Log Enabled |
|      4002|    2097408|                 Configmon init|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097409|                Sysinfo changed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097410|             Hardware installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097411|          Harwdare de-installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097412|             Software installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097413|          Software de-installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097414|                  System change|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097415|            Configuration error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097416|        ESP registered with SGI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097417|      ESP deregistered with SGI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097418|            ESP package updated|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097419|        ESP package uninstalled|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097420|  ESP system information change|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097421|          ESP profile(s) update|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|        340|Customer information is updated|      Yes|           No|
|      4000|    2097152|                     Live event|       No|           No|
|      4000|    2097153|               System ID change|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097154|                    Power cycle|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097155|                   System reset|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097156|                            NMI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097157|                    Panic (S/W)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097158|                  Status report|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097159|                 Software error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097160|                 Hardware error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097161|                       No error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097162|                   Registration|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097163|                 Deregistration|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097164|                  Power failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097165|                     System off|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097166|                      Interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097167|                    Panic (H/W)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097168|                          Panic|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097169|  Controlled shutdown (unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097170|  Controlled shutdown (timeout)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097171|Controlled shutdown(1) (unknown|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|      4000|    2097182|        Controlled shutdown (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097183|        Controlled shutdown (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097184|        Controlled shutdown (3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097185|        Controlled shutdown (4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097186|        Controlled shutdown (5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097187|        Controlled shutdown (6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097190|  Singleuser shutdown (unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097191|Singleuser shutdown(1)(unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097192|        Singleuser shutdown (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097193|        Singleuser shutdown (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097194|        Singleuser shutdown (3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097195|        Singleuser shutdown (4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097196|        Singleuser shutdown (5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097197|        Singleuser shutdown (6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|       3761|  Subscribe availability events|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|       3762|Unsubscribe availability events|      Yes|          Yes|
|      7100|    7000100|               Kernel Emergency|      Yes|           No|
|      7100|    7000101|                   Kernel Alert|      Yes|           No|
|      7100|    7000102|                Kernel Critical|      Yes|           No|
|      7100|    7000103|                   Kernel Error|      Yes|           No|
|      7100|    7000104|                 Kernel Warning|      Yes|           No|
|      7100|    7000105|                  Kernel Notice|       No|           No|
|      7100|    7000106|                    Kernel Info|       No|           No|
|      7100|    7000107|                   Kernel Debug|       No|           No|
|      7110|    7000110|                 User Emergency|      Yes|           No|
|      7110|    7000111|                     User Alert|      Yes|           No|
|      7110|    7000112|                  User Critical|      Yes|           No|
|      7110|    7000113|                     User Error|      Yes|           No|
|      7110|    7000114|                   User Warning|       No|           No|
|      7110|    7000115|                    User Notice|       No|           No|
|      7110|    7000116|                      User Info|       No|           No|
|      7110|    7000117|                     User Debug|       No|           No|
|      7130|    7000130|               Daemon Emergency|      Yes|           No|
|      7130|    7000131|                   Daemon Alert|      Yes|           No|
|      7130|    7000132|                Daemon Critical|      Yes|           No|
|      7130|    7000133|                   Daemon Error|      Yes|           No|
|      7130|    7000134|                 Daemon Warning|       No|           No|
|      7130|    7000135|                  Daemon Notice|       No|           No|
|      7130|    7000136|                    Daemon Info|       No|           No|
|      7130|    7000137|                   Daemon Debug|       No|           No|
|      4005|    2098176|               Diagnostic start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098177|         Diagnostic interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098178|                 Diagnostic end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098179|                   Stress start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098180|                     Stress end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098181|                      SVP start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098182|                        SVP end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098183|                SVP interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098184|             Stress interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097244|High aggregate context switch r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ate|         |             |
|      4001|    2097217|Possible high floating point ex|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   ception rate|         |             |
|      4001|    2097218|     High 1-minute load average|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097246|Low average processor utilizati|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             on|         |             |
|      4001|    2097219|High aggregate system call rate|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097220|  Busy executing in system mode|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097221|High average processor utilizat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ion|         |             |
|      4001|    2097249|System Group Manager slow servi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    ce response|         |             |
|      4001|    2097248|System Group Manager service pr|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    obe failure|         |             |
|      4001|    2097226|      File system is filling up|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097227|  Severe demand for real memory|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097228|            Low free swap space|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097247|High number of saturated proces|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           sors|         |             |
|      4001|    2097241|High per CPU processor utilizat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ion|         |             |
|      4001|    2097239|  High per CPU system call rate|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4001|    2097240|Some CPU busy executing in syst|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        em mode|         |             |
|      4001|    2097230|High collision rate in packet s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           ends|         |             |
|      4001|    2097231|High network interface error ra|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             te|         |             |
|      4001|    2097232|High network interface packet t|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ransfers|         |             |

ESP for the IRIX OS

Default Event Classes

The following output from the espconfig command shows the default event classes that ESP includes on a system running the IRIX OS:

irix# espconfig -list evclass
ClassId  Class description
-------  ------------------
      1  "SCSI"
      2  "I/O"
      3  "Peripheral"
      4  "Power Supply"
      5  "Memory Parity"
      6  "Memory ECC"
      7  "System Error"
      8  "System Board"
      9  "NMI"
     10  "File System"
     11  "OS AS"
     12  "OS VM"
     13  "OS PROC"
     14  "OS PDA"
     15  "OS NUMA"
     16  "OS SYSCALL"
     17  "OS Memory"
     18  "Kernel Module"
     19  "Kernel XLV"
     20  "Kernel Clock"
     21  "Kernel Vnode"
     22  "Kernel Fork"
     23  "Kernel KMEM"
     24  "Kernel File System"
     25  "Kernel Heap"
     26  "Kernel Stream"
     27  "Net Kernel IFSWITCH"
     28  "Net Kernel PS"
     29  "Net Kernel Routing"
     30  "Net Kernel Internal"
     31  "Network Driver FDDI"
     32  "Network Driver Fast Enet"
     33  "Network Driver GIO Enet"
     34  "Network Driver VME Fast Enet"
     35  "Network Driver VME FXP Enet"
     36  "Network Driver VME GFE Enet"
     37  "Network Driver GIO FDDI"
     38  "Network Driver VME FDDI"
     39  "Network Driver IP22/6/8 Token"
     40  "Network Driver PCI Fast Enet"
     41  "Network Driver Everest Enet"
     42  "Network Driver MACE Fast Enet"
     43  "Network Kernel IFNET"
     44  "Network Kernel MBUF"
     45  "Network Kernel INPCB"
     46  "Network Kernel BSD Init"
     47  "Kernel"
     48  "User"
     49  "Saudit"
     50  "Kona Command"
     51  "Kona Timeout"
     52  "Kona Resource"
     53  "Kona Validity"
     54  "GFX Command"
     55  "GFX Validity"
     56  "Venice Timeout"
     57  "Venice Resource"
     58  "Venice Validity"
     59  "MGRAS Resource"
     60  "MGRAS Command"
     61  "MGRAS Timeout"
     62  "MGRAS Validity"
     63  "Newport Timeout"
     64  "Newport Command"
     65  "Newport Validity"
     67  "System Controller"
     69  "Net Driver ATM OC3 Everest"
     70  "Net Kernel ATM SVC"
     71  "Net Driver ATM PCI Speedracer"
     72  "Net Kernel ATM TCPIP"
     73  "Net Kernel ATM ARP"
     74  "Net Driver ATM Lego"
     75  "RAS"
     78  "Kernel XTCI"
     80  "Storage TP9100"
     81  "Storage TP9400"
     82  "CXFS"
     83  "XFS"
     84  "XVM"
     85  "snmp"
   4000  "Availability"
   4002  "System Configuration"
   4003  "ESP Internal Events"
   4004  "ESP Event Manager"
   4005  "Diagnostic"
   7001  "Irix"

Default Event Types

The following output from the espconfig command shows the default event types that ESP includes on a system running the IRIX OS:

irix# espconfig -list evtype
Event types for 351797:
| Class Id |  Type Id  |        Type Description       | Enabled | Log Enabled |
|      4000|    2097152|                     Live event|       No|           No|
|      4000|    2097153|               System ID change|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097154|                    Power cycle|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097155|                   System reset|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097156|                            NMI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097157|                    Panic (S/W)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097158|                  Status report|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097159|                 Software error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097160|                 Hardware error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097161|                       No error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097162|                   Registration|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097163|                 Deregistration|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097164|                  Power failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097165|                     System off|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097166|                      Interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097167|                    Panic (H/W)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097168|                          Panic|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097169|  Controlled shutdown (unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097170|  Controlled shutdown (timeout)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097171|Controlled shutdown(1) (unknown|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|      4000|    2097182|        Controlled shutdown (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097183|        Controlled shutdown (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097184|        Controlled shutdown (3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097185|        Controlled shutdown (4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097186|        Controlled shutdown (5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097187|        Controlled shutdown (6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097190|  Singleuser shutdown (unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097191|Singleuser shutdown(1)(unknown)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097192|        Singleuser shutdown (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097193|        Singleuser shutdown (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097194|        Singleuser shutdown (3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097195|        Singleuser shutdown (4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097196|        Singleuser shutdown (5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|    2097197|        Singleuser shutdown (6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4000|       3761|  Subscribe availability events|      Yes|           No|
|      4000|       3762|Unsubscribe availability events|      Yes|           No|
|      4003|    2097424|               EventMon Started|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097425|               EventMon Stopped|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097426|   Eventmon invalid CPU command|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097427|   Eventmon invalid FPE command|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097428|Eventmon mutex initialization f|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         ailure|         |             |
|      4003|    2097429|     Eventmon thread init error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097430|      Eventmon no input buffers|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097431|     Eventmon can't find string|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097432|      Eventmon too many strings|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097433|  Eventmon database table empty|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097434|Eventmon condition variable fai|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           lure|         |             |
|      4003|    2097435|       Eventmon fatal API error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097436|   Eventmon Non fatal API Error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097437|Eventmon cannot open amticker t|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  imestamp file|         |             |
|      4003|    2097438| Eventmon database init failure|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097439|Eventmon database library load |       No|           No|
|          |           |                        failure|         |             |
|      4003|    2097440|               esphttpd started|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097441|               esphttpd stopped|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097442|   esphttpd invalid CPU command|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097443|           esphttpd invalid FPE|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097444|esphttpd mutex initialization f|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         ailure|         |             |
|      4003|    2097445|          esphttpd thread error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097446|esphttpd condition variable fai|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           lure|         |             |
|      4003|    2097447|esphttpd thread allocation erro|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              r|         |             |
|      4003|    2097448|     esphttpd socket bind error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097449|   esphttpd socket listen error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097450|       esphttpd missing library|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097451|   esphttpd resource path error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097452|esphttpd resource path error(1)|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097453|esphttpd resource path error(2)|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097454|   esphttpd invalid port number|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097455|   esphttpd database init error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097456|         esphttpd IP load error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097457|        esphttpd username error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097458|        esphttpd password error|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097459|esphttpd database connection fa|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           iled|         |             |
|      4003|    2097460|Eventmon cannot write amticker |       No|           No|
|          |           |                 timestamp file|         |             |
|      4003|    2097461|Eventmon cannot find amdiag fil|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              e|         |             |
|      4003|    2097462|       NodeChange for SgmClient|      Yes|           No|
|      4003|    2097463|                    ESP started|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097464|                    ESP stopped|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097465|               ESP set SGM node|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097466|             ESP unset SGM node|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097467|           ESP SGM client added|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097468|      ESP SGM client subscribed|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097469|    ESP SGM client unsubscribed|       No|           No|
|      4003|    2097470|         ESP SGM client deleted|       No|           No|
|      4004|    2097920|            Configuration Event|      Yes|           No|
|      4004|    2097921|                    Error Event|      Yes|           No|
|         1|          1|          SCSI ctrl init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|          2|         SCSI command timed out|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|          3|                SCSI hard error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|          4|                 SCSI bus reset|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|          5|SCSI ctrl h/w (sram parity erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             r)|         |             |
|         1|          6|SCSI ctrl h/w (sram parity erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       r bank0)|         |             |
|         1|          7|SCSI ctrl h/w (sram parity erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    r bank1)(1)|         |             |
|         2|          8|                  XIO bus error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         3|          9|                 Keyboard error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|         10|SCSI ctrl h/w (sram parity erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    r bank1)(2)|         |             |
|         1|         11|                 SCSI bus error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|         12|                     SCSI debug|      Yes|          Yes|
|         1|         13|       SCSI target or bus error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         2|         14|               PCI bridge error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         2|         15|               GIO bridge error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         4|         16|         Power fail detected(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         17|        Parity error in SIMM(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         18|        Parity error in SIMM(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         19|  Panic parity error in SIMM(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         20|  Fatal parity error in SIMM(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         21|  Panic parity error in SIMM(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         22|        Parity error in SIMM(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         23|                   Bus error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         24|                   Bus error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         25|         Memory copy error(src)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         26|        Memory copy error(dest)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         27|                 TOD battery(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         28|                 TOD battery(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         29|                 TOD battery(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         30|                 TOD battery(4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         31|                 TOD battery(5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         32|TOD battery(load nvram info err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            or)|         |             |
|         4|         33|         Power fail detected(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         34|   Fatal memory parity error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         35|           Parity error in SIMM|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         36|                 TOD battery(6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         37|                 TOD battery(7)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         38|                 TOD battery(8)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         39|                 TOD battery(9)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         40|                TOD battery(10)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         41|         Fatal memory ECC error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         42|                Bus error (TCC)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         43|                  Bus error (5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         44|                  Bus error (6)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         45|           Bus error (internal)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         46|Bus error (exception on IDLE st|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           ack)|         |             |
|         5|         47|        Parity error in SIMM(4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         9|         48|                         NMI(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         5|         49|        Parity error in SIMM(5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         50|                TOD battery(11)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         51|                TOD battery(12)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         52|                TOD battery(13)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         53|                TOD battery(14)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         54|                TOD battery(15)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         55|        Memory ECC (soft) error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         56|        Memory ECC (hard) error|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         57|    Parity error in DIMM(phy-1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         58|    Parity error in DIMM(phy-2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         59|    Parity error in DIMM(Bus-1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         6|         60|    Parity error in DIMM(Bus-2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         9|         61|                         NMI(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         9|         62|                         NMI(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         63|                TOD battery(16)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         64|                TOD battery(17)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         65|                TOD battery(18)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         66|                TOD battery(19)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         8|         67|                TOD battery(20)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         68|                   Bus error(7)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         69|                 Cache error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         70|                 Cache error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         71|                 Cache error(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         72|                 Cache error(4)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         73|                 Cache error(5)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         74|                   Bus error(8)|      Yes|          Yes|
|         7|         75|                   Bus error(9)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         76|          efs root mount failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         77|Not enough filesystem quota str|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        uctures|         |             |
|        10|         78|               Bad magic number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         79|       Unexpect user/project ID|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         80|          Disk block timer zero|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         81|                     inode zero|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         82|   Re-init disk quota structure|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         83|   fs too large for kernel type|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         85| vnode not char/block device(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|         86|Bad vnode found by console driv|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             er|         |             |
|        10|         87| vnode not char/block device(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        11|         88|           Unexpected PMAP type|      Yes|          Yes|
|        12|         89|          Memory page not freed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        12|         90|          Memory page not found|      Yes|          Yes|
|        12|         91|               Page cache error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        12|         92|               Swap cache error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        12|         93|    Privilege memory pool error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        13|         94|           Watch point stepover|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|         95|        Driver locking error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|         96|        Driver locking error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|         97|         Unknown driver routine|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|         98|   Cross processor interrupt(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|         99|   Cross processor interrupt(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        14|        100|            R10K spec dma error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        101|             Process fork error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        102|          NUMA service error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        103|         MLD set topology error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        104|              NUMA MLD error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        105|              NUMA MLD error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        15|        106|          NUMA service error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        16|        107|                 Invalid vfault|      Yes|          Yes|
|        16|        108|        Lpages conversion error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|         84|            Invalid node number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        109|       Freeing unaligned memory|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        110|           Invalid virtual page|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        111|        Cannot swap in K2SEG(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        112|        Cannot swap in K2SEG(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        113|        Cannot swap in K2SEG(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        114| Insufficient memory on node(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        115| Insufficient memory on node(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        116| Insufficient memory on node(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        117|   R10K cannot allocate page(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        118|   R10K cannot allocate page(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        119|   R10K cannot allocate page(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        120|              Poison page panic|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        121|         Page allocation failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        122|Dequeue from free page list err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          or(1)|         |             |
|        17|        123|Dequeue from free page list err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          or(2)|         |             |
|        17|        124|  Invalid page freeing error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        125|  Invalid page freeing error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        126|  Invalid page freeing error(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        127|     VCE page allocation failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        128|              Page already free|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        129|  Duplicate virtual page number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        130|        Invalid cache operation|      Yes|          Yes|
|        17|        131|Memory allocation error for MFH|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              I|         |             |
|        17|        132|              Logical swap fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        10|        133|                Bad permissions|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        134|         Mload missing kernname|      Yes|          Yes|
|        19|        135|             XLV no failover(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        19|        136|             XLV unable to open|      Yes|          Yes|
|        19|        137|             XLV no failover(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        20|        138|                 Table Overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        21|        139|Vnode pass through not init'd(1|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        21|        140|          Vnode on free list(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        21|        141|        Negative vnode count(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        22|        142|                    Fork failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        23|        143|                   No heap zone|      Yes|          Yes|
|        23|        144|                  No zone index|      Yes|          Yes|
|        24|        145|                 Buffer overlap|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        146|                Invalid Size(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        147|                Null pointer(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        148|                   Null size(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        149|                Use count wrong|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        150|        Pointer already free(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        151|                    Bad pointer|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        152|        Pointer already free(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        153|                Invalid Size(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        154|                Null pointer(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        25|        155|                   Null size(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        156|       Cannot allocate qband(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        157|       Cannot allocate qband(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        158|Cannot allocate space for mux_n|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ode|         |             |
|        26|        159|                  Unknown event|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        160|Cannot allocate memory for mux_|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        edge(1)|         |             |
|        26|        161|Cannot allocate memory for mux_|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        edge(2)|         |             |
|        26|        162|       Cannot allocate qband(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        163|Cannot allocate stream event(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        164|Cannot allocate stream event(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        26|        165|           Message out of order|      Yes|          Yes|
|        27|        166|              hwgraph no vertex|      Yes|          Yes|
|        28|        167|                    Bad service|      Yes|          Yes|
|        28|        168|                Invalid service|      Yes|          Yes|
|        29|        169|         Memory leak warning(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        30|        170|           Address out of range|      Yes|          Yes|
|        30|        171|      No memory for net proc(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        30|        172|                   CPU not used|      Yes|          Yes|
|        30|        173|      No memory for net proc(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        30|        174|       Kmemory allocation error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        29|        175|         Memory leak warning(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        176|             Receive port error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        178|            Unsupported address|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        179|          MAC programming error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        180|                Stray interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        181|      FDDI bad interrupt status|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        182|                 CAMEL NP error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        183|            Bad hwgraph vhandle|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        184|                Bad unit number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        185|     No memory for frame filter|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        186|         NOMEM too many devices|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        187|         hwgraph dev addr error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        188|                   No memory(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        189|                   No memory(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        190|         Memory alignment error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        191|                   No memory(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        192|         ISR installation error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        31|        193|      Hwgraph no device vhandle|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        194| Interrupt adapter check status|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        195|            Statistics overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        196|                 Need more rxds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        197|                 No board found|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        198|      10MB physical memory only|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        199|             No enet carrier(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        200|        Full duplex unsupported|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        201|           Auto negation failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        202|             No enet carrier(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        203|               Netlink restored|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        204|                   Remote fault|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        205|                Jabber detected|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        206|              hwgraph no vertex|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        207|       Kmemory allocation error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        208|   Memory fail to st big endian|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        209|         Interrupt setup failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        32|        210|         hwgraph no vertex info|      Yes|          Yes|
|        33|        211|                No enet carrier|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        212|              Assertion routine|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        213|                   No DMA space|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        214|                   No VME space|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        215|                      DMA error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        216|                About to die(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        217|             Board not detected|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        218|                About to die(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        219|                   Remote fault|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        220|                Jabber detected|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        221|                     Link OK(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        222|                      Link down|      Yes|          Yes|
|        35|        223|    Memory base addr missing(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        35|        224|    Memory base addr missing(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        36|        225|                   Remote fault|      Yes|          Yes|
|        36|        226|                Jabber detected|      Yes|          Yes|
|        36|        227|                      Link down|      Yes|          Yes|
|        34|        228|                     Link OK(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        36|        229|                Channel overrun|      Yes|          Yes|
|        37|        230|Memory allocation fail for fram|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    e filter(1)|         |             |
|        38|        231|        Cannot lock mutex IFNET|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        232|              Unknow line state|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        233|          Membuf has MT_FREE(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        234|          Membuf has MT_FREE(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        235|          Membuf has MT_FREE(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        236|                 DMA corruption|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        237|                       Bad blen|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        238|            Bad membuf chain(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        239|            Bad membuf chain(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        240|         ifnet driver re-ntered|      Yes|          Yes|
|        38|        241|Memory allocation fail for fram|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    e filter(2)|         |             |
|        39|        242|                      Assertion|      Yes|          Yes|
|        39|        243|         Memory allocation fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        244|      Hwgraph cannot add vertex|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        245|      Memory allocation failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        246|     Shared memory null PIO map|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        247|            ioctl reset failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        248|Memory allocation failure PGS f|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     or geninfo|         |             |
|        40|        249|PCI IO DMA map allocation faile|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              d|         |             |
|        40|        250|      ioctl cannot get MAC addr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        251|hwgraph missing controller vert|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             ex|         |             |
|        40|        252|               Firmware missing|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        253|Memory failed to allocate >2 RR|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             BS|         |             |
|        40|        254|              ioctl event error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        255|    ioctl unimplemented command|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        256|            ioctl unknown event|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        257|                        Link up|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        258|                      Link down|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        259|             Firmware init fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        260|            Firmware init error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        40|        261|Hwgraph could not create net ve|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           rtex|         |             |
|        41|        262|       Board not in master slot|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        263|       Kernel rebuild needed(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        264|        Board not in master IO4|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        265|       Kernel rebuild needed(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        266|          Adapter number in use|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        267|         Adapter not configured|      Yes|          Yes|
|        41|        268|               Bad enet address|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        269|    Cannot set interrupt vector|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        270|        Invalid enet address(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        271|    Probe failed to find device|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        272|        RX error, FIFO overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        273|                 TX link failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        274|                TX memory error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        275|                Jabber detected|      Yes|          Yes|
|        42|        276|                   Remote fault|      Yes|          Yes|
|        43|        277|Memory allocation failure for m|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ulticast|         |             |
|        44|        278|Memory request with incorrect s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ize|         |             |
|        45|        279|                Socket unlocked|      Yes|          Yes|
|        46|        280|        Socket zone init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        281|        Exception count on exit|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        282|               Swap block error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        283|               Tile cache dirty|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        284|           Low on kernel memory|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        285|                      No thread|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        286|             MFREE map overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        287|    Bad free size for bitmap(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        288|    Bad free size for bitmap(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        289|                Bitmap overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        290|      No free slot for rmap log|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        291|                     Bad device|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        292|          No interactive reboot|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        293|             No standalone exec|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        294|                 mload no ksyms|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        295|             mload bootp kernal|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        296|        mload registration fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        297|mload dynamic load module faile|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              d|         |             |
|        18|        298|mload dynamic attach module fai|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            led|         |             |
|        18|        299|          mload no symbol table|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        300|     Object file not ELF format|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        301|        mload object unreadable|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        302|       mload driver init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        303|           mload stropen failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        304|           mload strload failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        305|   mload strload not ELF format|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        306|       mload strload unreadable|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        307|      mload strload init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        308|            mload unload failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        309|      mload strstub no queue(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        310|  mload strstub no symbol table|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        311|   mload strstub not ELF format|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        312|       mload strstub unreadable|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        313|      mload strstub init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        18|        314|      mload strstub no queue(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        315|               Probe DMA failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        316|           SCHED hits bad color|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        317|     Callouts allocation failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        318|         vnode set EATTR failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        319|            kmem zone too small|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        320|       Select device no setting|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        321|            PD flush error nfs3|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        322|            chunkcommit bad vop|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|        423|Frame scheduler [slave FRS not |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         found]|         |             |
|        47|        424|Frame scheduler [invalid state |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              during interrupt]|         |             |
|        47|        425|Frame scheduler [illegal dispat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      ch state]|         |             |
|        47|        426|Frame scheduler [invalid dispat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      ch state]|         |             |
|        47|        427|Frame scheduler [invalid new at|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            tr]|         |             |
|        47|       1752|R4K badaddr for K2 impacting pe|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      rformance|         |             |
|        48|       1753|         Process killed [errno]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       1754|Process killed [limit exceeded]|      Yes|           No|
|        48|       1755|    Process killed [lock stack]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       1756|    Process killed [grow stack]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       1757|Process trapped [but signal hel|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  d or ignored]|         |             |
|        48|       1758|R4K badaddr for K0 impacting pe|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      rformance|         |             |
|        48|       1759|   Tlbmiss(1) [invalid badaddr]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       3010|Process core dump - Trap on CPU|      Yes|           No|
|        47|       1760|R4K badaddr for K2 wired impact|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                ing performance|         |             |
|        47|       1761|R4K badaddr for K2 impacting ke|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 rn performance|         |             |
|        48|       1762|   Tlbmiss(2) [invalid badaddr]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1763| Tlbmis(User) [invalid badaddr]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1764|                 Too many BADVA|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       1765|    Process referenced bad addr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        48|       1766|     Unknown branch instruction|      Yes|          Yes|
|        49|       1770|Sat_pn_start with existing sat_|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             pn|         |             |
|        49|       1771|Sat_pn_start without existing s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          at_pn|         |             |
|        47|       1772|Allocated more memory than clea|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            red|         |             |
|        47|       1773|      Root device not available|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1774|                  Bad prom swap|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1775|       Could not allocate nbufs|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1776|   Reconfigure nbufs and reboot|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1777|Frame scheduler [inavlid recove|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ry mode]|         |             |
|        47|       1778|Frame scheduler [invalid intr s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    ource fire]|         |             |
|        47|       1779|Frame scheduler [invalid intr s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   ource reset]|         |             |
|        47|       1780| Frame scheduler [invalid attr]|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1788|Could not allocate job for proc|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              0|         |             |
|        47|       1789|       Biophysio Failed userdma|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1790|  Invalid information label add|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1791|              Invalid label add|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1792|   Preemption with no valid rsa|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1793|         Runable == 2 no rsa(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1794|         Runable == 2 no rsa(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1795|       Illegal request to yield|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1796|    Rbid set for nid but no rsa|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1797|             Dyield nid bad rsa|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1798|            Illegal dyield call|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1799|Table inconsistent with relocat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 ion entries(1)|         |             |
|        47|       1800|Table inconsistent with relocat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 ion entries(2)|         |             |
|        47|       1801|               Symbol not found|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1802|      Paging daemon not running|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1803|       Swap allocation overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        47|       1804|Memory deadlock with no one to |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           kill|         |             |
|        48|       1805|Process killed due to insuffici|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ent memory|         |             |
|        50|       2100|            ARM interrupt error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2101|             GE interrupt error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2102|                   FIFO timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2103|          Swapbuffer timeout(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2104|          Retrace event timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2105|          Swapbuffer timeout(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        52|       2106| Illegal hardware configuration|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2107|                    XG error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2108|                    XG error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2109|                 Memory timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2110|               Textport timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2111|                    XG error(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2112|                 TBUS/ARM error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2113|           Unrecognized command|      Yes|          Yes|
|        50|       2114|                 Graphics error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2115|              Checkpipe timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        52|       2116|                DMA overflow(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        53|       2117|            XG RAM parity error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        53|       2118|           XG RAM invalid error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        53|       2119|            XG bus parity error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        52|       2120|                DMA overflow(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2121|                  Mopup timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2122|                    DMA timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2123|             Selectfeed timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        52|       2124|            I/O space exhausted|      Yes|          Yes|
|        51|       2125|   Context deactivation timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        54|       2126|Process attempting IrisGL and O|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      penGL at the same time(1)|         |             |
|        54|       2127|Process attempting IrisGL and O|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      penGL at the same time(2)|         |             |
|        54|       2128|           Unrecognized command|      Yes|          Yes|
|        55|       2129|                Lost clip id(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        55|       2130|                Lost clip id(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        55|       2131|                Lost clip id(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        55|       2132|        Process not bound to rn|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2692|             Swapbuffer timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2693|          Retrace event timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        57|       2694|Board manager failed to flush F|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            IFO|         |             |
|        58|       2695|                      FCG error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        57|       2696|                  FIFO overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2697|         Unrecognized interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2698|                   FIFO timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2699|           Deactivation timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2700|                    DMA timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2701|               Pickfeed timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        56|       2702|                Vcstage timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        57|       2703|    Hardware incompatibility(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        57|       2704|    Hardware incompatibility(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        57|       2705|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        RM4)(1)|         |             |
|        57|       2706|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        RM4)(2)|         |             |
|        57|       2707|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            illegal VTX config)|         |             |
|        57|       2708|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           invalid VME adapter)|         |             |
|        57|       2709|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            no map VME adapter)|         |             |
|        57|       2710|Illegal hardware configuration(|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |    check DVI cable connection)|         |             |
|        58|       2711|     Write to DG2 EEPROM failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        58|       2712|     DG EEPROM contents invalid|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2713|             Resource exhausted|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2714|        Context switch error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2715|        Context switch error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2716|         Context switch timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2717|           Unrecognized command|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2718|                 Graphics error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2719|              Idle wait timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2720|                   FIFO timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2721|     Texture I/O DMA timeout(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2722|     Texture I/O DMA timeout(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2723|           Texture DMA error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2724|       HQ4 context switch error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2725|              HQ4 FIFO overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2726|                HQ4 ucode error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        62|       2727|    HQ4 DMA address range error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2728|   HQ4 FIFO privilege violation|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2729|             HQ4 stack overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2730|              HQ3 FIFO overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2731|               HQ3 FIFO timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2732|                     FIFO error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2733|                HQ3 ucode error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        62|       2734|    HQ3 DMA address range error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2735|   HQ3 FIFO privilege violation|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2736|             HQ3 stack overflow|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2737|      Bad TRAM configuration(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2738|      Bad TRAM configuration(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2739|                    Bad SRAM(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        59|       2740|                    Bad SRAM(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2741|           Texture DMA error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2742|      Video texture DMA timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        62|       2743|          DMA boundary exceeded|      Yes|          Yes|
|        60|       2744|            DMA locking enabled|      Yes|          Yes|
|        61|       2745|             Swapbuffer timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        63|       2746|           Pixel DMA timeout(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        63|       2747|           Pixel DMA timeout(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        64|       2748|Unrecognized flat panel display|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            (1)|         |             |
|        64|       2749|Unrecognized flat panel display|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            (2)|         |             |
|        63|       2750|                   FIFO timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|        65|       2751|                      DMA error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        78|       3011|No room left in the Xthread Tab|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             le|         |             |
|        78|       3012|  Conflict in the Xthread Table|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2900|Number of consecutive exception|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               s exceeded limit|         |             |
|        75|       2901|Exception while saving hardware|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          state|         |             |
|        75|       2902|Exception during show hardware |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          state|         |             |
|        75|       2903|  Exception during FRU analysis|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2904|Invalid uncached attribute phy |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        address|         |             |
|        75|       2905|Data bus error on unknown addre|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   ss, retrying|         |             |
|        75|       2906|    Unsupported cache algorithm|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2907|Process killed, access to page |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     with error|         |             |
|        75|       2908|User/Kernel Data/Instr Bus erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              r|         |             |
|        75|       2909|Access to non-existent memory a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ddress|         |             |
|        75|       2910|No write privileges to memory a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ddress|         |             |
|        75|       2911|No read privileges to memory ad|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          dress|         |             |
|        75|       2912|Write error exception on migrat|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ing page|         |             |
|        75|       2913|Unrecoverable VM migration erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              r|         |             |
|        75|       2914|Page with memory/directory erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   r could not be discarded (1)|         |             |
|        75|       2915|   Write error on poisoned page|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2916|  No spool info on HSPEC buserr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2917| Lost Spool info on HPEC buserr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2918|       error on HSPEC access(0)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2919|       error on HSPEC access(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2920|  No spool info on MSPEC buserr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2921|Lost spool info on MSPEC buserr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2922|       error on MSPEC access(0)|      Yes|           No|
|        75|       2923|       error on MSPEC access(1)|      Yes|           No|
|        75|       2924|    UCE interrupt on PIO access|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2925|   Lost spool info on IO buserr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2926|Uncorrectable error on uncached|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | memory access, physical addres|         |             |
|          |           |                              s|         |             |
|        75|       2927|uncached remote partition acces|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        s error|         |             |
|        75|       2928|Page with memory/directory erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   r could not be discarded (2)|         |             |
|        75|       2929|uncached partition page access |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|        75|       2930|No spool info on uncached buser|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     r at paddr|         |             |
|        75|       2931|Lost spool info on uncached bus|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            err|         |             |
|        75|       2932|Uncached read access timed out,|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               physical address|         |             |
|        75|       2933|uncached remote partition timeo|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ut error|         |             |
|        75|       2934|uncached partition page timeout|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|        75|       2935|Uncached remote partition acces|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      s error, physical address|         |             |
|        75|       2936|Uncached memory access error, c|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   ause unknown|         |             |
|        75|       2976|Uncached Read Access Error to n|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ode|         |             |
|        75|       2977|Uncached remote partition Read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           Access Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2978|Uncached partition page Read Ac|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             cess Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2979|Uncached read Directory Error t|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         o node|         |             |
|        75|       2980|Uncached remote partition read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        Directory Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2981|Uncached partition page read Di|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          rectory Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2982|Uncached read Poison Access Vio|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 lation to node|         |             |
|        75|       2983|Uncached remote partition read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |Poison Access Violation to node|         |             |
|        75|       2984|Uncached partition page read Po|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |  ison Access Violation to node|         |             |
|        75|       2985|Uncached read Excessive NACKs t|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         o node|         |             |
|        75|       2986|Uncached remote partition read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        Excessive NACKs to node|         |             |
|        75|       2987|Uncached partition page read Ex|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          cessive NACKs to node|         |             |
|        75|       2988|Uncached read Response Data Err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     or to node|         |             |
|        75|       2989|Uncached remote partition read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |    Response Data Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2990|Uncached partition page read Re|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      sponse Data Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2991|Uncached read Packet Length Err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     or to node|         |             |
|        75|       2992|Uncached remote partition read |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |    Packet Length Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2993|Uncached partition page read Pa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      cket Length Error to node|         |             |
|        75|       2937|Uncached access error, bad erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         r type|         |             |
|        75|       2938|Lost spool info on cached buser|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              r|         |             |
|        75|       2939|           Region not populated|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2940|Cached remote partition access |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|        75|       2941|Could not get instruction type.|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |     assuming store instruction|         |             |
|        75|       2942|Trying to recover from ibus err|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             or|         |             |
|        75|       2943|NACK error on local partition a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ddr|         |             |
|        75|       2944|Unrecoverable bus error excepti|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             on|         |             |
|        75|       2945|Mem info Hi / Lo entry addresse|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              s|         |             |
|        75|       2946|Mem info premium/standard dir e|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           ntry|         |             |
|        75|       2947|                            elo|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2948|             dir entry IO owned|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2949|Cached remote partition time ou|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        t error|         |             |
|        75|       2950|Cached partition page time out |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|        75|       2951|Cached read access. Time out er|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ror|         |             |
|        75|       2952|Cached read access. Directory e|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           rror|         |             |
|        75|       2953|Cached remote partition directo|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ry error|         |             |
|        75|       2954|Page with memory/directory erro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   r could not be discarded (3)|         |             |
|        75|       2955|Cached partition page directory|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|        75|       2956|Cached read access. Bad error t|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            ype|         |             |
|        75|       2957|Partition error handler not reg|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        istered|         |             |
|        75|       2958|T5 writeback surprise. WAR done|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2959|T5 writeback surprise. War fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             ed|         |             |
|        75|       2960|                 Cache Error(0)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2961|                 Cache Error(1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2962|                 Cache Error(2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2963|                 Cache Error(3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2964|Interface Error. Suspect MEMORY|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           BANK|         |             |
|        75|       2965|Recovered from memory error by |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            discarding the page|         |             |
|        75|       2966|Unrecoverable Interface error. |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         Suspect memory address|         |             |
|        75|       2967|CPU isolated after recovered ca|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      che error|         |             |
|        75|       2968|           CPU isolation failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2969|                      CPU Error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2970|                      CPU paddr|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2971|                  CPU Tag State|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2972|CPU Cache Error recoverd by inv|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 alidating line|         |             |
|        75|       2973|             Cache Error on CPU|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2974|   Recovered by killing process|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|       2975|    Cache Error recovery failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|        359|            secondary Cache SBE|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|        396|Cached remote partition Poison |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               Access Violation|         |             |
|        75|        397|Cached partition page Poison Ac|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 cess Violation|         |             |
|        75|        398|Cached read Poison Access Viola|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           tion|         |             |
|        75|        399|Cached remote partition Excessi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ve NACKs|         |             |
|        75|        400|Cached partition page Excessive|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          NACKs|         |             |
|        75|        401|    Cached read Excessive NACKs|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|        402|Cached remote partition Respons|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    e Data Erro|         |             |
|        75|        403|Cached partition page Response |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     Data Error|         |             |
|        75|        404|Cached read Response Data Error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        75|        405|Cached remote partition Packet |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   Length Error|         |             |
|        75|        406|Cached partition page Packet Le|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ngth Error|         |             |
|        75|        407|Cached read Packet Length Error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        338|    Environment redundancy lost|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        177|  Environmental redundancy lost|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        323|  Auto power down in 30 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        324|  Auto power down in 25 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        325|  Auto power down in 20 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        326|  Auto power down in 15 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        327|  Auto power down in 10 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        328|   Auto power down in 5 seconds|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        329|    Fan 1 warning limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        330|    Fan 2 warning limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        331|    Fan 3 warning limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        332|      Fan 1 fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        333|      Fan 2 fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        334|      Fan 3 fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        335|           Fan 1 RPM stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        336|           Fan 2 RPM stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        337|           Fan 3 RPM stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        343| Power high fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        344|  Power low fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        345|Power high warning limit reache|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              d|         |             |
|        67|        346|Power low warning limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        347|        Fan fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        348|      Fan warning limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        349|Temperature fault limit reached|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        350|Temperature critical limit reac|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            hed|         |             |
|        67|        351|Temperature advisory limit reac|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            hed|         |             |
|        67|        352|         Power level stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        353|           Fan speed stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        354|         Temperature stabilized|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        355|    Auto power down interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        356|      Auto power down completed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        357|Environment monitor test - faul|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   t condition - this is a test|         |             |
|        67|        358|Environment monitor test - warn|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | ing condition - this is a test|         |             |
|        67|        418|                VRM not present|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        419|                   VRM not okay|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        420|              48V power failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        421|System controller watchpoint co|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ndition #1|         |             |
|        67|        422|System controller watchpoint co|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ndition #2|         |             |
|        67|        428|Power Bay DPS 1 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        429|Power Bay DPS 2 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        430|Power Bay DPS 3 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        431|Power Bay DPS 4 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        432|Power Bay DPS 5 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        433|Power Bay DPS 6 AC fail, lost r|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      edundancy|         |             |
|        67|        434|Power Bay DPS 1 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        435|Power Bay DPS 2 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        436|Power Bay DPS 3 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        437|Power Bay DPS 4 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        438|Power Bay DPS 5 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        439|Power Bay DPS 6 fail, lost redu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         ndancy|         |             |
|        67|        440|Power Bay DPS 1 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        441|Power Bay DPS 2 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        442|Power Bay DPS 3 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        443|Power Bay DPS 4 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        444|Power Bay DPS 5 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        67|        445|Power Bay DPS 6 predictive fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2836|          Cannot bring up board|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2837|     Timeout reached - wait HCA|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2838| Memory cannot post small buffs|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2839|Memory cannot post medium buffs|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2840| Memory cannot post large buffs|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2841| ATM init had duplicate unit ID|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2842|             Cannot kmem_zalloc|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2843|       Cannot kvpalloc HCA area|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2844|           Cannot kvpalloc CMDQ|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2845|            Cannot kvpalloc B2H|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2846|     Cannot allocate stats area|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2847|        dang_intr_conn() failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2848|H/W graph no vertex for io4vhdl|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2849| H/W graph cannot create vertex|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2850|           Unknown input buffer|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2851|           Cannot clear int bit|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2852|     Board seen stray interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2853|              xcmd ne b2h cqcmd|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2854|                  Max b2h cqcmd|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2855|    Cannot destroy fwd vcte (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2856|        Cannot destroy rvc vcte|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2857|       xcmd xmit result warning|      Yes|          Yes|
|        69|       2858|    Cannot destroy fwd vcte (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        70|       2859|s2d register response failed fo|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           r IP|         |             |
|        71|       2860|       Memory TXMT overflow (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        71|       2861|Memory TXMT overflow on TSR (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        71|       2862|       Memory TXMT overflow (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        71|       2863|Memory TXMT overflow on TSR (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        72|       2864|              kmem zalloc error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        72|       2865|     ARP request but not server|      Yes|          Yes|
|        72|       2866|AAOP ARP request error - ARP ta|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       ble full|         |             |
|        72|       2867|ARP reply error - ARP table ful|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              l|         |             |
|        72|       2868|       ARP reply but not server|      Yes|          Yes|
|        72|       2869|AAOP ARP reply error - ARP tabl|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         e full|         |             |
|        73|       2870|         Cannot find IFATM info|      Yes|          Yes|
|        73|       2871|              kmem zalloc error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2872|        Booting bit not cleared|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2873|           LINC LCSR boot error|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2874|          scmd init no response|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2875|     scmd init failed self test|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2876|               scmd init failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2877|    H/W graph cannot get vertex|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2878|   H/W graph cannot create vhdl|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2879|H/W graph cannot add to xtalk v|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          ertex|         |             |
|        74|       2880|H/W graph cannot create device |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         vertex|         |             |
|        74|       2881|H/W graph cannot add device ver|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            tex|         |             |
|        74|       2882|H/W graph cannot get device ver|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            tex|         |             |
|        74|       2883|H/W graph cannot create device |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                vertex for port|         |             |
|        74|       2884|                 scmd timed out|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2885| Cannot destroy zombie fwd vcte|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2886|               Unknown b2h type|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2887|        Cannot destroy fwd vcte|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2888|    Cannot destroy rvs vcte (1)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2889|    Cannot destroy rvs vcte (2)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2890|                 No unit number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2891|H/W graph ioctl cannot create v|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        hdl (1)|         |             |
|        74|       2892|H/W graph ioctl cannot create v|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        hdl (2)|         |             |
|        74|       2893|Ecname error mode at PCI addres|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              s|         |             |
|        74|       2894|    Debug quadoc3 flash req cmd|      Yes|          Yes|
|        74|       2895|Could not locate DMA descriptor|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3729|CMS:Cannot allocate nCr_handle |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  current_cells|         |             |
|        82|       3728|Membership lost - withdrawing f|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    rom cluster|         |             |
|        82|       3727|cms_comb_dynamic_init cannot al|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     loc memory|         |             |
|        82|       3714|       mtcp_hb_watchdog expired|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3713| Cannot create multicast socket|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3712|             invalid config cmd|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3711|          unexpected param type|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3710|mesg_xpmb_count: Bad paramater |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           type|         |             |
|        82|       3709|            unknown header type|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3708|         unregistered subsystem|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3707|thread callback still in progre|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             ss|         |             |
|        82|       3706|unregistered translation subsys|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            tem|         |             |
|        82|       3705|              unknown subsystem|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3704|illegal mesging during recovery|      Yes|          Yes|
|        82|       3703|CMS:Cannot allocate nCr_handle |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          cells|         |             |
|      4002|    2097408|                 Configmon init|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097409|                Sysinfo changed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097410|             Hardware installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097411|          Harwdare de-installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097412|             Software installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097413|          Software de-installed|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097414|                  System change|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097415|            Configuration error|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097416|        ESP registered with SGI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097417|      ESP deregistered with SGI|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4002|    2097418|            ESP package updated|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097419|        ESP package uninstalled|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097420|  ESP system information change|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|    2097421|          ESP profile(s) update|      Yes|           No|
|      4002|        340|Customer information is updated|      Yes|           No|
|      4005|    2098176|               Diagnostic start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098177|         Diagnostic interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098178|                 Diagnostic end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098179|                   Stress start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098180|                     Stress end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098181|                      SVP start|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098182|                        SVP end|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098183|                SVP interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|      4005|    2098184|             Stress interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|        85|       3764|               snmp trap events|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3143|Internal controller has encount|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ered Strong-ARM processor speci|         |             |
|          |           |               fic error. (928)|         |             |
|        80|       3142|Internal controller has encount|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ered i960 processor specific er|         |             |
|          |           |                     ror. (912)|         |             |
|        80|       3141|Internal controller has encount|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ered a firmware breakpoint. (89|         |             |
|          |           |                             7)|         |             |
|        80|       3140|Internal controller is in the h|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               ung state. (896)|         |             |
|        80|       3139|A debug dump exists on this sys|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     tem. (807)|         |             |
|        80|       3138|A Debug Dump exists on this sys|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     tem. (806)|         |             |
|        80|       3137|Configuration on disk import fa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    iled. (805)|         |             |
|        80|       3136|Configuration on disk access er|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ror. (803)|         |             |
|        80|       3135|   Configuration invalid. (802)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3134|            Request Sense (702)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3133|     Back end fibre dead. (644)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3132|  Back end SCSI bus dead. (642)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3131|          Channel failed. (640)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3130|Automatic reboot count has chan|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ged. (518)|         |             |
|        80|       3129|Lost connection to server, or s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           erver is down. (517)|         |             |
|        80|       3128|         Size table full. (513)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3127|Mirror Race on critical drive. |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          (428)|         |             |
|        80|       3126|Mirror Race recovery failed. (4|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            27)|         |             |
|        80|       3125|Controller is using default non|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | -unique world-wide name. (426)|         |             |
|        80|       3124|Controller boot ROM image needs|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          to be reloaded. (425)|         |             |
|        80|       3123|          Killed partner. (423)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3122|      BBU out of service. (418)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3121|Hard ECC error corrected.  (415|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3120|Soft ECC error corrected. (414)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3119| BBU battery not present. (410)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3118|        WARM BOOT failed. (406)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3117|             BBU removed. (405)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3116|Controller firmware mismatch. (|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           404)|         |             |
|        80|       3115|Controller's partner is gone, c|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ontroller is in failover mode n|         |             |
|          |           |                      ow. (399)|         |             |
|        80|       3114|Controller is gone. System is d|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |isconnecting from this controll|         |             |
|          |           |                      er. (395)|         |             |
|        80|       3113|            BBU Power OK. (394)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3112|           BBU Power Low. (393)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3111|Controller is gone. System is d|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |isconnecting from this controll|         |             |
|          |           |                      er. (391)|         |             |
|        80|       3110|     Controller is found. (390)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3109|Controller has been reset. (389|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3108|Controller is dead. System is d|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |isconnecting from this controll|         |             |
|          |           |                      er. (388)|         |             |
|        80|       3107|Internal log structures getting|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | full; PLEASE SHUTDOWN AND RESE|         |             |
|          |           |T THE SYSTEM IN THE NEAR FUTURE|         |             |
|          |           |                        . (386)|         |             |
|        80|       3106|        Write back error. (385)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3105|Access to fan status informatio|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |n has been lost.  Switch card o|         |             |
|          |           |r connectivity has been removed|         |             |
|          |           |                        . (337)|         |             |
|        80|       3104|Access to power supply status i|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |nformation has been lost. (336)|         |             |
|        80|       3103|Access to temperature sensor ha|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             s been lost. (335)|         |             |
|        80|       3102|Enclosure Soft Addressing Detec|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ted. (333)|         |             |
|        80|       3101|Enclosure access is offline. (3|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            32)|         |             |
|        80|       3100|Enclosure access critical. (330|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3099|Temperature sensor is not prese|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                      nt. (329)|         |             |
|        80|       3098|Temperature is above working li|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  mit.    (327)|         |             |
|        80|       3097|Temperature is over safe limit.|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        Failure imminent. (326)|         |             |
|        80|       3096|Power supply is not present. (3|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            25)|         |             |
|        80|       3095|    Power supply failure. (323)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3094|   Fan is not present.    (322)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3093|             Fan failure. (320)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3092|Uninterruptible power supply fa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    iled. (310)|         |             |
|        80|       3091|Uninterruptible power supply ba|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               ttery low. (309)|         |             |
|        80|       3090|Uninterruptible power supply AC|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  failed. (308)|         |             |
|        80|       3089|Uninterruptible power supply di|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  sabled. (307)|         |             |
|        80|       3088|Storage Works enclosure reporte|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         d failure state. (304)|         |             |
|        80|       3087|Storage cabinet temperature sen|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      sor is not present. (292)|         |             |
|        80|       3086|        Over temperature. (291)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3085|Temperature is above 50 degrees|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 Celsius. (289)|         |             |
|        80|       3084|Over temperature. Temperature i|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |s above 70 degrees Celsius. (28|         |             |
|          |           |                             8)|         |             |
|        80|       3083|Storage cabinet power supply is|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             not present. (275)|         |             |
|        80|       3082|    Power supply failure. (274)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3081|    Power supply failure. (272)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3080|Storage cabinet fan is not pres|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ent. (259)|         |             |
|        80|       3079|             Fan failure. (258)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3078|             Fan failure. (256)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3077|Logical drive background initia|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      lization completed. (181)|         |             |
|        80|       3076|Logical drive background initia|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         lization failed. (180)|         |             |
|        80|       3075|Logical drive background initia|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        lization stopped. (177)|         |             |
|        80|       3074|Logical drive background initia|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        lization started. (176)|         |             |
|        80|       3073|A standby rebuild has started o|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         n logical drive. (162)|         |             |
|        80|       3072|Temporary-Offline RAID0+1/RAID1|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |/RAID0/JBOD array is available |         |             |
|          |           |       to the user again. (161)|         |             |
|        80|       3071|Temporary-Offline RAID5/RAID3 a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |rray is available to the user a|         |             |
|          |           |gain with the possibility of da|         |             |
|          |           |         ta in the array. (160)|         |             |
|        80|       3070|Data for Disk Block has been lo|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |st due to Logical Drive problem|         |             |
|          |           |                        . (159)|         |             |
|        80|       3069|System drive LUN mapping has be|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |    en written to config. (157)|         |             |
|        80|       3068|Bad data blocks found. Possible|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               data loss. (156)|         |             |
|        80|       3067|        Bad Blocks found. (153)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3066|Expand Capacity stopped with er|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     ror. (152)|         |             |
|        80|       3065|Logical drive initialization fa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    iled. (147)|         |             |
|        80|       3064|Rebuild stopped because logical|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            drive failed. (143)|         |             |
|        80|       3063|Rebuild stopped with error. New|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           device failed. (142)|         |             |
|        80|       3062|Rebuild stopped with error. (14|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             1)|         |             |
|        80|       3061|An automatic rebuild has starte|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      d on logical drive. (137)|         |             |
|        80|       3060|Logical drive is critical. (135|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3059|Logical drive has been made off|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    line. (134)|         |             |
|        80|       3058|Consistency check failed due to|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | physical device failure. (133)|         |             |
|        80|       3057|Consistency check on logical dr|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              ive failed. (132)|         |             |
|        80|       3056|Consistency check on logical dr|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               ive error. (131)|         |             |
|        80|       3055|Device loop ID conflict (soft a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      ddressing) detected. (96)|         |             |
|        80|       3054|A standby rebuild was started. |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           (61)|         |             |
|        80|       3053|Temporary-Dead physical drive i|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |s automatically made online. (6|         |             |
|          |           |                             0)|         |             |
|        80|       3052|Physical drive missing on start|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       up. (57)|         |             |
|        80|       3051|Physical device failed to start|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         . (54)|         |             |
|        80|       3050|A hard disk failed because writ|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |e operation of 'Bad Data Table'|         |             |
|          |           |                   failed. (49)|         |             |
|        80|       3049|A hard disk failed because writ|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |e operation of the 'Configurati|         |             |
|          |           |       on On Disk' failed. (48)|         |             |
|        80|       3048|A hard disk failed because devi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ce was not found on start up. (|         |             |
|          |           |                            47)|         |             |
|        80|       3047|A hard disk failed because devi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          ce is not ready. (46)|         |             |
|        80|       3046|A hard disk failed because devi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ce returned an unknown status. |         |             |
|          |           |                           (45)|         |             |
|        80|       3045|A hard disk failed because of a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | sequence error in the SCSI bus|         |             |
|          |           |           phase handling. (44)|         |             |
|        80|       3044|A hard disk failed because acce|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ss to the device met with a sel|         |             |
|          |           |          ection time out. (43)|         |             |
|        80|       3043|A hard disk set to failed state|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  by host. (42)|         |             |
|        80|       3042|A hard disk failed because of b|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |usy status or parity error. (41|         |             |
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3041|A hard disk failed because of t|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          he system reset. (40)|         |             |
|        80|       3040|A hard disk failed because comm|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |and to the device timed out. (3|         |             |
|          |           |                             9)|         |             |
|        80|       3039|A hard disk failed because of b|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   ad tag from the device. (38)|         |             |
|        80|       3038|A hard disk failed because of g|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ross error on SCSI processor. (|         |             |
|          |           |                            37)|         |             |
|        80|       3037|A hard disk failed because devi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            ce is missing. (36)|         |             |
|        80|       3036|A hard disk failed because doub|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |le check condition occurred. (3|         |             |
|          |           |                             5)|         |             |
|        80|       3035|A hard disk failed because SCSI|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         bus reset failed. (34)|         |             |
|        80|       3034|A hard disk failed because writ|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        e recovery failed. (33)|         |             |
|        80|       3033|    Initialization failed. (31)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3032|Request Sense Data available. (|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                            28)|         |             |
|        80|       3031|        SCSI device reset. (25)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3030|         Misc error found. (24)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3029|         Soft error found. (23)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3028|       Parity error found. (22)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3027|SCSI command retried on hard di|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       sk. (21)|         |             |
|        80|       3026|SCSI command abort on hard disk|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         . (20)|         |             |
|        80|       3025|SCSI command timeout on hard de|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     vice. (19)|         |             |
|        80|       3024|   A hard disk has failed. (12)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3016|     Hard disk error found. (3)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3023|Rebuild stopped because logical|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             drive failed. (11)|         |             |
|        80|       3022|Rebuild stopped with error. New|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            device failed. (10)|         |             |
|        80|       3021|Rebuild stopped with error. (9)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3020|      Rebuild is cancelled. (8)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3019|           Rebuild is over. (7)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3018|An automatic rebuild has starte|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         d. (5)|         |             |
|        80|       3017|Hard disk PFA condition found, |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   this disk may fail soon. (4)|         |             |
|        80|       3230|Configuration on disk converted|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        . (804)|         |             |
|        80|       3229|   Configuration cleared. (801)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3228|New configuration received. (80|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             0)|         |             |
|        80|       3227|     Set real time clock. (703)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3226|  Event log entries lost. (701)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3225|         Event log empty. (700)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3224|    Back end fibre alive. (645)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3223| Back end SCSI bus alive. (643)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3222|          Channel online. (641)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3221|            Server alive. (516)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3220|         User logged out. (515)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3219|          User logged in. (514)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3218|          System started. (512)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3217|Dual controllers entered nexus.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (424)|         |             |
|        80|       3216|Dual controllers enabled. (422)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3215|     Inserted partner.    (421)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3214|    Relinquished partner. (420)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3213|Updated partner's status. (419)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3212|Controller's Partner Has Been R|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  emoved. (417)|         |             |
|        80|       3211|  BBU recondition needed. (416)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3210|Controller device start complet|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       e. (413)|         |             |
|        80|       3209|Controller entered normal cache|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    mode. (412)|         |             |
|        80|       3208|Controller entered Conservative|       No|           No|
|          |           |              Cache Mode. (411)|         |             |
|        80|       3207|BBU calibration cycle is cancel|       No|           No|
|          |           |                      ed. (409)|         |             |
|        80|       3206|BBU calibration cycle finished.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (408)|         |             |
|        80|       3205|BBU calibration cycle started. |       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (407)|         |             |
|        80|       3204|    Installation aborted. (403)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3203|BBU reconditioning is canceled.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (402)|         |             |
|        80|       3202|BBU reconditioning is finished.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (401)|         |             |
|        80|       3201|BBU reconditioning is started. |       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (400)|         |             |
|        80|       3200|Controller is gone. System is d|       No|           No|
|          |           |isconnecting from this controll|         |             |
|          |           |                      er. (398)|         |             |
|        80|       3199|    Controller is online. (397)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3198|    Controller powered on (396)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3197|             BBU Present. (392)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3196|Array management server softwar|       No|           No|
|          |           |  e started successfully. (384)|         |             |
|        80|       3195|Enclosure services ready. (334)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3194|Enclosure access has been resto|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     red. (331)|         |             |
|        80|       3193|Normal temperature has been res|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   tored. (328)|         |             |
|        80|       3192|Power supply has been restored.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (324)|         |             |
|        80|       3191|   Fan has been restored. (321)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3190|Uninterruptible power supply no|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    rmal. (311)|         |             |
|        80|       3189|Storage Works enclosure reporte|       No|           No|
|          |           |          d normal state. (306)|         |             |
|        80|       3188|Storage Works enclosure reporte|       No|           No|
|          |           |        d critical state. (305)|         |             |
|        80|       3187|Normal temperature has been res|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   tored. (290)|         |             |
|        80|       3186|Power supply has been restored.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (273)|         |             |
|        80|       3185|   Fan has been restored. (257)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3184|Logical drive background initia|       No|           No|
|          |           |      lization restarted. (179)|         |             |
|        80|       3183|Logical drive background initia|       No|           No|
|          |           |         lization paused. (178)|         |             |
|        80|       3182|Attempt to read data from block|       No|           No|
|          |           | that is marked in Bad Data Tab|         |             |
|          |           |                      le. (158)|         |             |
|        80|       3181|System drive type changed. (155|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3180|System drive size changed. (154|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        80|       3179|Expand Capacity completed.    (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           151)|         |             |
|        80|       3178| Expand Capacity started. (150)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3177|A logical drive has been delete|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       d. (149)|         |             |
|        80|       3176|A logical drive has been found.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (148)|         |             |
|        80|       3175|Logical drive initialization ca|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 ncelled. (146)|         |             |
|        80|       3174|Logical drive initialization do|       No|           No|
|          |           |                      ne. (145)|         |             |
|        80|       3173|Logical drive initialization st|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   arted. (144)|         |             |
|        80|       3172|Rebuild on logical drive is can|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  celled. (140)|         |             |
|        80|       3171|Rebuild on logical drive is ove|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       r. (139)|         |             |
|        80|       3170|A manual rebuild has started on|       No|           No|
|          |           |           logical drive. (138)|         |             |
|        80|       3169|Logical drive has been placed o|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   nline. (136)|         |             |
|        80|       3168|Consistency check is cancelled.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (130)|         |             |
|        80|       3167|Consistency check is finished. |       No|           No|
|          |           |                          (129)|         |             |
|        80|       3166|Consistency check is started. (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           128)|         |             |
|        80|       3165|Physical drive is switching fro|       No|           No|
|          |           |m a channel to the other channe|         |             |
|          |           |                        l. (59)|         |             |
|        80|       3164|Rebuild startup failed due to l|       No|           No|
|          |           |       ower disk capacity. (58)|         |             |
|        80|       3163|Physical device negotiated diff|       No|           No|
|          |           |erent bus width than config. (5|         |             |
|          |           |                             6)|         |             |
|        80|       3162|Physical device negotiated diff|       No|           No|
|          |           | erent offset than config. (55)|         |             |
|        80|       3161|Physical device ID did not matc|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        h. (53)|         |             |
|        80|       3160|Physical device status changed |       No|           No|
|          |           |               to rebuild. (52)|         |             |
|        80|       3159|Physical device status changed |       No|           No|
|          |           |             to Hot Spare. (51)|         |             |
|        80|       3158|Physical device status changed |       No|           No|
|          |           |               to offline. (50)|         |             |
|        80|       3157|  Initialization canceled. (32)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3156| Initialization completed. (30)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3155|   Initialization started. (29)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3154|         Warm spare found. (27)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3153|       Active spare found. (26)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3152|Expand Capacity stopped with er|       No|           No|
|          |           |                      ror. (18)|         |             |
|        80|       3151|Expand Capacity Completed. (17)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3150|  Expand Capacity started. (16)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3149|A previously configured disk is|       No|           No|
|          |           |            now available. (15)|         |             |
|        80|       3148|A hard disk has been removed. (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            14)|         |             |
|        80|       3147|A new hard disk has been found.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           (13)|         |             |
|        80|       3146|     A rebuild has started. (6)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3145|A hard disk added as hot spare.|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            (2)|         |             |
|        80|       3144|A hard disk has been placed onl|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       ine. (1)|         |             |
|        80|       3730|                  Unknown Event|      Yes|          Yes|
|        80|       3760|Valid SANMap was not found in t|       No|           No|
|          |           |he configuration on disk. (809)|         |             |
|        80|       3759|Valid configuration on disk not|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   found. (808)|         |             |
|        80|       3758|Battery test failed, battery ba|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       d. (522)|         |             |
|        80|       3757|  Battery test cancelled. (521)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3756|Battery test has completed. (52|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             0)|         |             |
|        80|       3755|Battery test has started. (519)|       No|           No|
|        80|       3754|A replacement controller attemp|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ted to stop the surviving contr|         |             |
|          |           |                   oller. (441)|         |             |
|        80|       3753|Error in mirror race table. (44|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             0)|         |             |
|        80|       3752|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |       cache memory size. (439)|         |             |
|        80|       3751|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             memory size. (438)|         |             |
|        80|       3750|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              host ports. (437)|         |             |
|        80|       3749|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           disk channels. (436)|         |             |
|        80|       3748|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             board types. (435)|         |             |
|        80|       3747|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     IDs. (434)|         |             |
|        80|       3746|Dual-active negotiation failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 jumpers. (433)|         |             |
|        80|       3745|Dual-active automatic flash of |       No|           No|
|          |           |  replacement controller. (432)|         |             |
|        80|       3744|Controller improperly shutdown.|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | Data might have been lost. (43|         |             |
|          |           |                             1)|         |             |
|        80|       3743|Controller disconnected from cl|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   uster. (430)|         |             |
|        80|       3742|Controller connected to cluster|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        . (429)|         |             |
|        80|       3741|Low battery charge level. Logic|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |al drive may have lost data. (1|         |             |
|          |           |                            82)|         |             |
|        80|       3740|Online controller firmware upgr|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           ade has failed. (75)|         |             |
|        80|       3739|Online controller firmware upgr|       No|           No|
|          |           |ade has completed successfully.|         |             |
|          |           |                           (74)|         |             |
|        80|       3738|Online controller firmware upgr|       No|           No|
|          |           |          ade has started. (73)|         |             |
|        80|       3737|Controller parameters checksum |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |verification failed; restored d|         |             |
|          |           |                   efault. (72)|         |             |
|        80|       3736|Mirror race recovery failed for|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            logical drive. (71)|         |             |
|        80|       3735|Physical disk port has failed o|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |r cannot operate at the configu|         |             |
|          |           |        red channel speed. (70)|         |             |
|        80|       3734|Physical disk has acquired an i|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |nappropriate loop ID. Enclosure|         |             |
|          |           | disk-slot operations are disab|         |             |
|          |           |led while this condition persis|         |             |
|          |           |                            ts.|         |             |
|        80|       3733|Physical disk found on only one|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             disk channel. (67)|         |             |
|        80|       3732|Hot spare replaced with a small|       No|           No|
|          |           |        er capacity drive. (62)|         |             |
|        81|       3339|Failed to communicate storage a|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |rray's world-wide name (0x6505)|         |             |
|        81|       3338|Remote storage array's world-wi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |       de name changed (0x6504)|         |             |
|        81|       3337|Communication to remote volume |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                - down (0x6503)|         |             |
|        81|       3336|Data on mirrored pair unsynchro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 nized (0x6402)|         |             |
|        81|       3335|Dual secondary volume conflict |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x6401)|         |             |
|        81|       3334|Dual primary volume conflict (0|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         x6400)|         |             |
|        81|       3333|Snapshot volume failed (0x6202)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3332|Snapshot repository volume capa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           city - full (0x6201)|         |             |
|        81|       3331|Snapshot repository volume capa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |city - threshold exceeded (0x62|         |             |
|          |           |                            00)|         |             |
|        81|       3330|Internal configuration database|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  full (0x6101)|         |             |
|        81|       3329|Diagnostics rejected - configur|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ation error on this controller'|         |             |
|          |           |           s alternate (0x5617)|         |             |
|        81|       3328|Diagnostics rejected - configur|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |ation error on controller (0x56|         |             |
|          |           |                            16)|         |             |
|        81|       3327|This controller's alternate fai|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |led diagnostics write test (0x5|         |             |
|          |           |                           610)|         |             |
|        81|       3326|Diagnostics write test failed o|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          n controller (0x560F)|         |             |
|        81|       3325|This controller's alternate fai|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |led diagnostics read test (0x56|         |             |
|          |           |                            0E)|         |             |
|        81|       3324|Diagnostics read test failed on|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            controller (0x560D)|         |             |
|        81|       3323|Diagnostics rejected - CtlrDiag|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | task on controller's alternate|         |             |
|          |           | cannot obtain Mode Select lock|         |             |
|          |           |                       (0x560C)|         |             |
|        81|       3322|Diagnostics rejected - CtlrDiag|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | task cannot obtain Mode Select|         |             |
|          |           |                  lock (0x560B)|         |             |
|        81|       3321|This controller's alternate fai|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |led - timeout waiting for resul|         |             |
|          |           |                    ts (0x5602)|         |             |
|        81|       3320|Feature Enable Identifier chang|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    ed (0x5404)|         |             |
|        81|       3319|Premium feature exceeds limit (|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        0x5403)|         |             |
|        81|       3318|Premium feature out of complian|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    ce (0x5402)|         |             |
|        81|       3317|Error writing configuration (0x|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          5212)|         |             |
|        81|       3316|            Fail drive (0x5006)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3315|Place controller offline (0x500|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             5)|         |             |
|        81|       3255|Cache between controllers not s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |           ynchronized (0x210B)|         |             |
|        81|       3254|Controller cache not enabled - |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |cache sizes do not match (0x210|         |             |
|          |           |                             9)|         |             |
|        81|       3253|Data/parity mismatch detected o|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              n volume (0x2034)|         |             |
|        81|       3252|Parity reconstructed on volume |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x2033)|         |             |
|        81|       3251|Read drive error during interru|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            pted write (0x202E)|         |             |
|        81|       3250|Virtual disk failed during inte|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         rrupted write (0x2021)|         |             |
|        81|       3249|Piece failed during interrupted|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 write (0x2020)|         |             |
|        81|       3248|Uncompleted writes detected in |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |NVSRAM at start-of-day (0x2015)|         |             |
|        81|       3247|Unwritten data/parity recovered|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            from cache (0x2013)|         |             |
|        81|       3246|Unrecovered deferred error on v|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 olume (0x200B)|         |             |
|        81|       3245|Data/parity mismatch on volume |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x200A)|         |             |
|        81|       3244|          Piece failed (0x2006)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3243|Virtual disk failed - interrupt|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              ed write (0x2005)|         |             |
|        81|       3242|           ESM miswire (0x1510)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3241|       Channel miswire (0x150F)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3240|Controller loop-back diagnostic|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              s failed (0x150E)|         |             |
|        81|       3239|Unresponsive drive (bad AL_PA e|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 rror) (0x150A)|         |             |
|        81|       3238|Fibre channel link errors-thres|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         hold exceeded (0x1207)|         |             |
|        81|       3237|Incorrect mode parameters set o|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               n drive (0x1015)|         |             |
|        81|       3236|Impending drive failure (PFA) d|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               etected (0x1010)|         |             |
|        81|       3235|Drive returned CHECK CONDITION |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x100A)|         |             |
|        81|       3234|Drive write failure - retries e|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              xhausted (0x1006)|         |             |
|        81|       3233|Drive read failure - retries ex|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               hausted (0x1005)|         |             |
|        81|       3232|Drive error tally exceeded thre|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 shold (0x1003)|         |             |
|        81|       3231|        Channel failed (0x1001)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3256|Controller cache battery failed|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x210C)|         |             |
|        81|       3314|Sys wipe request received by al|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |    ternate controller (0x4002)|         |             |
|        81|       3313|Sys wipe request sent to contro|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  ller (0x4000)|         |             |
|        81|       3312|             VKI panic (0x3201)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3311|Environmental card firmware dow|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          nload failed (0x301D)|         |             |
|        81|       3310|Drive firmware download failed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x301A)|         |             |
|        81|       3309|Volume ownership changed due to|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |              failover (0x3019)|         |             |
|        81|       3308|       Drive by-passed (0x2823)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3307| ESM firmware mismatch (0x281E)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3306|Temperature sensor removed (0x2|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           81D)|         |             |
|        81|       3305|Maximum temperature exceeded (0|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         x281C)|         |             |
|        81|       3304|Nominal temperature exceeded (0|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         x281B)|         |             |
|        81|       3303|Tray ID mismatch - duplicate ID|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |  s in same drive tray (0x2818)|         |             |
|        81|       3302|Tray ID conflict - duplicate ID|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |  s across drive trays (0x2816)|         |             |
|        81|       3301|           GBIC failed (0x2815)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3300|Mini-hub canister failed (0x281|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                             3)|         |             |
|        81|       3299|ESM - loss of communication (0x|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          280F)|         |             |
|        81|       3298|Standby power source not fully |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |               charged (0x280E)|         |             |
|        81|       3297|Drive tray component failed (0x|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          280D)|         |             |
|        81|       3296|Controller tray component faile|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     d (0x280B)|         |             |
|        81|       3295|Controller tray component missi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    ng (0x280A)|         |             |
|        81|       3294|    Tray ID not unique (0x2808)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3293|            ESM Failed (0x2807)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3292|UPS battery-two minutes to fail|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                   ure (0x2803)|         |             |
|        81|       3291|Storage Array running on UPS ba|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 ttery (0x2801)|         |             |
|        81|       3290|Recoverable error in processor |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |memory detected/corrected (0x27|         |             |
|          |           |                            03)|         |             |
|        81|       3289|Controller unexpected RPA inter|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         rupt detected (0x2702)|         |             |
|        81|       3288|PCI controller parity error (0x|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          2701)|         |             |
|        81|       3287|Controller RPA memory parity er|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          ror detected (0x2700)|         |             |
|        81|       3286|Persistent controller memory pa|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |            rity error (0x2604)|         |             |
|        81|       3285|Automatic controller firmware s|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           | ynchronization failed (0x2602)|         |             |
|        81|       3284|Controller inserted or removed |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                       (0x2500)|         |             |
|        81|       3283|Volume definition incompatible |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |with ALT mode-ALT disabled (0x2|         |             |
|          |           |                           255)|         |             |
|        81|       3282|Redundancy (parity) and data mi|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   smatch was detected (0x2254)|         |             |
|        81|       3281|Drive marked offline during int|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        errupted write (0x2252)|         |             |
|        81|       3280|Drive failed - reconstruction f|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                ailure (0x2251)|         |             |
|        81|       3279|        Volume failure (0x2250)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3278|Drive failed-initialization/rec|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |   onstruction failure (0x224E)|         |             |
|        81|       3277|Drive failed-no response at sta|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |             rt of day (0x224D)|         |             |
|        81|       3276|Drive failed-initialization fai|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                  lure (0x224B)|         |             |
|        81|       3275|Drive has wrong block size (0x2|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           24A)|         |             |
|        81|       3274|Drive capacity less than minimu|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                     m (0x2249)|         |             |
|        81|       3273|Drive failed - write failure (0|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                         x2248)|         |             |
|        81|       3272|Data lost on volume during unre|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |covered interrupted write (0x22|         |             |
|          |           |                            47)|         |             |
|        81|       3271|Partially reconstructed drive m|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |         arked optimal (0x223F)|         |             |
|        81|       3270|      Drive reinserted (0x223C)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3269| Drive manually failed (0x222D)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3268|Drive failed by controller (0x2|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           229)|         |             |
|        81|       3267|       Drive spun down (0x2226)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3266|Duplicate data structure exists|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |       for two devices (0x2223)|         |             |
|        81|       3265|Piece failed during uncompleted|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |      write processing (0x2218)|         |             |
|        81|       3264|          Piece failed (0x2217)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3263|Piece taken out of service (0x2|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                           216)|         |             |
|        81|       3262|   Drive marked failed (0x2215)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3261|       Parity repaired (0x2212)|      Yes|          Yes|
|        81|       3260|Memory parity ECC error (0x2118|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3259|Controller cache memory initial|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        ization failed (0x2110)|         |             |
|        81|       3258|Controller cache memory parity |      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |        error detected (0x210F)|         |             |
|        81|       3257|Controller cache memory recover|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |y failed after power cycle or r|         |             |
|          |           |                  eset (0x210E)|         |             |
|        81|       3674|Communication to remote volume |       No|           No|
|          |           |                  - up (0x6502)|         |             |
|        81|       3673| Remote volume deleted (0x6501)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3672| Remote volume created (0x6500)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3671|Mirrored pair changed to optima|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     l (0x6404)|         |             |
|        81|       3670|Mirror repository volume delete|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x6301)|         |             |
|        81|       3669|Mirror repository volume create|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x6300)|         |             |
|        81|       3668|Diagnostics rejected - download|       No|           No|
|          |           |        is in progress (0x561F)|         |             |
|        81|       3667|Running diagnostics on this con|       No|           No|
|          |           |               troller (0x561E)|         |             |
|        81|       3666|Diagnostics initiated from this|       No|           No|
|          |           |            controller (0x561D)|         |             |
|        81|       3665|Diagnostics rejected - both con|       No|           No|
|          |           |trollers must be in active mode|         |             |
|          |           |                       (0x561C)|         |             |
|        81|       3664|Diagnostics rejected - data tra|       No|           No|
|          |           |nsfer on this controller's alte|         |             |
|          |           |rnate is not disabled (quiesced|         |             |
|          |           |                     ) (0x561B)|         |             |
|        81|       3663|Diagnostics rejected - data tra|       No|           No|
|          |           |nsfer on controller is not disa|         |             |
|          |           |       bled (quiesced) (0x561A)|         |             |
|        81|       3662|Diagnostics rejected - no cache|       No|           No|
|          |           | memory on this controller's al|         |             |
|          |           |               ternate (0x5619)|         |             |
|        81|       3661|Diagnostics rejected - no cache|       No|           No|
|          |           |  memory on controller (0x5618)|         |             |
|        81|       3660|              Not Used (0x5615)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3659|A host-side port (link) has bee|       No|           No|
|          |           |    n detected as down (0x5614)|         |             |
|        81|       3658|Diagnostics loopback test ident|       No|           No|
|          |           |ified bad destination channel(s|         |             |
|          |           |                     ) (0x5613)|         |             |
|        81|       3657|This controller's alternate pas|       No|           No|
|          |           |sed diagnostics, but loopback t|         |             |
|          |           |est identified an error on loop|         |             |
|          |           |                   (s) (0x5612)|         |             |
|        81|       3656|Controller passed diagnostics, |       No|           No|
|          |           |but loopback test identified an|         |             |
|          |           |      error on loop(s) (0x5611)|         |             |
|        81|       3655|Diagnostics rejected - access v|       No|           No|
|          |           |olume (UTM)is not enabled (0x56|         |             |
|          |           |                            0A)|         |             |
|        81|       3654|Diagnostics unable to select a |       No|           No|
|          |           |         drive for I/O (0x5609)|         |             |
|        81|       3653|Diagnostics rejected - test ID |       No|           No|
|          |           |          is incorrect (0x5608)|         |             |
|        81|       3652|Diagnostics returned unknown Re|       No|           No|
|          |           |              turnCode (0x5607)|         |             |
|        81|       3651|Diagnostics rejected - ctlrDiag|       No|           No|
|          |           | task unable to queue DIAG_INIT|         |             |
|          |           |          _MSG message (0x5606)|         |             |
|        81|       3650|Diagnostics rejected - error oc|       No|           No|
|          |           |curred when sending the Icon me|         |             |
|          |           |                 ssage (0x5605)|         |             |
|        81|       3649|Diagnostics rejected - this con|       No|           No|
|          |           |troller's alternate is absent o|         |             |
|          |           |              r failed (0x5604)|         |             |
|        81|       3648|Diagnostics rejected - already |       No|           No|
|          |           |           in progress (0x5603)|         |             |
|        81|       3647|This controller's alternate pas|       No|           No|
|          |           |      sed diagnostics. (0x5601)|         |             |
|        81|       3646|Controller passed diagnostics (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x5600)|         |             |
|        81|       3645|Premium feature disabled (0x540|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             1)|         |             |
|        81|       3644|Premium feature enabled (0x5400|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3643|Change volume-to-LUN mapping (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5211)|         |             |
|        81|       3642|Delete volume-to-LUN mapping (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5210)|         |             |
|        81|       3641|Create volume-to-LUN mapping (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x520F)|         |             |
|        81|       3640|Move Storage Array port (0x520E|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3639|Delete Storage Array port group|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x520D)|         |             |
|        81|       3638|Create Storage Array port group|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x520C)|         |             |
|        81|       3637|    Set host port type (0x520B)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3636|        Move host port (0x520A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3635|      Rename host port (0x5209)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3634|      Delete host port (0x5208)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3633|      Create host port (0x5207)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3632|             Move host (0x5206)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3631|           Rename host (0x5205)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3630|           Delete host (0x5204)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3629|           Create host (0x5203)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3628|     Rename host group (0x5202)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3627|     Delete host group (0x5201)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3626|     Create host group (0x5200)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3625|Create mirror relationship (0x5|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           033)|         |             |
|        81|       3624|Change synchronization priority|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x5032)|         |             |
|        81|       3623|Deactivate remote mirroring (0x|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          5031)|         |             |
|        81|       3622|Activate remote mirroring (0x50|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            30)|         |             |
|        81|       3621|Increase volume capacity (0x502|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             B)|         |             |
|        81|       3620|Assign volume ownership (0x502A|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3619|Reset controller battery age (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5029)|         |             |
|        81|       3618|Controller NVSRAM download comp|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 leted (0x5028)|         |             |
|        81|       3617|Controller NVSRAM download fail|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    ed (0x5027)|         |             |
|        81|       3616|Controller firmware download co|       No|           No|
|          |           |               mpleted (0x5026)|         |             |
|        81|       3615|Controller firmware download fa|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  iled (0x5025)|         |             |
|        81|       3614|Internal download checkpoint (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5024)|         |             |
|        81|       3613|Controller return status/functi|       No|           No|
|          |           |on call for requested operation|         |             |
|          |           |                       (0x5023)|         |             |
|        81|       3612|Automatic configuration on Stor|       No|           No|
|          |           |             age Array (0x5022)|         |             |
|        81|       3611|Reset configuration of Storage |       No|           No|
|          |           |                 Array (0x5021)|         |             |
|        81|       3610|Change media scan (scrub) setti|       No|           No|
|          |           |  ngs of Storage Array (0x5020)|         |             |
|        81|       3609|Change media scan (scrub) setti|       No|           No|
|          |           |         ngs of volume (0x501F)|         |             |
|        81|       3608|Change positions of trays in ph|       No|           No|
|          |           |           ysical view (0x501E)|         |             |
|        81|       3607|         Revive volume (0x501D)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3606|          Revive drive (0x501C)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3605|Place controller online (0x501B|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3604| Change name of volume (0x501A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3603|Change parameters of volume (0x|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          5019)|         |             |
|        81|       3602|Change cache parameters of volu|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    me (0x5018)|         |             |
|        81|       3601|Synchronize controller clock (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5017)|         |             |
|        81|       3600|Change name of Storage Array (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x5016)|         |             |
|        81|       3599|Update cache parameters of Stor|       No|           No|
|          |           |             age Array (0x5015)|         |             |
|        81|       3598|Change controller to active mod|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     e (0x5014)|         |             |
|        81|       3597|Change controller to passive mo|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    de (0x5013)|         |             |
|        81|       3596|Change segment size of volume (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x5012)|         |             |
|        81|       3595|Change RAID level of volume gro|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    up (0x5011)|         |             |
|        81|       3594|Add free capacity to volume gro|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    up (0x5010)|         |             |
|        81|       3593|Start volume group defragment (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x500F)|         |             |
|        81|       3592|Reconstruct drive/volume (0x500|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             E)|         |             |
|        81|       3591|Place volume group online (0x50|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            0D)|         |             |
|        81|       3590|Place volume group offline (0x5|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           00C)|         |             |
|        81|       3589|Controller NVSRAM download star|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ted (0x500B)|         |             |
|        81|       3588|Download drive firmware issued |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x500A)|         |             |
|        81|       3587|Controller firmware download st|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 arted (0x5009)|         |             |
|        81|       3586|      Initialize drive (0x5008)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3585|Initialize volume group or volu|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    me (0x5007)|         |             |
|        81|       3584|         Delete volume (0x5004)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3583|De-assign hot spare drive (0x50|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            03)|         |             |
|        81|       3582|         Create volume (0x5002)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3581|Assign hot spare drive (0x5001)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3580|Assign volume group ownership (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x5000)|         |             |
|        81|       3579|      Controller reset (0x4010)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3578|Controller reset by its alterna|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    te (0x400F)|         |             |
|        81|       3577|Automatic volume transfer start|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    ed (0x400E)|         |             |
|        81|       3576|Controller placed online (0x400|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             D)|         |             |
|        81|       3575|Controller placed offline (0x40|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            0C)|         |             |
|        81|       3574|All channel reset detected (0x4|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           00B)|         |             |
|        81|       3573|Alternate controller quiescence|       No|           No|
|          |           |              released (0x400A)|         |             |
|        81|       3572|Controller quiescence released |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x4009)|         |             |
|        81|       3571|Controller quiescence halted (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x4008)|         |             |
|        81|       3570|Subsystem quiescence started (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x4007)|         |             |
|        81|       3569|Alternate controller quiescence|       No|           No|
|          |           |               started (0x4006)|         |             |
|        81|       3568|Controller quiescence started (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x4005)|         |             |
|        81|       3567|Alternate controller quiescence|       No|           No|
|          |           |      message received (0x4004)|         |             |
|        81|       3566|NVSRAM clear request received b|       No|           No|
|          |           |y alternate controller (0x4003)|         |             |
|        81|       3565|NVSRAM clear request sent to al|       No|           No|
|          |           |    ternate controller (0x4001)|         |             |
|        81|       3564|      VKI commom error (0x3200)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3563|  Deferred error (EEL) (0x3102)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3562|AEN posted for recently logged |       No|           No|
|          |           |                 event (0x3101)|         |             |
|        81|       3561|Environmental card firmware dow|       No|           No|
|          |           |       nload completed (0x301E)|         |             |
|        81|       3560|Environmental card firmware dow|       No|           No|
|          |           |         nload started (0x301C)|         |             |
|        81|       3559|Drive firmware download complet|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    ed (0x301B)|         |             |
|        81|       3558|Set pass command issued (0x3018|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3557|Set pass-through issued (0x3017|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3556|Alternate controller transition|       No|           No|
|          |           |                issued (0x3016)|         |             |
|        81|       3555|Drive pass-through issued (0x30|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            15)|         |             |
|        81|       3554|Drive firmware download started|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x3014)|         |             |
|        81|       3553|Download controller firmware is|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  sued (0x3013)|         |             |
|        81|       3552|          Write Buffer (0x3012)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3551|  Defect list received (0x3011)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3550|Mode select for hot spare page |       No|           No|
|          |           |           3A received (0x3010)|         |             |
|        81|       3549|Mode select for time page 2F re|       No|           No|
|          |           |                ceived (0x300F)|         |             |
|        81|       3548|Mode select for vendor-unique c|       No|           No|
|          |           | ache page 2E received (0x300E)|         |             |
|        81|       3547|Mode select for redundant contr|       No|           No|
|          |           |oller page 2C received (0x300D)|         |             |
|        81|       3546|Mode select for array logical p|       No|           No|
|          |           |       age 2B received (0x300C)|         |             |
|        81|       3545|Mode select for array physical |       No|           No|
|          |           |      page 2A received (0x300B)|         |             |
|        81|       3544|Mode select for control mode pa|       No|           No|
|          |           |         ge A received (0x300A)|         |             |
|        81|       3543|Mode for caching page 8 receive|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x3009)|         |             |
|        81|       3542|Mode select for page 2 received|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x3008)|         |             |
|        81|       3541|Mode select for page 1 received|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x3007)|         |             |
|        81|       3540|Safe pass-through issued (0x300|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             6)|         |             |
|        81|       3539|Synchronize controller cache is|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  sued (0x3005)|         |             |
|        81|       3538|        Release issued (0x3004)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3537|        Reserve issued (0x3003)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3536|Reassign blocks issued from hos|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     t (0x3002)|         |             |
|        81|       3535|     Quiescence issued (0x3001)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3534|    Format unit issued (0x3000)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3533|Drive by-passed condition resol|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ved (0x2824)|         |             |
|        81|       3532|Incompatible mini-hub canister |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2821)|         |             |
|        81|       3531|Two controllers present but NVS|       No|           No|
|          |           |RAM (offset 0x35, bit 6) set fo|         |             |
|          |           |r NOT reporting a missing secon|         |             |
|          |           |          d controller (0x2820)|         |             |
|        81|       3530|ESM Environmental card firmware|       No|           No|
|          |           |     mismatch resolved (0x281F)|         |             |
|        81|       3529|Temperature changed to optimal |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x281A)|         |             |
|        81|       3528|Tray ID mismatch resolved (0x28|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            19)|         |             |
|        81|       3527|Tray ID conflict resolved (0x28|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            17)|         |             |
|        81|       3526|GBIC changed to optimal (0x2814|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3525|Mini-hub canister changed to op|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 timal (0x2812)|         |             |
|        81|       3524|              Not Used (0x2811)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3523|ESM - communication restored (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2810)|         |             |
|        81|       3522|Drive tray component changed to|       No|           No|
|          |           |               optimal (0x280C)|         |             |
|        81|       3521|Controller tray component chang|       No|           No|
|          |           |         ed to optimal (0x2809)|         |             |
|        81|       3520| Tray component change (0x2806)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3519|Controller tray component chang|       No|           No|
|          |           |            e detected (0x2805)|         |             |
|        81|       3518|              Not Used (0x2804)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3517|UPS battery is fully charged (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2802)|         |             |
|        81|       3516|Power supply state change detec|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ted (0x2800)|         |             |
|        81|       3515|Start-of-day routine completed |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2605)|         |             |
|        81|       3514|Default volume created (0x2603)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3513|Automatic controller firmware s|       No|           No|
|          |           |ynchronization completed (0x260|         |             |
|          |           |                             1)|         |             |
|        81|       3512|Automatic controller firmware s|       No|           No|
|          |           |ynchronization started (0x2600)|         |             |
|        81|       3511|Controller mode switch occurred|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2505)|         |             |
|        81|       3510|Controller mode changed to acti|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    ve (0x2504)|         |             |
|        81|       3509|Controller mode changed to pass|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ive (0x2503)|         |             |
|        81|       3508|Controller icon chip error (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           502)|         |             |
|        81|       3507|Controller mode changed to acti|       No|           No|
|          |           |                    ve (0x2501)|         |             |
|        81|       3506|Hot swap monitor detected drive|       No|           No|
|          |           |             insertion (0x2401)|         |             |
|        81|       3505|Hot swap monitor detected drive|       No|           No|
|          |           |               removal (0x2400)|         |             |
|        81|       3504|Immediate availability initiali|       No|           No|
|          |           |zation (IAF) started on volume |         |             |
|          |           |                       (0x225A)|         |             |
|        81|       3503|Initialization started on volum|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     e (0x2259)|         |             |
|        81|       3502|Modification (reconfigure) comp|       No|           No|
|          |           |       leted on volume (0x2258)|         |             |
|        81|       3501|Modification (reconfigure) star|       No|           No|
|          |           |         ted on volume (0x2257)|         |             |
|        81|       3500|Copyback completed on volume (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2256)|         |             |
|        81|       3499|Volume group or volume modified|       No|           No|
|          |           |  (created or deleted) (0x2253)|         |             |
|        81|       3498|Hot spare capacity not sufficie|       No|           No|
|          |           |     nt for all drives (0x224F)|         |             |
|        81|       3497|Wrong drive removed/replaced (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x224C)|         |             |
|        81|       3496|Media scan (scrub) resumed (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           246)|         |             |
|        81|       3495|Media scan (scrub) stopped (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           245)|         |             |
|        81|       3494|Unknown drive marked unassigned|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2244)|         |             |
|        81|       3493|Unassigned drive with no DACSTO|       No|           No|
|          |           |            RE removed (0x2243)|         |             |
|        81|       3492|Unassigned drive with no DACSTO|       No|           No|
|          |           |            RE deleted (0x2242)|         |             |
|        81|       3491|Unassigned drive with no DACSTO|       No|           No|
|          |           |             RE failed (0x2241)|         |             |
|        81|       3490|DACSTORE created for unassigned|       No|           No|
|          |           |    or hot spare drive (0x2240)|         |             |
|        81|       3489|  Drive marked optimal (0x223E)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3488|Unassigned drive replaced (0x22|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            3D)|         |             |
|        81|       3487|Failed/Replaced drive marked re|       No|           No|
|          |           |                placed (0x223B)|         |             |
|        81|       3486|  Drive marked deleted (0x223A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3485|Hot spare drive assigned intern|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  ally (0x2239)|         |             |
|        81|       3484|Drive added in previously unuse|       No|           No|
|          |           |                d slot (0x2238)|         |             |
|        81|       3483|Replaced drive completed recons|       No|           No|
|          |           |              truction (0x2237)|         |             |
|        81|       3482|Hot spare drive copy completed |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2236)|         |             |
|        81|       3481|Optimal/Replaced drive marked r|       No|           No|
|          |           |                emoved (0x2235)|         |             |
|        81|       3480|Reconstructing drive marked rem|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  oved (0x2234)|         |             |
|        81|       3479|Unassigned drive marked removed|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2233)|         |             |
|        81|       3478|Removed drive marked removed (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2232)|         |             |
|        81|       3477|  Drive marked removed (0x2231)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3476|Drive failed by device manager |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2230)|         |             |
|        81|       3475| Drive marked replaced (0x222F)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3474|    Mark drive removed (0x222E)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3473|Drive marked unassigned (0x222C|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3472|Drive replaced when Storage Arr|       No|           No|
|          |           |     ay was turned off (0x222B)|         |             |
|        81|       3471|Hot spare drive assigned (0x222|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             A)|         |             |
|        81|       3470|         Drive deleted (0x2228)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3469|  Drive marked optimal (0x2227)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3468|Reconstruction restarted (0x222|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             5)|         |             |
|        81|       3467|Reconstruction started (0x2224)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3466|Logical unit number for volume |       No|           No|
|          |           |            reassigned (0x2222)|         |             |
|        81|       3465|Hot spare drive removed from ho|       No|           No|
|          |           |          t spare list (0x2221)|         |             |
|        81|       3464|Hot spare drive added to hot sp|       No|           No|
|          |           |              are list (0x2220)|         |             |
|        81|       3463|Initialization (immediate avail|       No|           No|
|          |           |ability) started or restarted (|         |             |
|          |           |                        0x221F)|         |             |
|        81|       3462|Volume group or volume initiali|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   zed (0x221E)|         |             |
|        81|       3461|Volume group placed online (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           21D)|         |             |
|        81|       3460|Volume group placed offline (0x|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          221C)|         |             |
|        81|       3459|Piece placed in service (0x221B|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3458|        Piece replaced (0x221A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3457|Piece removed from volume (0x22|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            19)|         |             |
|        81|       3456|One or more Sundry regions crea|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ted (0x2214)|         |             |
|        81|       3455|Volume initialized with zeros (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x2213)|         |             |
|        81|       3454|     Restore completed (0x2211)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3453|       Restore started (0x2210)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3452|Media scan (scrub) completed (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x220F)|         |             |
|        81|       3451|Media scan (scrub) started (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           20E)|         |             |
|        81|       3450|Media scan (scrub) enabled (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           20D)|         |             |
|        81|       3449|Device failed during interrupte|       No|           No|
|          |           |    d write processing (0x220C)|         |             |
|        81|       3448|    Copyback restarted (0x220B)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3447|      Copyback started (0x220A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3446|Modification (reconfigure) comp|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 leted (0x2209)|         |             |
|        81|       3445|Modification (reconfigure) star|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ted (0x2208)|         |             |
|        81|       3444|  Device copy complete (0x2207)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3443|Reconstruction completed (0x220|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             6)|         |             |
|        81|       3442|Source drive failed during copy|       No|           No|
|          |           |             operation (0x2205)|         |             |
|        81|       3441|        I/O is resumed (0x2204)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3440|Volume group or volume deleted |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2203)|         |             |
|        81|       3439|          Volume added (0x2202)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3438| Volume marked optimal (0x2201)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3437|Cache corrected by using altern|       No|           No|
|          |           |ate controller's cache (0x211A)|         |             |
|        81|       3436|Recoverable error in data buffe|       No|           No|
|          |           |r memory detected/corrected (0x|         |             |
|          |           |                          2119)|         |             |
|        81|       3435|Controller cache manager error |       No|           No|
|          |           |               cleared (0x2117)|         |             |
|        81|       3434|Alternate controller cache batt|       No|           No|
|          |           |            ery failed (0x2116)|         |             |
|        81|       3433|Alternate controller cache batt|       No|           No|
|          |           |ery nearing expiration (0x2115)|         |             |
|        81|       3432|Alternate controller cache batt|       No|           No|
|          |           |  ery is fully charged (0x2114)|         |             |
|        81|       3675|Controller cache battery nearin|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |          g expiration (0x2113)|         |             |
|        81|       3431|Controller cache battery is ful|       No|           No|
|          |           |            ly charged (0x2112)|         |             |
|        81|       3430|Controller cache task failed (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2111)|         |             |
|        81|       3429|Controller deferred error (0x21|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            0D)|         |             |
|        81|       3428|Controller cache not enabled or|       No|           No|
|          |           | was internally disabled (0x210|         |             |
|          |           |                             A)|         |             |
|        81|       3427|Controller cache manager experi|       No|           No|
|          |           |         encing errors (0x2108)|         |             |
|        81|       3426|Clear requested on controller c|       No|           No|
|          |           |ache manager's DACSTORE (0x2107|         |             |
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3425|Update requested on controller |       No|           No|
|          |           |cache manager's DACSTORE (0x210|         |             |
|          |           |                             6)|         |             |
|        81|       3424|Controller cache reconfigure ev|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ent (0x2105)|         |             |
|        81|       3423|Controller cache synchronizatio|       No|           No|
|          |           |         n/purge event (0x2104)|         |             |
|        81|       3422|UPS battery is fully charged (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2103)|         |             |
|        81|       3421|Cache mirroring on controllers |       No|           No|
|          |           |      not synchronized (0x2102)|         |             |
|        81|       3420|Alternate controller checked in|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 late  (0x2101)|         |             |
|        81|       3419|Initialization resumed on volum|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     e (0x2032)|         |             |
|        81|       3418|Initialization started on volum|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     e (0x2031)|         |             |
|        81|       3417|Initialization completed on vol|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ume (0x2030)|         |             |
|        81|       3416|Automatic volume transfer compl|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  eted (0x202F)|         |             |
|        81|       3415|Redundancy check resumed (0x202|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             D)|         |             |
|        81|       3414|Redundancy check completed (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           02C)|         |             |
|        81|       3413|Redundancy check started (0x202|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             B)|         |             |
|        81|       3412|Modification (reconfigure) resu|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   med (0x202A)|         |             |
|        81|       3411|Modification (reconfigure) comp|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 leted (0x2029)|         |             |
|        81|       3410|Modification (reconfigure) star|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ted (0x2028)|         |             |
|        81|       3409|Reconstruction resumed (0x2027)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3408|Reconstruction completed (0x202|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             6)|         |             |
|        81|       3407|Reconstruction started (0x2025)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3406|Media scan (scrub) resumed (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           024)|         |             |
|        81|       3405|Media scan (scrub) completed (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2023)|         |             |
|        81|       3404|Media scan (scrub) started (0x2|       No|           No|
|          |           |                           022)|         |             |
|        81|       3403|  VDD repair completed (0x201F)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3402|    VDD repair started (0x201E)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3401| VDD recover completed (0x201D)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3400|   VDD recover started (0x201C)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3399| VDD restore completed (0x201B)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3398|   VDD restore started (0x201A)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3397|   Performance monitor (0x2019)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3396|I/O suspended due to no pre-all|       No|           No|
|          |           |      ocated resources (0x2018)|         |             |
|        81|       3395|Interrupted writes detected fro|       No|           No|
|          |           |     m checkpoint logs (0x2017)|         |             |
|        81|       3394|Interrupted writes processed (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x2016)|         |             |
|        81|       3393|   VDD logged an error (0x2014)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3392| Cache flush completed (0x2012)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3391|   Cache flush started (0x2011)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3390|Cache synchronization completed|       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x2010)|         |             |
|        81|       3389|Cache synchronization started (|       No|           No|
|          |           |                        0x200F)|         |             |
|        81|       3388|Virtual disk driver reconfigure|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x200E)|         |             |
|        81|       3387| I/O aborted on volume (0x200D)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3386|Recovered error on volume (0x20|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            0C)|         |             |
|        81|       3385| RAID 0 write failures (0x2009)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3384|Failed volume started reconstru|       No|           No|
|          |           |                 ction (0x2008)|         |             |
|        81|       3383|    Fail piece delayed (0x2007)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3382|Interrupted write completed (0x|       No|           No|
|          |           |                          2004)|         |             |
|        81|       3381|Interrupted write started (0x20|       No|           No|
|          |           |                            03)|         |             |
|        81|       3380|      Repair completed (0x2002)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3379|        Repair started (0x2001)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3378|Environmental card miswire reso|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  lved (0x1512)|         |             |
|        81|       3377|Channel miswire resolved (0x151|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             1)|         |             |
|        81|       3376|Channel reset occurred (0x150D)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3375|Unresponsive environmental card|       No|           No|
|          |           | (ESM) (bad AL_PA error) (0x150|         |             |
|          |           |                             C)|         |             |
|        81|       3374|Unresponsive alternate controll|       No|           No|
|          |           |  er (bad AL_PA error) (0x150B)|         |             |
|        81|       3373|Loop port bypass (LPB) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |o environmental card(ESM) (0x15|         |             |
|          |           |                            09)|         |             |
|        81|       3372|Loop port bypass (LPB) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |o alternate controller (0x1508)|         |             |
|        81|       3371|Loop port bypass (LPB) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |               o drive (0x1507)|         |             |
|        81|       3370|Loop port enable (LPE) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |o environmental card (ESM) (0x1|         |             |
|          |           |                           506)|         |             |
|        81|       3369|Loop port enable (LPE) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |o alternate controller (0x1505)|         |             |
|        81|       3368|Loop port enable (LPE) issued t|       No|           No|
|          |           |               o drive (0x1504)|         |             |
|        81|       3367|Selective LIP reset issued to e|       No|           No|
|          |           |nvironmental card (ESM) (0x1503|         |             |
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3366|Selective LIP reset issued to a|       No|           No|
|          |           |   lternate controller (0x1502)|         |             |
|        81|       3365|Selective LIP reset issued to d|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  rive (0x1501)|         |             |
|        81|       3364|Channel initialization error (0|       No|           No|
|          |           |                         x1500)|         |             |
|        81|       3363|Fibre channel link errors conti|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   nue (0x1206)|         |             |
|        81|       3362|Fibre channel-driver detected e|       No|           No|
|          |           |rror during initialization (0x1|         |             |
|          |           |                           205)|         |             |
|        81|       3361|Fibre channel-driver detected e|       No|           No|
|          |           |rror after initialization (0x12|         |             |
|          |           |                            04)|         |             |
|        81|       3360|Fibre channel-TPRLO reset recei|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ved (0x1203)|         |             |
|        81|       3359|Fibre channel-TGT reset receive|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x1202)|         |             |
|        81|       3358|Fibre channel-LIP reset receive|       No|           No|
|          |           |                     d (0x1201)|         |             |
|        81|       3357|     Unknown interrupt (0x1104)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3356|Host bus reset received (0x1103|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3355|Host bus reset asserted (0x1102|       No|           No|
|          |           |                              )|         |             |
|        81|       3354|SRC driver detected exception o|       No|           No|
|          |           |           n SCSI chip (0x1101)|         |             |
|        81|       3353|Destination driver successfully|       No|           No|
|          |           | issued reassign blocks command|         |             |
|          |           |                       (0x1014)|         |             |
|        81|       3352|Destination driver level 0 diag|       No|           No|
|          |           |         nostic failed (0x1013)|         |             |
|        81|       3351|Destination driver error (0x101|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             2)|         |             |
|        81|       3350|            Chip error (0x1011)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3349|Bus parity error on controller |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x100F)|         |             |
|        81|       3348|Unexpected interrupt on control|       No|           No|
|          |           |                   ler (0x100E)|         |             |
|        81|       3347|Timeout on drive side of contro|       No|           No|
|          |           |                  ller (0x100D)|         |             |
|        81|       3346|Hardware error on drive side of|       No|           No|
|          |           |            controller (0x100C)|         |             |
|        81|       3345|Start-of-day error in destinati|       No|           No|
|          |           |             on driver (0x100B)|         |             |
|        81|       3344|Controller memory parity error |       No|           No|
|          |           |                       (0x1009)|         |             |
|        81|       3343| Unsupported SCSI chip (0x1008)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3342|Controller out of memory (0x100|       No|           No|
|          |           |                             7)|         |             |
|        81|       3341|   Error on drive open (0x1004)|       No|           No|
|        81|       3340|       Channel revived (0x1002)|       No|           No|
|        83|       3726| Fatal error on root filesystem|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3725|     xfs_buf_item_log_check bip|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3724|attempting to delete a log item|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                 not in the AIL|         |             |
|        83|       3723|            I/O Error Detected.|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3722|        Log I/O Error Detected.|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3721|Corruption of in-memory data de|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                        tected.|         |             |
|        83|       3720|reservation ran out. Need to up|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                    reservation|         |             |
|        83|       3719|              bad inode,forkoff|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3718|  detected corrupt incore inode|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3717|            Bad directory inode|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3716|              Bad regular inode|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3715|         Bad inode magic number|      Yes|          Yes|
|        83|       3677|          XFS specific messages|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3687|               unhandled vetype|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3686|             unhandled attrtype|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3685|         old version disk label|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3684|       remote i/o not supported|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3683|io request cannot be routed rem|      Yes|          Yes|
|          |           |                          otely|         |             |
|        84|       3682|    Freeing more than allocated|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3681|      Allocated less than freed|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3680|          client commit failure|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3679|       XVM hostnames dont match|      Yes|          Yes|
|        84|       3678|          XVM specific messages|      Yes|          Yes|
|      7001|    4194471|          unix / *(TOOK-ACTION*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194470|         unix / *(CONFIG-ISSUE*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194469|         unix / *(SYS-DEGRADED*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194468|         unix / *(MAINT-NEEDED*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194467|midisynth / *initial preset loa|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                       d error*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194466|midisynth / *resource temporari|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                ly unavailable*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194465|midisynth / *unable to set up I|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                       PC pipe*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194464|midisynth / *unable to create i|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |           nternal MIDI device*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194463|midisynth / *unable to set outp|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |    ut port rate or clock type*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194462|midisynth / *unable to open aud|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                   io out port*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194461|midisynth / *audio interface se|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                      t failed*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194460|unix / Cannot lock process in m|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                        emory *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194459|unix / No memory to register pr|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                       otocol *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194458|   unix / No space for client *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194457|unix / Cannot initialize * clie|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |         nt * list semaphore: *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194456|unix / Could not start * thread|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                              *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194455|unix / Could not create * semap|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  hore for io q|         |             |
|      7001|    4194454|unix / Out of memory allocating|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |             common client info|         |             |
|      7001|    4194453|unix / Client * could not setup|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                     new client|         |             |
|      7001|    4194452|  unix / Client * Access denied|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194451|unix / xfs_iflush: detected cor|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |            rupt incore inode *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194450|unix / xfs_iflush: *ad *inode *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194449|unix / Please umount the filesy|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | stem, and rectify the problem*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194448|unix / *I/O error in filesystem|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |      * meta-data dev * block *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194447|unix / *I/O Error Detected. Shu|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |        tting down filesystem:*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194446|unix / *Superblock write error |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |detected while unmounting files|         |             |
|          |           |ystem * Filesystem may not be m|         |             |
|          |           |          arked shared readonly|         |             |
|      7001|    4194445|unix / *Corruption of in-memory|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | data detected.  Shutting down |         |             |
|          |           |                    filesystem*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194444|unix / *filesystem is corrupt, |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |     unmount and run xfs_repair|         |             |
|      7001|    4194443|unix / *corrupt *inode*in files|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |ystem*Unmount and run xfs_repai|         |             |
|          |           |                             r.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194442|unix / * mtr*: unable to alloca|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |              te buff memory: *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194441|unix / * mtr*: kmem_zalloc fali|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                            ed*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194440|unix / * mtr*: could not alloca|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                    te pio map.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194439|unix / * mtr*: bad EDT ctlr ent|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                            ry.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194438|unix / * mtr*: SIOCSIFADDR(AF_R|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                     AW) failed|         |             |
|      7001|    4194437|unix / * mtr*: possible lockup:|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                              *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194436|unix / * mtr*: failed to alloca|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |te memory for TX & RX: kvpalloc|         |             |
|          |           |                              *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194435|unix / * mtr*: SIOC_TR_RESTART |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                       failed:*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194434|unix / * mtr*: SIFINT_ADAPTER_C|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                          HECK*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194433|unix / * mtr*: no memory or io |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                 base register!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194432|unix / * mtr*: SIOC*MULTI: srb_|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                         used:*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194431|   unix / * mtr*: mtr_watchdog*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194430|     unix / * mtr*: mtr_output*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194429| unix / * mtr*: POLLING_SIFINT:|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194428|unix / Filesystem on device may|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | be corrupted: unmount and fsck|         |             |
|          |           |                            it.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194427|unix / * Directory [0-9]* is co|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                      rrupted *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194426|unix / NFS server: increase svc|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |        _maxdupreqs from [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194425|unix / wid [0-9]* already swapp|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                    ing buffers|         |             |
|      7001|    4194424|unix / crimeError: resetting gr|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  aphics from *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194423|  unix / crime: unknown ioctl *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194422|             imdmonitor / i18n*|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194421|unix / Wacom failed init * No t|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                         ablet*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194420|unix / * ECC Error in * side of|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |              .IMM Slot [0-9]**|         |             |
|      7001|    4194418|unix / Nonrecoverable memory pa|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |          rity error detected *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194416|unix / ALERT: arp: host with MA|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |C address * is still using my I|         |             |
|          |           |                    P address *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194415|unix / ALERT: arp: host with MA|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |C address * is using my IP addr|         |             |
|          |           |                          ess *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194414|unix / NOTICE: SCSI tape #0,3 I|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |ncompatible media in drive, may|         |             |
|          |           | be blank tape or wrong tape ty|         |             |
|          |           |                             pe|         |             |
|      7001|    4194413|unix / ALERT: SCSI tape #* Exce|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |             ssive write errors|         |             |
|      7001|    4194412|unix / NOTICE: SCSI tape #* Inc|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |   ompatible media when reading|         |             |
|      7001|    4194411|         unix / dks*: [Alert] *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194410|mediad / couldn't find DSO for |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |          device at SCSI ctlr *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194409|mediad / can't open CD-ROM * I/|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                        O error|         |             |
|      7001|    4194408|mediad / can't read sector [0-9|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                 ]* of device *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194407|mediad / * sector size of [0-9]|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |            * too large for HFS|         |             |
|      7001|    4194406|mediad / The file system on dev|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |       ice: * cannot be mounted|         |             |
|      7001|    4194405|fam / imon event queue overflow|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194404|     fam / can't open /dev/imon|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194403|unix / XFS read error in file s|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |   ystem meta-data block [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194402|unix / XFS write error in file |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |  system meta-data block [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194401|unix / * Process * ran out of d|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                      isk space|         |             |
|      7001|    4194400|unix / Process * ran out of con|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  tiguous space|         |             |
|      7001|    4194399|unix / Ancestor inode [0-9]* is|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                not a directory|         |             |
|      7001|    4194397|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |led: not enough memory to grow |         |             |
|          |           |                          stack|         |             |
|      7001|    4194396|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |led: not enough memory to lock |         |             |
|          |           |                          stack|         |             |
|      7001|    4194395|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |led: process or stack limit exc|         |             |
|          |           |                          eeded|         |             |
|      7001|    4194394|unix / ALERT: Process * generat|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |ed trap, but has signal [0-9]* |         |             |
|          |           |                held or ignored|         |             |
|      7001|    4194393|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |  led due to no more swap space|         |             |
|      7001|    4194392|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |       led due to bad page read|         |             |
|      7001|    4194391|unix / Swap * failed on logical|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | swap [0-9]* blkno 0x* for proc|         |             |
|          |           |                          ess *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194390|unix / Process * pid [0-9]* kil|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |led due to insufficient memory/|         |             |
|          |           |                          swap.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194389|unix / Memory Deadlock with no |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                   one to kill!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194388|unix / Swap allocation overflow|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                              ?|         |             |
|      7001|    4194387|unix / Paging Daemon (vhand) no|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |    t running. NFS server down?|         |             |
|      7001|    4194386|unix / Read error in swap (ksta|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |ck ext) for pid [0-9]* - proces|         |             |
|          |           |s cannot be run again unless th|         |             |
|          |           |                is is corrected|         |             |
|      7001|    4194385|unix / Read error in swap for p|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |id [0-9]* - process cannot be r|         |             |
|          |           |un again unless this is correct|         |             |
|          |           |                             ed|         |             |
|      7001|    4194384|unix / * - out of logical swap |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                 space during *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194383|unix / Failed to add swap file |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                 * error [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194382|unix / Swap out failed on logic|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |al swap [0-9]* blkno * for proc|         |             |
|          |           |                  ess [ vhand ]|         |             |
|      7001|    4194381|unix / vhand runing low on swap|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | handle lists, only [0-9]* left|         |             |
|      7001|    4194380|unix / rtodc: preposterous time|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  in tod chip:*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194379|unix / IO4 NVRAM/time-of-day ch|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |ip reports invalid RAM or time*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194378|unix / Environment segment inva|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |lid! Unable to program FLASH RA|         |             |
|          |           |                              M|         |             |
|      7001|    4194377|unix / Environment segment inva|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | lid!  Unable to zero FLASH RAM|         |             |
|      7001|    4194375|unix / Process [0-9]* * sent SI|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |          GBUS due to Bus Error|         |             |
|      7001|    4194374|unix / Process [0-9]* * sent SI|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |GBUS due to Memory Error in SIM|         |             |
|          |           |                            M *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194373|unix / * SCSI Bus=[0-9]* ID=[0-|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |9]* LUN=[0-9]*: SCSI cmd=0x[0-9|         |             |
|          |           |  ]* timeout after [0-9]* sec *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194372|unix / Integral SCSI bus * rese|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                              t|         |             |
|      7001|    4194368|unix / * BIST Fails - slot [0-9|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                     ]*, Code *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194367|unix / * BIST Timed Out (3 seco|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |             nds) - slot [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194366|unix / SCSI tape * Uncorrectabl|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  e media error|         |             |
|      7001|    4194365|unix / SCSI tape * Hardware err|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |            or, Non-recoverable|         |             |
|      7001|    4194363|unix / SCSI tape * Unrecoverabl|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  e media error|         |             |
|      7001|    4194361|unix / SCSI tape * requires cle|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                          aning|         |             |
|      7001|    4194360|unix / plp: free context out of|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                          order|         |             |
|      7001|    4194359|unix / plp: memory error occure|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |     d during a DMA transation.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194358|unix / plp: context IRQ out of |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                          order|         |             |
|      7001|    4194357|unix / plp: init failed, out of|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |       memory for ecplp driver.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194356|unix / attempt to disconnect no|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |           n-existant IOC3 at *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194355|unix / out of IOC3 config struc|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                             ts|         |             |
|      7001|    4194353|unix / ALERT: SCSI controller [|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |    0-9]* detected pci error *.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194352|unix / ALERT: SCSI controller [|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |0-9]* detected bus reset by ext|         |             |
|          |           |                  ernal device.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194350|unix / ALERT: SCSI controller [|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |0-9]* detected unexpected bus f|         |             |
|          |           |                           ree.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194349|unix / ALERT: SCSI controller [|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |   0-9]* detected parity error.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194348|unix / ALERT: SCSI controller [|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | 0-9]* detected internal error.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194347|unix / SCSI disconnection must |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |be enabled in order for tag-que|         |             |
|          |           | ueing to work ([0-9]*,[0-9]*).|         |             |
|      7001|    4194346|unix / SCSI command * for ([0-9|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |]*,[0-9]*) rejected because its|         |             |
|          |           |  too large, increase maxdmasz.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194345|unix / SCSI bus reset on contro|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                   ller [0-9]*.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194344|unix / SCSI CDROM at ([0-9]*,[0|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  -9]*) failed.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194343|unix / SCSI hard error on ([0-9|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                    ]*,[0-9]*).|         |             |
|      7001|    4194342|unix / unix: SCSI overflow or u|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  nderflow on *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194341|unix / SCSI command on ([0-9]*,|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |[0-9]*) timed out after [0-9]* |         |             |
|          |           |                          secs.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194340|unix / SCSI controller [0-9]* i|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |          nitialization failed.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194339|unix / XFS: xlog_recover_do_ino|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |        de_trans: bread error *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194338|unix / XFS: xlog_recover_do_buf|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |       fer_trans: bread error *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194337|unix / xfs_log_recover: unknown|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  buffer type *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194336|unix / XFS: error writing log b|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                         lock *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194335|unix / XFS: error reading log b|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                         lock *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194334|unix / reclaim_locks: invalid N|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |             LM version: [0-9]*|         |             |
|      7001|    4194333|unix / Incore quota table overf|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |low. lboot(1M) with larger valu|         |             |
|          |           |                   e for NDQUOT|         |             |
|      7001|    4194332| unix / inode 0: illegal mode 0|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194331|unix / ec[0-9]*: TX memory read|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                          error|         |             |
|      7001|    4194330|unix / ec[0-9]*: RX error, data|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                  FIFO overflow|         |             |
|      7001|    4194329|unix / ec[0-9]*: phy device not|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |            found, probe failed|         |             |
|      7001|    4194328|unix / ec[0-9]*: could not set |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |               interrupt vector|         |             |
|      7001|    4194327|unix / ef[0-9]*: link fail - ch|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |             eck ethernet cable|         |             |
|      7001|    4194326|unix / ec[0-9]*: can't allocate|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | space for transmit descriptors|         |             |
|      7001|    4194325|unix / ec[0-9]*: can't allocate|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |  space for receive descriptors|         |             |
|      7001|    4194324|unix / ec[0-9]*: auto-negotiati|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                       on fail!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194323|unix / ec[0-9]*: auto-negotiati|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                    on timeout!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194322|unix / ec[0-9]*: only 10Mbit on|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |           -chip PHY was found!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194321|unix / ec[0-9]*: late collision|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194320|          unix / *no carrier: *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194315|          rexd / Out of ptys: *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194314|satd / all output paths full --|      Yes|           No|
|          |           | system shutdown in 10 seconds!|         |             |
|      7001|    4194313|satd / Satd recovery failure!  |      Yes|           No|
|          |           |System will probably hang soon.|         |             |
|      7001|    4194310|mount_hfs / HFS filesystem writ|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |       e error, block [0-9]*: *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194309|mount_hfs / HFS filesystem read|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |         error, block [0-9]*: *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194308|mount_hfs / file system corrupt|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |                           ed *|         |             |
|      7001|    4194307|inetd / * server failing (loopi|      Yes|           No|
|          |           |        ng), service terminated|         |             |
|      7001|    4194306|        vacation / can't exec *|      Yes|           No|
|      7001|    4194304|  vacation / no such user uid *|      Yes|           No|