Caros Participantes da XIEAA, Os palestrantes Max Tegmark e Angelica de Oliveira enviaram a bibliografia abaixo que devera' constituir a base de seus: curso e mini-curso, respectivamente. Aqueles que desejarem podem imprimir esse material de antemao. Um abraco e ate domingo em Campos do Jordao, Bete (P/ Comissao Organizadora da XIEAA) 1) astro-ph/0207199 Title: Measuring spacetime: from big bang to black holes Authors: Max Tegmark This is a review article I recently wrote for Science which gives a big picture summary of everything I'll talk about. It's easy to read since it's almost equation-free. 2) astro-ph/9903260 Title: The Standard Cosmological Model and CMB Anisotropies Authors: James G. Bartlett A nice self-contained treatment of basic cosmology and linear perturbation theory. 44 pages. 3) astro-ph/9511148 Title: Doppler peaks and all that: CMB anisotropies and what they can tell us Author: Max Tegmark Complements 2) by giving a slightly less equation-heavy treatment of the CMB. 40 pages.